
Chapter 28


The next day, Xu Xiaoai woke up refreshed.

After taking care of Mengmeng, she took her daughter's hand and went downstairs - the man had already sat at the dining table with a gloomy face. There was a rich breakfast on the table, including Mengmeng's favorite meatballs, and Xu Xiaoai's favorite Eat noodle soup.

"Daddy… "

The little girl only yelled, and quickly discovered what was wrong with the two adults.

Mengmeng looked at the man, then at the woman, and finally chose to lean next to Xu Xiaoai, lowering her head to eat the meatballs dipped in tomato sauce in her bowl.

The man looked at the radiant and contented woman; he also looked at the silent little meatball, gnashing his teeth with hatred—both mother and daughter are heartless!

However, he didn't realize that there were thick dark circles under his eye sockets, and he also looked murderous. How dare the sensitive Mengmeng get close to him like this

After breakfast, Mengmeng was a little scared of Jay Chou, so she held Mommy's hand and dared not let go.

Without looking back, Xu Xiaoai took her daughter's hand out of the hall and walked towards the kindergarten.

The man drove after him.

"Get in the car." He said in a deep voice.

Xu Xiaoai's gaze swept across his face, "Dong Zhou, I always remember my identity."

With that said, she pulled Mengmeng onto the sidewalk and walked towards the kindergarten.

Watching her slowly fade out of sight with the child, the man's face turned livid.

He stopped the car, opened the hood, and smoked a cigarette.

His hands were shaking a little.



very good! As long as she remembers who she is...

The man started the car, turned around and went back to the villa.

— Then he will let her know how a qualified bed partner should behave!

But when he returned to the villa, Aunt Zhao said that Xu Xiaoai hadn't come back!

This time, the man's face turned green.

He asked Aunt Zhao to call the kindergarten to ask, and learned that Mengmeng entered the kindergarten on time... For some reason, he was inexplicably relieved.

It seems that this woman's character is not too despicable.

Since she didn't run away, it's easy to guess what's on her mind—she's his bed partner, so... just showing up every night

The man suppressed the irritable feeling in his heart, and went out with his briefcase again.

Half an hour later, Li Rui sent a message in the assistant group.

"Sister Xiaoai didn't come today, everyone, be careful. Burn more incense if you have something to do, and burn incense if you have nothing to do."

... a bunch of waxy ones in the back.


Xu Xiaoai actually had nowhere to go.

She ran to the mall to turn on the air conditioner, ate noodles dawdly, and returned to the villa after three o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as she entered the hall, a man greeted her.

Xu Xiaoai was taken aback!

The person in front of me... must be Jay Chou's brother, right? They look alike, but have a completely different temperament. Jay Chou is of the cold and expressionless type, but the man in front of him, although his facial features are exactly the same as his, is a sunny and handsome man.

"Hello, I'm Zhou Liang." The man enthusiastically stepped forward to hold Xu Xiaoai's hand, and reported his family background.

The distance between him and Xu Xiaoai was too close, and his familiarity also made Xu Xiaoai a little uncomfortable.

She took a step back, withdrew her hand, and wiped it on her clothes - she bought a cup of milk tea in the mall just now, and her hands were still sticky.

Zhou Liang was a little embarrassed by Xu Xiaoai's actions.

"Miss Xu... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend you... Really, I'm so happy to meet you today." Zhou Liang said somewhat inarticulately.

Xu Xiaoai looked at him inexplicably.

She is Jay Chou's mistress, many people in Hanguang know it, maybe Jay Chou's family members also know it - but what kind of honor is this? Was it worth his brother coming over to congratulate him

"Miss Xu, please come and sit down. I know that I came so suddenly that you were completely unprepared, but please believe that I have absolutely no malicious intentions..." Zhou Liang said sincerely.

Xu Xiaoai followed him to the sofa and sat down.

Zhou Liang was about to say something...

"Aunt Zhao! Pour me a glass of warm water and a hot towel!" Xu Xiaoai suddenly yelled.

Aunt Zhao responded immediately.

Knowing that there were other people in the villa, Xu Xiaoai was relieved.

After a while, Aunt Zhao came over with warm boiled water and hot towels.

Xu Xiaoai carefully wiped the hands that had been stained with milk tea...

Watching her movements, Zhou Liang's eyelids twitched.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

After Xu Xiaoai wiped her hands, she took a sip of warm water from the cup, and suddenly remembered something, holding the cup and asked, " you drink?"

Zhou Liang's face was a little stiff, "No, thank you."

"Aunt Zhao! Please make a cup of black coffee without sugar or milk!" Xu Xiaoai shouted again.

— To be honest, she doesn't know much about the kind of drinks that these upper-class people like to drink. But Jay Chou likes to drink freshly ground black coffee, he can't go wrong if he treats Zhou Liang according to his taste.

Aunt Zhao responded again from a distance.

Zhou Liang's face turned dark again.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Xu Xiaoai was really curious.

It's really strange that Zhou Dong and his family came to find her as a mistress, but they still kept their posture so low!

Zhou Liang took a deep breath, and another deep breath...

He decided not to get acquainted with this woman.

Mistress only!

"Miss Xu, it's like this... Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and my father asked me to invite fourth brother to go back for the festival... But you know, fourth brother...he has some small conflicts with his family, so he hasn't been back for a long time It's the holiday." Zhou Liang said politely.

Xu Xiaoai stared at his mouth opening and closing, his mind was running fast.

Zhou Liang continued, "... My fourth brother has been alone all these years, and we all thought there was something wrong with him! Haha... Of course, this is just a joke."

Zhou Liang shrugged, made a helpless look, and said with a smile, "So, when the family members know that there is a Xieyu flower like Miss Xu beside the fourth brother, everyone is very happy."

Speaking of this, Zhou Liang leaned closer to her, and said in a low tone, "I believe Miss Xu would also like to see fourth brother get close to his family? can persuade my fourth brother to take you back to the old house... To be recognized by family members and elders, doesn't Miss Xu wish for this?"

Xu Xiaoai stared at him closely.

After a while, she finally said word by word, "...I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou. Director Zhou... will not go back to the old house for the Mid-Autumn Festival this year."

Zhou Liang's face froze.

"Because he wants to accompany me and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with my daughter." Xu Xiaoai put on a triumphant look and said, "... You know, your fourth brother loves me very much. I told him to go east. It will definitely not go west."

As she spoke, she winked playfully at Zhou Liang, "Don't believe me? Let's wait and see!"

Damn, he wants her to remember her identity, right? Mistress chant! No matter how complicated his family is, she wished his family could be more complicated, so complicated... He better not have time to deal with her and Mengmeng!

Zhou Liang's smile froze on his face, immobile like a statue.

Aunt Zhao came to deliver black coffee.

Xu Xiaoai greeted him generously, "... drink! This is your fourth brother's favorite black coffee, don't be polite."

Zhou Liang, who was in shock, didn't know what he was thinking, he looked at Xu Xiaoai, and took a sip from the cup in a daze...

Zhou Liang's expression changed!

Xu Xiaoai was also taken aback by his expression, and asked, "...what's wrong?"

"Fourth brother." Zhou Liang stood up quickly, with his hands hanging by his sides, a faint smile had returned to his face, and he called out behind Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai turned her head and glanced at the expressionless man carrying the briefcase.

The man is also holding a pink and lovely beautiful little girl in his hand.

"Mummy!" Mengmeng ran towards Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai hugged Mengmeng with a smile, and smiled at Zhou Liang, and taught her daughter, "There are guests at home, please call uncle."

Mengmeng stared at the uncle who looked like Pabby with her big eyes, and called out delicately, "... Hello, uncle!"

Zhou Liang looked at the pink and tender little dumpling, then at the expressionless fourth brother, swallowed involuntarily, "fourth brother, father asked me to come to you..."

Jay Chou said lightly, "Let him do it himself."

Zhou Liang opened his mouth.

"Fourth brother, the past... has already passed, why do you keep clinging to the past? Father, father is old and doesn't want to see..." Zhou Liang said in a low voice.

Jay Chou smiled and parted his thin lips lightly.


Zhou Liang's face turned pale.

He took a deep breath, took a deep breath...

"Fourth brother is obsessed with obsession, and I, the younger brother, can't do anything about it."

Zhou Liang let out a long sigh, nodded towards Xu Xiaoai, and then patted Mengmeng's head...

However, he stared at Mengmeng's face for a long time. In the end, he involuntarily looked at Jay Chou.

Mengmeng stared at the strange uncle in front of him curiously with her big eyes.

"Want me to invite you?" Jay Chou said coldly.

Zhou Liang sighed again, straightened up, smiled politely at Xu Xiaoai, shook his head and walked away.