
Chapter 25


Empty, hungry, ate sweets...

Xu Xiaoai's stomach began to ache, and she even hiccupped, which couldn't be stopped no matter what.

The man's car speed increased suddenly, and when he entered the urban-rural junction, he parked the car next to the pharmacy on the side of the road. I got out of the car in a hurry, and came back after a while.

He threw a box of medicine into her arms.

Xu Xiaoai looked at the two words "Daxi" on the pill box, opened the package, and took a pill.

Slowly, a cooling sensation rose in her stomach, and the nausea of acid reflux disappeared, and she no longer hiccupped.

She didn't say a word, watching the passing scenery outside the car window.

The man didn't speak either.

During this period of time, Lu Zhijun has been jumping up and down in the S market, although it is also for real estate development, but he did not spend less time looking for Xu Xiaoai.

The man turned his head and glanced at Xu Xiaoai.

If you want to say that this woman really doesn't have the slightest advantage other than this good skin... But he just can't tolerate anyone coveting the meat in his bowl.

So this time, he specially took her to wash Lu Zhijun's eyes, so that Lu Zhijun would die of this kind of heart in the future.

Thinking of this, the man glanced at the woman again.

— Strange to say, this was the first time he had such a strong possessive desire for a woman.

But this woman seems a little too cold? Lu Zhijun is her ex-husband and Mengmeng's father, but she looks... When facing her ex-husband, it's like meeting a stranger... Gujing Wubo

This is also a good thing.

A cold woman is better than a pestering woman.

In the future, when he gets bored, he can deal with the tail of his hand.

The man drove the car into a private club.

Xu Xiaoai got out of the car, but saw small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, and even the waiters who led the way were wearing complicated and beautiful breast-length Confucian skirts... They looked antique.

The waiter led them into a classical pavilion facing the water. As soon as they entered, they saw beautiful green plants planted all around.

The main seat in this room is a kang table. In other words, you have to take off your shoes to sit cross-legged.

Xu Xiaoai took off her high heels and climbed onto the Kang table, stretched her long legs straight, and put her hands behind her back, lazily looking at the blue lake and the lotus flowers dancing and swaying on the lake outside the glass window.

The man looked at her quietly.

Her actions can be said to be a bit indecent...

But she just took advantage of her fair skin and beauty, and a casual and lazy movement revealed a charming, enchanting and charming flavor.

After a long time, the man asked, "...what do you want to eat?"

Xu Xiaoai turned her head and stared at him.

After a while, she said, "Hamburger, Coke."

The man smiled.

childish! Just to get revenge, he said to take her to dinner, but took her to see her ex-husband? So she's going to eat hamburgers in such a quaint place

The man ordered with an ipad.

"Do you know Lu Zhijun?" the man asked straight to the point.

Xu Xiaoai glanced at him, thinking that you already know all about it and still ask

She let out a lazy "hmm".

"Is Mengmeng his child?" the man asked again.

Xu Xiaoai sat up straight alertly, with a dignified expression.

She has seen Lu Zhijun's ability to pester people...

During this year, she had to fulfill the contract and promise, not leave Jay Chou and Han Guang, and had to rely on Jay Chou to completely let Lu Zhijun give up.

As for a year later...

A year later, she should have some savings, and if she leaves here with Mengmeng, the mother and daughter will definitely get better.

So, Xu Xiaoai said seriously, "Mengmeng is my child, I don't want Mengmeng to have anything to do with him."

A strange feeling welled up in the man's heart.

He didn't speak for a long time.

Someone knocked lightly on the door, and it was the waiter who came to serve the food.

Among the various exquisite dishes on the table, Xu Xiaoai saw hamburgers and Coke as expected!

She showed a curious expression.

What would a hamburger made by a Chinese food chef taste like

Open the wrapper, and there is a warm hamburger exuding the delicious aroma of food!

Xu Xiaoai took a bite...

So hot! Delicious!

The fresh and gluten-free black pepper beef is mixed with the savory and savory cheese, with the slightly sour salad dressing and thick milky fragrance, it is delicious! The fine-textured bread enriches the taste and neutralizes the heavy taste of the beef patties. The crispness of the pickles and the slightly sweetness of the raw tomato slices perfectly complement the lingering aroma of the rich cheese...

Holding the hamburger in her hand, she ate several more bites.

Men can't see it.

I didn't expect her to eat it...

Things like hamburgers are foreign garbage!

Didn't she have a stomachache just now? This nourishes the stomach... After all, it depends on diet. Besides, for whom was he ordering a table of ginkgo porridge and jujube erinaceus soup


He yelled loudly.

She looked at him inexplicably, then opened her mouth wide and took another bite of the hamburger.

The man stroked his forehead.

Seeing that he didn't make a move, this woman would probably finish eating that hamburger... The man made a decisive attack and snatched only a small half of the hamburger from her hand.

Xu Xiaoai's eyes widened in surprise.

As soon as the man saw her clear and straightforward eyes, his previous slight anger disappeared immediately.

"It's not a stomachache, huh?" His voice dropped involuntarily.

Xu Xiaoai blinked, "It doesn't hurt now."

The man tossed the hamburger aside and refilled her with a bowl of soup.

"What is this... Hericium erinaceus soup? I don't want it, you can drink it by yourself, Hericium erinaceus stinks to death..." Xu Xiaoai frowned and said with disgust.

Unmoved, the man pushed the bowl full of soup towards her.

Xu Xiaoai decided to ignore the bowl of soup, picked up a piece of steamed fish with chopsticks, stuffed it into her mouth and ate it.

The man couldn't bear it anymore, raised his eyebrows, "May I feed you?"

Xu Xiaoai put down the chopsticks heavily with a "snap".

The two of you stared at me, and I stared at you, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

After a while, the man finally gave in.

"Hericium erinaceus nourishes the stomach..."

"Try it yourself!" Xu Xiaoai interrupted him.

The man suppressed the anger in his heart, scooped up a bowl of soup silently, and drank it all in one gulp.

Looking at his expressionless face...

Xu Xiaoai hesitated for a moment, took a spoonful of soup, and took a shallow sip.

Ok? It seems to taste quite good, much better than the ones she has eaten before

She began to drink the soup spoon by spoon.

The man watched silently as the woman finished drinking a bowl of soup, and then added another bowl of soup on his own.

This woman! ! !

this woman...

He only cares about her stomach if he is full, and he is angry with her! But watching her sip the soup one gulp after another, the anger that surged up in her heart just now disappeared without knowing when.

Xu Xiaoai unconsciously drank three bowls of soup in a row and ate a few mouthfuls of vegetables until she was too full to eat any more, but she still missed the half hamburger and said, "Hey, that hamburger is delicious. The other half, pack it up and bring it back to Mengmeng to eat."

The man glanced at her, then looked at the hamburger that had been eaten by her, and then thrown on the table by him. It looked like a mess of hamburgers...

He suddenly fell into a daze

Even when she eats a hamburger, she still misses her daughter...

After a while, he asked in a low voice, " all mothers love their children more than their own lives?"

Xu Xiaoai was taken aback.

In fact, strictly speaking, she is not qualified to be a mother.

So she thought for a while before answering, "In principle, yes... But I tend to, no matter what the situation and environment, you must first ensure that you are healthy... Only then can you be qualified to take good care of your children. Of course, although I have I tried my best to take care of her, but I still couldn't do what she wanted... "

She smiled wryly.

The man looked at her quietly.

"For example, she has always wanted a father. No matter how many times I explain it to her, she is cute..." Actually Xu Xiaoai wanted to express his apology to Jay Chou, but when they were together, it wasn't The office on the 18th floor of Hanguang is the master bedroom on the second floor of the villa, which is really not a good place to talk about cute things.

"I'm sorry," Xu Xiaoai said in a low voice, "I don't have a high degree of education, and I don't know how to teach children... But Mengmeng, she knows it in her heart, and she will gradually understand..."

The man gave an "um" and stopped her from continuing.

To be honest, he prefers to see her in high spirits, even if she is pretending to be calm, but it is better than the current situation... speaking in such a low voice.

For some reason, he felt a little distressed.

"No, I'll pack the whole thing up and give it to her later," the man said.

Xu Xiaoai opened her mouth, but said nothing.