
Chapter 23


Xu Xiaoai hardly knew Xue Weilun anymore.

Thinking about it, the last time she saw him was at her parents' funeral many years ago. At that time, she took Xu Xiaohui, accompanied by her neighbors, and knelt in the mourning hall to mourn...

Looking up inadvertently, she saw Xue Weilun standing under the shade of a tree not far away, looking towards the mourning hall.

At that time, Xue Weilun was thin and haggard. Xu Xiaoai heard from her younger sister, Xue Qing, that Xue Weilun's business failed...but because Xu Xiaoai's mother, Mi Yun, had a bad relationship with Xue Weilun, and Xue Weilun The relationship between Wei Lun and Xue Qing is also tense, even Xu Xiaoai hates Xue Wei Lun.

So she just looked at Xue Weilun coldly, thinking that if he dared to step into his mother's mourning hall, she would drive him away!

At that time, Xue Weilun just stood under the shade of a tree across the road, looked in the direction of the mourning hall for a while, and then left...

From then on, Xu Xiaoai never heard from Xue Weilun again.

— Even later, when she chatted with Xue Qing, she would deliberately avoid this person. But at this moment, this middle-aged refined, personable and blessed man in front of him is really hard to compare with that down-and-out hapless ghost back then.

Has he developed

Xu Xiaoai lowered her eyes.

After a while, Huang Yu came back excitedly.

Seeing Xu Xiaoai, she seemed to have completely forgotten the unhappiness just now, and said with a smile, "Assistant Xu is here? Shall I make you a cup of coffee?"

Xu Xiaoai asked directly, "He came to invest?"

Huang Yu glanced at the corridor beyond the glass wall.

"...Who? You said the one just now was not an investment, but a loan!" As he spoke, Huang Yu winked and smiled, "It's said that you are frustrated in love and proud in the workplace, which is quite accurate. That person was originally Zheng Nafang's client , who told Zheng Nafang not to be here now? So I reluctantly helped him with the capital verification... "

Xu Xiaoai also trained when he joined Hanguang, knowing that people who come to Hanguang to borrow money need to have collateral, and Hanguang has cooperated with some third-party capital verification agencies for a long time... After the capital verification by these third-party capital verification agencies, they will issue Give the appraisal opinion to Hanguang, and Hanguang will release the loan to the borrower.

So, Xue Weilun came here to borrow money

"... Be careful, there are many liars now." Xu Xiaoai said.

After staying on the 18th floor for a long time, she vaguely knew that although Han Guang's profits were considerable, the annual bad debts... was also an astonishing figure.

Huang Yu giggled, "Don't worry, Madam Boss! This Boss Xue has done several loans in our Hanguang, and his credit is quite good!"

Xu Xiaoai handed over the small coat, turned around and left.

After thinking about it, Xu Xiaoai went up to the eighteenth floor, then took the special elevator to the underground special garage, and drove her Cadillac cautiously to the villa.

It was the first time for her to drive on the road by herself, and she was afraid of misreading the traffic signs, so she stopped almost at every light, and insisted on driving back to the villa slowly like a turtle at a speed of twenty yards per hour.

After getting out of the car, Xu Xiaoai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's getting dark...

She hurried into the hall with the car keys, and heard Mengmeng's crisp and pleasant laughter.

"Mummy is back!" The little girl cheered and rushed towards Xu Xiaoai.

The man accompanying Mengmeng also stood up and looked at them with a smile.

Xu Xiaoai threw the car keys in her hand at the man, and then hugged her daughter in her arms.

The man subconsciously reached out to catch the car keys she threw over.

Xu Xiaoai blushed a little.

"Hey, stop the car for me..." She hugged Mengmeng and said to him.

The man raised his eyebrows.

this woman...

Xu Xiaoai had already turned her head, and while kissing her daughter's immature face, she asked in a low voice, "Is Mengmeng good today?"

Mengmeng nodded hurriedly, "Mengmeng is so good today! The teacher said... children who can eat with chopsticks can get a little red flower, Mengmeng got it! Fangfang doesn't have it, neither does Xiaodouzi, only Xuan Xuan and Mengmeng have…”

The man took her car keys out of the hall.

Her Cadillac was stuck at the garage door in an extremely weird way; and the ground was still clearly marked with tire marks... It seemed that she should have been tossing around here for a long time, but she still couldn't get the car out of the way. Parked smoothly back into the garage.

The man couldn't help but think of her look just now... Even her ears were so red.

He smiled slightly.

Opening the door, he got into the cab, started the car...forward, backward, and the brand new black Cadillac was parked obediently in the garage.

Back in the living room, looking at the laughing mother and daughter who rolled into a ball on the sofa, the man's eyes became more and more gentle. After dinner, Xu Xiaoai went for a walk in the yard as usual, and the man took Mengmeng to play on the swings and slides in the yard...until late at night.

After Mengmeng fell asleep, Xu Xiaoai went back to the room and saw the man half leaning on the loveseat, flipping through a magazine page after page.

She took her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower, and came out wrapped in pajamas again.

There were a variety of skin care products on the dressing table, she randomly took a bottle, squeezed out some cream, and wiped it on her face indiscriminately.

In the mirror, the man looked at her with burning eyes.

Xu Xiaoai bit her lip.

She stood up and walked slowly towards him.

The man's strong tan muscles are half hidden under the black silk pajamas...

Xu Xiaoai stretched out her hands, put her arms around his neck, separated her legs, and sat on his lap.

The man threw away the magazine and hugged her waist in a cooperative manner.

"Well, uh, usually...I'm quite boring at work..." Xu Xiaoai suddenly whispered, "...Can, can... go to the sales department to have a look?"

The man looked at her quietly.

Xu Xiaoai said in a pretentious manner, "...I, I...actually just learn something."

Compared with her duplicity at this time, he actually liked the real embarrassment when she threw the car keys to him when she came home in the afternoon.

However, as long as she behaves well, he is also willing to spoil her.

"You can play however you want..." the man said flatly, "Don't go too far, remember your own identity."


Xu Xiaoai bit her lip.

"What do you call too much?" she asked in a low voice.

The man glanced at her and spat out a few words, "... Just don't kill people."

Xu Xiaoai hugged his neck, hesitated for a moment, leaned close to him, and put her chin on his shoulder...

The man didn't move.

She flushed.

He has always been very proactive, and she has always thought that after she gave him enough hints, he would guide her to complete everything...

In fact, she was also very aware of the changes in his body, but apart from his pair of steel-like hands tightly supporting her lower back, his whole body was as motionless as an old monk in meditation.

Xu Xiaoai's shrewd eyes suddenly turned, and then she bent down on his warm and strong shoulder, and took a bite moderately!

Then, she made a gesture to leave...

As soon as the man's hands were strong, he pulled her back.


He gasped and cursed secretly.