
Chapter 30


Xu Xiaoai looked at the summons and frowned lightly.

Of course Mengmeng is not Lu Zhijun's child.

But what impact will this event have? It doesn't matter if it affects her, but Mengmeng is so young, if she knows that she is a child whose father is unknown, what will she think

Xu Xiaoai glanced at Mengmeng, who was sitting on the sofa holding a doll and telling stories, and let out a long sigh.

At night, after taking care of Mengmeng to sleep, Xu Xiaoai returned to the master bedroom, looked at Jay Chou, and said with a serious expression, "Chou Jay... I, can I ask you..."

The man knows what she wants to say.

"Someone is instigating Lu Zhijun behind his back..." He said concisely, "...don't be afraid, you just have to appear in court. Lu Zhijun's advantage is that he is richer than you, and your advantage is that Mengmeng is too young to live without you. However, Lu Zhijun is just a nouveau riche, no matter how rich he is... he is not as good as you."

Xu Xiaoai's expression was complicated.

What does he mean by that... he'll have property in her name

Since Mengmeng was young, the court would have favored her mother; plus the property in her name was more than that in Lu Zhijun's name, so Mengmeng's custody and guardianship rights should be secure for her.

But in this way... She owes him too much.

Another one, Jay Chou's arrangement is correct, but his plan is based on "Mengmeng is her and Lu Zhijun's biological daughter". However, Mengmeng's life experience must not be leaked out!

Xu Xiaoai didn't speak.

Thinking that there is still some time before the trial, she should be able to think of other ways.

Going to bed at night, no matter how Zhou Lin teases, Xu Xiaoai is always a little absent-minded...

The next day, the man went to Hanguang, Mengmeng went to kindergarten, and Xu Xiaoai walked around the courtyard of the villa by himself.

—Lu Zhijun mistook Mengmeng as his child, which she could understand. After all, Mengmeng's age... It's easy for people to misunderstand that she is the child of himself and Lu Zhijun.

But why did Lu Zhijun pester her? It stands to reason that Lu Zhijun is rich, handsome, and single... With such good conditions, there must be a lot of women who want to post them and bear children for him. How did he identify himself

She couldn't help but took out her cell phone, and after calling out Jay Chou's number, she hesitated for a while, and still sent him a text message.

— Can you check Lu Zhijun's personal situation for me

Seconds back.


Xu Xiaoai looked at the word "um" and thought, isn't he the president? Why are you so free, you can call in seconds and text messages back in seconds

She put away her mobile phone and continued to circle the yard.

Before she and Lu Zhijun divorced, Lu Zhijun's mother thought she was poor and looked down on her very much. In addition, she had never had a child, Lu's mother's opinion was even greater...

Xu Xiaoai thought about it.

She couldn't wait any longer, so she drove the Cadillac directly to City A.

Probably because she had something on her mind, she actually overcame the fear of going on the highway alone. It took her more than two hours to reach the distance of a hundred kilometers, and she finally arrived near Lu Zhijun's parents' house before noon...

It was also her luck that before she got out of the car, she saw Father Lu sitting at the door of the hair salon reading a newspaper on the side of the road. Looking around again, she saw Mother Lu sitting in the hair salon and getting her hair permed.

Xu Xiaoai pulled over and got out of the car stepping on her high heels.

She passed Father Lu without looking sideways, pushed the door open and entered.

"What kind of hairstyle does Miss want to have? We blow, perm, and dye here..." The boy with red hair came up to say hello.

Xu Xiaoai stood beside Mother Lu, staring at her coldly.

Mother Lu looked inexplicably at the beautiful girl in black dress and stilettos.

—Why does this girl look so familiar

"Xiao Ai?" Mother Lu looked at her for a while, and finally recognized her.

Xu Xiaoai smiled slightly.

She didn't give Lu's mother more time, but said directly, "Tell your son, if he wants to remarry me... In addition to transferring all the companies under his name to me, I also need five thousand Wan... Then, tell him to publish in the newspaper to dissolve your mother-child relationship with him, and I will consider it. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Xiaoai regretted it.

What if Lu Zhijun really has 50 million

However, she never had the chance to regret it...

Lu's mother immediately jumped up, "What? You are raised by a cousin! You are dreaming... ouch!"

She forgot that there was still a hair perm on her head, and when she jumped up, her head touched the edge of the perm, she screamed and fell back into the chair, screaming.

The barber next to him quickly came up to persuade him, and quickly unplugged the power of the perm machine...

As soon as Mother Lu was liberated, she immediately moved freely, and then she really jumped up.

"You chicken who can't lay eggs! What face do you have to rely on us Zhijun... don't look at your own conditions! Our family is so rich, Zhijun has opened several companies... I don't know how many young, beautiful and Qian's girl wants to marry our Zhijun... Just because you want to remarry our Zhijun? Which one of you will give you back 50 million... Ah bah! Want to break away from Zhijun and me? Let me tell you Xu Xiaoai, as long as I have breath, you should die!"

Xu Xiaoai stared at Mother Lu.

According to Lu's mother, Lu Zhijun is not married yet, and he doesn't even have a regular girlfriend around him, and... From Lu's mother's words, it can be heard that she probably doesn't know Mengmeng's existence.

So, is Lu Zhijun unable to give birth to a child? So he is in a hurry to take Mengmeng away

Xu Xiaoai said coldly, " you think that I have a crush on your family? It is clearly Lu Zhijun who is pestering me. Let me tell you, my daughter has nothing to do with him. Tell your son to give up as soon as possible!"

Mother Lu, who was in a rage, froze for a moment.

"You... what are you talking about, your daughter? You, you gave birth to a daughter? How old is it?" Lu's mother is over sixty years old. When she heard that Xu Xiaoai had a child, her two muddy eyes The eyeballs suddenly burst into a strange brilliance.

Xu Xiaoai gave birth to a daughter? Is it Zhijun's

Xu Xiaoai thought for a while and said, "...that's my daughter, it has nothing to do with your son, I only got it after I divorced him. Aren't there many women who want to marry your son? Let your son give birth to one by himself , why do you like to help others raise their children so much... "

Lu's mother said "ah", interrupted Xu Xiaoai's words, and asked stammeringly, "Then, who is the father of that child?"

"Old Wang next door." Xu Xiaoai said impatiently.

Someone walked into the hair salon.

Mother Lu suddenly opened her mouth wide, staring blankly behind Xu Xiaoai...

Xu Xiaoai turned her head and saw Jay Chou with a gloomy face.

Why is he here

Xu Xiaoaijiao smiled and called out to him, "...Old Wang, are you here?"

The man looked at her flattering smirk and frowned.

Xu Xiaoai acted to the end, "What are you doing out here, is your daughter asleep?"

The man stared at her without saying a word.

Xu Xiaoai looked at the bright sun outside, and said with a chuckle, "...look at me, I'll get lost when I go out to buy milk powder, let's go..."

She twisted her waist, took the man's arm affectionately and walked out.

Mother Lu stood in the barber shop dumbfounded. Through the glass door of the barber shop, she saw luxury cars parked at the door. After Xu Xiaoai followed the man into one of the cars, the whole convoy drove slowly. gone.

Who is this old king? Tsk tsk tsk, what a style, what a great background!

Father Lu, who is deaf, is still sitting upright at the door reading the newspaper, knowing nothing about it...


Xu Xiaoai glanced at the man and asked curiously, "Why are you here... No, how do you know I'm here in City A?"

The man gave her a cold look, and said after a while, "Gps positioning system."

Xu Xiaoai looked at the man and said nothing.

Cadillac is his car, and he installed GPS in the car to know her whereabouts... This is the most normal thing. But the question is, why did he follow her when she returned to city a

He was afraid that she would run away

The man didn't speak either.

But thinking about it... this woman has always been disobedient to discipline, and she has always ignored his words, so she suppressed her anger, lowered her voice and said to her, "Didn't I tell you that Lu Zhijun's case... I will let someone go Follow up? What are you doing here?"

Xu Xiaoai squinted at him.

When did he say that someone would follow up on Lu Zhijun's case against her? At best, he told her not to be afraid...

Xu Xiaoai suddenly fell silent.

—Yeah, she didn't trust him, so she ran directly from City S back to City A to put pressure on Mother Lu. She hopes to convey the pressure to Lu Zhijun through Lu's mother, so that Lu Zhijun can retreat in spite of difficulties. And he didn't trust her either, so as soon as she left City S, he chased after her...


After all, the relationship between him and her... was originally an improper relationship, so how could there be any trust

"Is Mengmeng Lu Zhijun's child?" the man suddenly asked.

Xu Xiaoai, who was deep in thought, was startled by his words, couldn't help but widen her eyes, and looked at him in surprise.

When the man saw her expression, he guessed something.

"Isn't Mengmeng his child?" He raised his eyebrows and asked.

Xu Xiaoai pursed her lips and remained silent for a long time.

Mengmeng is indeed not Lu Zhijun's child. Anyone who is interested can find out from the month without even needing a DNA test...

She is not afraid of Lu Zhijun, but she does not want Mengmeng's life experience to be exposed...

The man's face was already a little ugly.

"Whose child is Mengmeng?" He continued to ask.

Xu Xiaoai remained silent.

The man waited for a while, then suddenly turned the steering wheel and parked the car on the side of the road.

"Xu Xiaoai! Tell me soon... Whose child is Mengmeng?" The veins on the man's forehead were about to pop out.

——Three years ago, the woman in front of me took advantage of his drunkenness and beat him once... Shouldn't, shouldn't...

"I don't know either." Xu Xiaoai said honestly.

The man gasped!

she does not know

How could she not know? Could it be that…

He gritted his teeth and looked at her, and couldn't help cursing, "You, you don't know? are her mother, don't you know? You, have you slept with many men?"

Xu Xiaoai raised her head and looked at him with cold eyes.

As soon as the words were spoken, the man felt a little regretful.

Xiao Ai is a stunner, there is nothing wrong with that.

But when he first got her...she was in a very bad state. She was afraid of men, and even more afraid of sex between the beds. In the first few times they were together, she lay on the bed like a dead body every time, Woody, stiff...

Zhou Lin couldn't help thinking of the personal information about Lu Zhijun that he had read just this morning.

This person Lu Zhijun... has a simple resume, but he has been dealt with by the police station several times in city a-it is not a crime. However, several different callers were all his girlfriends, and they called the police at different times for the same reason... Lu Zhijun used sexual violence against them, referred to as s|m.

Xiao Ai was originally a woman with plump breasts, thin waist, fair skin and beautiful skin. When she was with Lu Zhijun, she was younger than now. She also became Lu Zhijun's legal wife for three years, so it's not hard to imagine what crimes she suffered before.


Three years ago, Xiao Ai went to a nightclub to find a man. In fact, she wanted to really understand men and normal sex

Zhou Lin's heart ached, and he felt a little bored.

It's no wonder that after she raped him that time, she started crying...

Zhou Lin turned to look at Xu Xiaoai.

Her face was pale, she bit her lip and looked out the car window without saying a word.

"I'm sorry." The man whispered.

Xu Xiaoai gritted her teeth, trying not to let tears flow from her eyes, and she was unwilling to respond to the man beside her.

The man started the car and hurried to S city.

Back at the villa on the outskirts of city S, Xu Xiaoai went back to her room and lay on the bed, not wanting to move. The man ordered his assistant to investigate Xu Xiaoai's whereabouts over the past few years...

Not long after, Xu Xiaoai's investigation form was sent to Zhou Lin.

x year:

In March, Xu Xiaoai and Lu Zhijun divorced.

In June, Lu Zhijun gave Xu Xiaoai a sum of money through his lawyer.

In early July, Xu Xiaoai disappeared.

x two years:

In June, Xu Xiaoai brought a baby to settle in City S...

On the registration form of Mengmeng's kindergarten in the community, the date of birth is clearly written, which is March 31st, XX.

The man gasped.

Until now, Xu Xiaoai didn't recognize him. But the first time between him and Xiao Ai was at the beginning of July of the first year of x, and she disappeared after her; Mengmeng was born at the end of March of the second year of x... So, it is possible that Mengmeng is really his child.

Zhou Lin smoked a cigarette.

Think again…

In fact, I have never liked children, especially the delicate little girls.

But for some reason, Mengmeng caught his eye at the first glance. This child is squeamish and squeamish, but she has a very wink and is very sensitive... Whether the adults are happy or not, she is a little child, but she knows it in her heart. When you are happy, she dares to act like a baby to you. If you are unhappy, she will try to make you happy. If you are angry...she will instinctively avoid it, and then watch from afar...

Thinking of Yuxue's cute pink dumpling, a smile appeared on the man's face inexplicably.


What if Mengmeng is his child

There was actually some faint expectation in Zhou Lin's heart.

He tore up the information about Xu Xiaoai in his hand, rushed into the toilet, then turned around and went upstairs to Mengmeng's room, carefully found some hair belonging to Mengmeng on the children's bed, and carefully Put it away and go downstairs.

The man recruited an assistant, pulled out a few strands of his hair, and asked the assistant to send it for DNA testing immediately.

After the assistant left, Zhou Lin paced back and forth in the living room.


What if Mengmeng is not his child

For some reason, he suddenly thought of Xu Xiaoai.

If Mengmeng is not his child...

Zhou Lin took a deep breath.

If not, he would also be willing to raise this child. It is rare to see such a child who suits his eyes and heart.

As for Xu Xiaoai...

Who hasn't passed by? And she never concealed her divorce, and she even resisted his closeness. The reason why she stayed by his side now was purely because he did her a small favor.

The man smokes another cigarette.

He was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled.

Since she was able to give birth to such a cute daughter as Mengmeng, she should... probably have another one, right

Aunt Zhao picked Mengmeng back from the kindergarten.

As soon as the little girl came back, she saw that Dabi was at home, and immediately ran towards the man excitedly with her short legs, "Dadbi! Dabi... Today the teacher gave out prizes. Mengmeng changed the Superman stickers to Daddy Compare!"

As she spoke, the little girl took out a Superman sticker from her schoolbag as if offering a treasure, and carefully pasted it on Zhou Lin's black shirt.

"Daddy, you are now a first-level member of the Galaxy Battleship. You have the ability to transform, but you still need to fight more monsters to gain the ability to transform... We must work together!" The little girl said seriously Said, "Now Mengmeng is a little better than Dad, Mengmeng is a second-level player..."

Zhou Lin looked at the immature and beautiful little girl, the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

this kid...

I didn't think much of it before, but now it seems that the little girl's eyebrows and eyes really look like her.

The man sat on the sofa, smiled and let the little meatballs crawl around on him...