
Chapter 24


Going to work in Hanguang the next day, Xu Xiaoai ran to the thirteenth floor.

"Huang Yu, yesterday... Xue Lunwei came to the loan case, I will follow up the whole process." She said to Huang Yu straight to the point.

Huang Yu was astonished.

What's wrong

Xu Xiaoai wants to follow up Xue Lunwei's case

According to Hanguang's method of operation, the team leader has to supervise orders for more than 50,000 yuan; like Xue Weilun, for loans of more than 40 million yuan, a special team is usually set up to follow up the case.

Wang Xiuyuan and Zheng Nafang got together, which already annoyed Huang Huang Yu was sure, even if Wang Xiuyuan knew that he had robbed Zheng Nafang's client, he would compromise with him because of his own ulterior motives.

But now, Xiaoai said... She wants to follow up the case all the way

Xiao Ai's identity is a bit embarrassing.

According to Hanguang's contract, Xu Xiaoai is actually just an ordinary salesperson. She is a newcomer with unclear responsibilities, so she is not qualified to join the special task force. But Han Guang is like a toy in Jay Chou's hands, now that Xu Xiaoai is someone close to Jay Chou, and he has the confidence to demand such things from himself, it must be Jay Chou's acquiescence.

Although it was said that after Xu Xiaoai joined the special team, he would indeed share part of the commission and bonus, but Huang Yu rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "'s done!"

- In case Wang Xiuyuan is stunned by Zheng Nafang... Xu Xiaoai's joining the special task force indirectly means that he has joined the big tree of Director Zhou, so why would he be afraid of what Wang Xiuyuan would do! Besides, Huang Yu has worked in Hanguang for seven or eight years, and he also believes in his own ability. It is best to finish this vote well, earn a lot of commission, and then dump Wang Xiuyuan in an upright manner. Just go to S city and take up the post, as the boss of the new branch...

"Then, you will be the team leader of the special task force, and I will be the deputy team leader?" Huang Yu asked with a smile.

Xu Xiaoai shook her head, "No, you don't need to join me. If you think I'm inexperienced and it's not easy to join the special task force, then I'll be an observer."

Of course Huang Yu disagreed!

Xu Xiaoai was only allowed to sit in on her when she was out of her mind! If others don't know that Xu Xiaoai has joined the group, who would think that... the backer behind her Huang Yu is Jay Chou!

"It's your first time to follow up this kind of big case. You should come to the meeting every day. You can understand the ins and outs after listening to it a few times. I will hand over the list of the special task force today. The special task force should start tomorrow. It can be established... I will call you when the meeting is held!" Huang Yu said courteously.

Xu Xiaoai thought about it and thought it was good. After all, when I received training in the training department, although the trainer also explained some cases, they were indeed not as big as the current case of Xue Weilun. If I only read the documents, I don’t know how long it will take to digest and understand. Let's join the meeting!

Xu Xiaoai nodded.

Li Rui called and said that Jay Chou was looking for him; Xu Xiaoai rolled her eyes at Huang Yu, who had a smirk on her face, and went back to the eighteenth floor.

As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, Xu Xiaoai saw Jay Chou standing next to the front desk, and Li Rui, who was heavily made up, stood respectfully behind him, holding his briefcase in her hand...

The man directly stretched out his arms and pulled her into his arms, leading her to the special elevator.

Xu Xiaoai glanced back and found that Li Rui hadn't followed.

After entering the elevator, she asked, "Where are you going?"

The man looked down at her, "... there is a dinner."

Xu Xiaoai frowned lightly, "Want to drink again?"

"No, just eat your meal."

When they arrived at the garage, the two got into the car, and Jay Chou took her to the suburbs.

Fuya Villa

That time, she was still here fighting with sister Jin.

The car stopped slowly, and a follower had already come over to open the door for Xu Xiaoai.

She got out of the car and looked around, only to realize that there were at least seven or eight cars in the entourage that followed Jay Chou.

Li Rui held the briefcase and walked over twistingly on high heels.

The man got onto the elevator with his arms around Xu Xiaoai.

As soon as they got out of the elevator, followers came to surround them and lead them to a room.

"Director Zhou, I'm looking forward to you!" A familiar voice sounded.

Xu Xiaoai nestled in the man's arms, staring in astonishment at the... familiar man in front of her.

Lu Zhijun

Lu Zhijun's smile froze strangely.

The man walked forward with his arms around the woman in his arms...

After entering the room, I looked at the posture of the room—on the long oval table there was a projector, a hill of documents, some mineral water, and small plates with snacks. Is this for business? Why did he bring him here to discuss business

Xu Xiaoai slandered a few words.

The man led her all the way to the table before letting go.

He took off his windbreaker...

Thinking that this woman has never been enlightened, the man handed the trench coat he took off to Li Rui behind him.

Xu Xiaoai had already sat down.

However, after she sat down, she realized that something was wrong...

It wasn't until the man sat down and hugged her tightly beside her that everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

A fat middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and beckoned everyone to sit down.

Xu Xiaoai noticed that Lu Zhijun and Jay Chou were divided into opposing camps, but it seemed that there were more people on Jay Chou's side, and an assistant like Li Rui, who was holding a windbreaker and a briefcase, seemed to be even qualified to sit. nothing.

Shouldn't she have sat down just now


"Today... It's rare that Mr. Chou is here, let's, let's... let's get started?" As he spoke, the fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead with the handkerchief in his hand.

Lu Zhijun's eyes were already glued to Xu Xiaoai's body.

Someone turned on the projector, and a young man stood up, holding an infrared spotlight, and began to explain...

They said, it seems to be land acquisition or something.

Xu Xiaoai tilted her head and blinked her eyes, pondering for a long time but still didn't quite understand. I couldn't help thinking, isn't Hanguang in the business of credit and wealth management? Why is it involved in land acquisition? Real estate development

After the young man finished speaking, the fat man called softly, "Lu, Mr. Lu?"

Lu Zhijun woke up like a dream.

He stood up, and it took him a long time to turn his attention away from Xu Xiaoai's body, and began to talk about the project slowly. However, almost every time he said a few words, his eyes would involuntarily stick to Xu Xiaoai's body.

Xu Xiaoai yawned boredly.

Didn't you say there is a dinner? It must be past meal time now, she is really a little hungry, but looking at the behavior of the people around, everyone is sitting upright and dignified... I don't know how long it will take to finish the work.

There were some peanuts, chocolates and so on in the small plate in front of each seat, Xu Xiaoai dragged the small plate in front of her, peeled a piece of chocolate and ate it.

She likes sweets, but she ate a piece of pure dark chocolate... Even though the dark chocolate was indeed silky and fragrant, the bitter taste made her frown.

The man sitting next to her laughed dumbfounded.

To a certain extent, Xu Xiaoai and Mengmeng's looks are extremely similar. Looking at the woman's frowning and flat mouth, she looks like an adult version of Mengmeng.

Lu Zhijun, who was introducing the project, was stunned by the "eyes" between the two...

How could Xiao Ai provoke Zhou Dong? This person... It is said that like a devil, he can be cruel to his own family, father and brother, but because of the protection of the family, he can live a good life.

She must not know the seriousness of this matter!

Lu Zhijun had just made up his mind to save Xu Xiaoai from the dire straits, but he was caught off guard when he saw the man beside her slightly leaning over, flipped over from the plate of snacks, and handed her a piece of candy; Staring at the man's face for a few seconds, he dubiously peeled off the candy and ate it.

The man smiled and looked at her with light eyebrows and slightly relaxed eyes, his eyes were extremely soft.

Neither of them had eyes for others.

Especially Xu Xiaoai's clear and charming eyes, after turning around Jay Chou's face, there is actually a little impatient expression...

Lu Zhijun is very clear that Xiao Ai is calm and rational most of the time, but in fact, her personality is a bit extreme. As long as it is someone she approves, even if that person has bad deeds, she can only see the advantages of the other person; but if the person she does not approve of, even if that person is a good gentleman recognized by the world, she is like dirt in her eyes. She didn't even want to take another look.


At least she was willing to stare at the man and eat the candy he picked out for her. And herself... To her, she was just a piece of shit on the side of the road.

Lu Zhijun smiled wryly.

It was as if someone had slammed a rusty hammer on Lu Zhijun's chest, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe, and it was so stuffy that he seemed to smell a strong sweet smell of rust.

What kind of woman Xiaoai is...he knows best! Who would let go of any man who had been contaminated by her

Lu Zhijun who was speaking suddenly fell into a long silence, and the focus of his attention also made both parties a little uneasy, and the atmosphere at the scene became a little restless.

The man in black sitting next to Xu Xiaoai suddenly cast a sharp look at Lu Zhijun, and Lu Zhijun immediately calmed down as if he had been poured with cold water.

", we are fully make the Riverside Pearl...a project into...a leisure, luxury community..." Lu Zhijun read the manuscript like a robot, and his rapid breathing made him unable to do anything normal sentence.

Xu Xiaoai ate another piece of candy to slightly suppress the hunger in her stomach.

She couldn't help but turned her head and stared at the man beside her dissatisfied - didn't she say there was a meal? What about rice

The man smiles—soon.

She turned her head suddenly to one side.

You must always remember her identity, right? She always remembered... Isn't it just a bed partner, a bed partner doesn't need to be too consonant, right

Seeing her almost childish performance, the man smiled again and interrupted Lu Zhijun, "...approved."

The people on Lu Zhijun's side were stunned.

Jay Chou, he... At the investment hearing, he agreed before even listening to the introduction of the project? Would this be... too hasty

The assistant handed over the pen and documents, Jay Chou signed a few words casually, stood up holding Xu Xiaoai's hand, turned and left.

Lu Zhijun opened his mouth wide, watching Xu Xiaoai leave without looking back...

He stood up involuntarily and followed.

"Mr. Lu, this is the document signed by our Director Zhou," an assistant came over and said to Lu Zhijun politely, "... If you still don't understand any details, you can tell me..."

It wasn't until Xu Xiaoai's figure disappeared that Lu Zhijun came back to his senses.

"Ah! I'm sorry...Excuse me, that lady who was with, with Director Zhou just now..." Although he knew that this question shouldn't be asked, he couldn't help it.

With a formulaic smile, the assistant replied, "I'm sorry, this is Director Zhou's private matter, and it's not convenient for us to ask."

Lu Zhijun's heart sank to the bottom.