
Chapter 35


Is it better not to know than to know

Xu Xiaoai stared at Zhou Lin coldly.

Zhou Lin looked at her calmly.

After a while, Xu Xiaoai suddenly turned away, avoiding his sight.


If what he said was true, what would be the consequences? Could it be that the truth is really her... Or, could it be that Xue Qing couldn't even imagine it

After hesitating for a long time, Xu Xiaoai chose to remain silent.

——She can face her own life calmly, but she really doesn't want any accidents to happen to the ill-fated Xue Qing. After all, Xue Qing had already gone abroad, and her new life had begun three years ago, there was absolutely no need to uncover her scars that had healed so hard to reveal the bloody wounds inside because of the past.

It doesn't make any sense to do that.

What's more, she has raised Mengmeng for several years, and it is really not easy to bring a little baby who is as weak as a kitten to be alive and kicking like this now; and the relationship between her and Mengmeng is nothing like a real mother and daughter different.

But in the past... She didn't know Mengmeng's real life experience. Now that she knows that Mengmeng and Zhou Lin are related by blood, can she still let Mengmeng call her mother and Zhou Lin's father with peace of mind

Wouldn't this be putting a timed bomb next to the pillows of her and Mengmeng, waiting for others to detonate it at any time

Xu Xiaoai said slowly, "... I must leave with Mengmeng."

"Xiao Ai!" Zhou Lin called out her name in disapproval.

Unmoved, she continued, "There are more than seven billion people on the could it be such a coincidence that you and Mengmeng are blood relatives? What if one day more people know about it? Or, one day, Mengmeng Meng has grown up, does she know?"

Zhou Lin was silent for a moment, then whispered, "I will take care of it."

"How to deal with it? You want to say... Mengmeng is your child, born to me?" Xu Xiaoai asked back.

Zhou Lin didn't speak.

In fact, that's what he intended.

—The paternity test between him and Mengmeng is the best smoke|fog bomb.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xu Xiaoai knew that she had guessed right in eight out of ten.

She closed her eyes.

After a while, she shook her head and said in a low voice, " won't work."

"It's not a secret. Others can find it out if they check it." Her voice sounded a bit illusory, "...Zhou Lin, I, I can't have children."

Zhou Lin was taken aback.

For a long time, he wasn't sure... if there was something wrong with his ears.

"You, what did you say?" Zhou Lin asked in a low voice.

Xu Xiaoai was stunned for a long time, and then said in a low voice, "...before Lu Zhijun married me, he had a girlfriend who he really loved. In order to prevent me from getting pregnant, they... They colluded and said that I was infertile , and arranged for me to go to his girlfriend's cousin for treatment... I have taken a lot of medicine and done countless treatments... At that time, I was too young and too easy to trust people, so... "

She sighed and continued, " I was never on guard against Lu Zhijun, and I never knew that the doctor was his girlfriend's cousin. I didn't know about this until I wanted to be transferred to another hospital for treatment after the divorce. The truth. But later doctors were not sure whether I would be able to have children...but..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly turned her head to look at Zhou Lin, and said with a wry smile, "I have been with you for more than four months... that is, I used contraception in the first month, and then I have never used contraception." …and I didn’t get pregnant either. I think…”

Zhou Lin didn't know how he felt in his heart.

After staying for a long time, he said, "...don't think about it, I, I will ask the doctor to come and see for you..."

After hearing what he said, Xu Xiaoai suddenly laughed.

However, her smile looked a little sad.

"I... I'm just your mistress. You asked a doctor to treat me? Hahaha... let me conceive your child first, and then kill it?" She smiled and shook her head.

Seeing the fact that she said "she is his mistress" calmly and nonchalantly saying "conceive first and then get rid of it", for some reason... Zhou Lin felt a sudden pain in his heart.

But why does he feel heartache and palpitations? Isn't she his mistress

She is, she is.

Zhou Lin felt tightness in his chest again.

It was so stuffy that he... could barely breathe.

He put his hands into the pockets of his trousers, and stood beside her quietly, but his eyes turned into the distance.

Two men and women, one standing and the other sitting, fell silent.

In the distance, Mengmeng squatted on the ground and played with the psychiatrist for a while, then stood up suddenly, waved in the direction of Xu Xiaoai and Zhou Lin, and shouted childishly, "... Daddy? Mommy?"

As soon as she heard Mengmeng calling Zhou Lin to be her daddy, Xu Xiaoai suddenly felt panicked again.

She glanced at him.

He had already opened his long legs and walked towards the little girl.

Seeing the man squatting beside the little girl, Xu Xiaoai patiently played with her...

Xu Xiaoai's eyes lingered on them all the time, and he didn't speak for a long time.


Mengmeng is still a child after all, and Xu Xiaoai and Zhou Lin attach great importance to the mental health of the little girl. Not only the middle-aged female psychiatrist has been living in the villa with Mengmeng, but even Zhou Lin does not care about it. I went to Hanguang, and stayed at home with Mengmeng every day...

Soon, the little girl returned to her usual lively and cuteness, and she couldn't remember the horrible encounter that day at all.

But seeing the relationship between Zhou Lin and Mengmeng getting closer day by day, Xu Xiaoai's mood became more and more entangled day by day—it is of course a good thing that Mengmeng can recover in a short time; Mengmeng left, now let Mengmeng and Zhou Lin get too close... When she leaves in the future, can Mengmeng accept it

Xu Xiaoai wasn't fat in the first place, but after a month of tossing around, she was already in shape.

Zhou Lin saw that Mengmeng had recovered to a seven-seven-eighth degree, and Xu Xiaoai was as thin as a skeleton again, so on a fine day, Zhou Lin took the mother and daughter to the mid-level villa in the forest park last time.

Based on the surprise she brought to Mengmeng at the Banshan Villa last time, this time, the little girl is also looking forward to it.

But this time it was completely different from the last time.

It's just that Zhou Lin drove the mother and daughter by himself, and it was just a threesome.

Arriving at the quiet and beautiful villa, Mengmeng looked east and west, and kept asking while tugging at the corner of the man's clothes, "... Dad? Where's Sister Rabbit? Why isn't there a gift box in the yard? Balloons, what else?" There are balloons... no balloons..."

The little girl pouted, a little disappointed.

Zhou Lin bent down and hugged Mengmeng, and said patiently, "This time, there will only be Mommy and Dad, and Mengmeng together... okay? Dad will take Mengmeng to go fishing, and we will have fish soup when we catch fish. Grill fish, fry small fish to eat... okay? If we don’t catch any fish, we’ll starve!”

As soon as she heard that she was going to be hungry, the little girl's face suddenly became serious, "Dad, let's go fishing quickly, otherwise Mommy will be very hungry and become thinner..."

But Xu Xiaoai didn't want to go.

I don't know if it's because she's been too depressed recently, or because of her health, she's not interested in anything.

However, in the end, she couldn't resist Mengmeng, so she sighed and led Mengmeng to follow Zhou Lin, who was wearing a fisherman's hat, carrying a bag, carrying a tent, and carrying a folding bucket and fishing rod, and walked towards the reservoir. .

At the destination, Zhou Lin set up tents, folding tables, chairs, armchairs, etc., and like a magic trick, he took out simple barbecue grills, simple gas stoves, pots and bowls, etc. from his rucksack...

Xu Xiaoai was dumbfounded.

Obviously the things he carried on his back, and the things he carried in his hands... It doesn’t look big, but he put it away and put it away, it’s piled up all over the floor, and the tables, chairs, tents, pots and pans are still in good condition complete!

Rich people really know how to play.

Zhou Lin took Mengmeng to go fishing by the reservoir.

Xu Xiaoai also looked over.

But she was really not interested, so she went back to the camp.

Seeing the tent he put up and a hammock tied between two trees, it seems to be quite new...

She carefully sat on the hammock, swayed a few times, and felt quite comfortable.

The camping location chosen by Zhou Lin is also better, there is shade next to the trees, sleeping in the hammock gently shaking, there is a cool breeze, and you can smell the fresh smell of plants, and you can hear the melodious birds in your ears call...

Xu Xiaoai fell asleep unconsciously.

She was woken up by the whispering of one big and one small.

"Daddy, the water in the pot is starting to bubble..."

"Mengmeng is so good! Mengmeng is going to help Dad wash the onions, isn't it better? There is water in the bucket, and the green ones with long leaves are green onions... Be careful not to rub your eyes when washing the onions..."

"Daddy, what is this yellow thing? Can it be eaten?"

"It's ginger... don't eat it."

"Daddy! Dabi Dabi... woo woo woo, hot! Hot hot..."

"Mengmeng, didn't I tell you that it's ginger, can't it be eaten raw?" The man's voice showed a little smile in resignation.

Xu Xiaoai opened his eyes.

The hammock was limp, and she had just woken up, her arms and legs were limp, and it took her a long time to get up from the hammock.

The little girl was opening her mouth wide, sniffling in Zhou Lin's arms.

Seeing Xu Xiaoai got up, Mengmeng let go of Zhou Lin, and ran towards her... and threw herself into Mummy's arms. The little girl said coquettishly, "Mummy! Mummy...spicy! Spicy... woooooo..."

Xu Xiaoai had already smelled the strong smell of ginger on her daughter, and couldn't help being both amused and annoyed.

She hugged her daughter and shook her a few times, and Mengmeng, who was soothed, immediately smiled. The matter of eating ginger by mistake was put aside. At this time, she excitedly took Mommy's hand and took her to see Daddy and herself. booty.

"Look, Mommy! These are all caught by Mengmeng and Dadbi together! The three big ones, Dadbi said... we'll bake them later!" The little girl pointed to the fish in the folding bucket and said like a treasure, "... These little ones, Dad said to fry them first, and then cook them in soup..."

The weather was fine and the sun was shining brightly, plus she had a good sleep just now, Xu Xiaoai only felt refreshed.

Both Zhou Lin and Mengmeng have done so many things, so she can't keep dragging her feet, right

She rolled up her sleeves and started to help.

After a hassle, their feast began.

I don't know if it's because excellent people are excellent in everything they do, or Zhou Lin is born to be good at fishing and cooking. I saw him nimbly killing a few fat big fish, marinating them, and then roasting them; the smaller fish were first fried in a frying pan, and then placed on a simple gas stove to make fish soup...

Xu Xiaoai couldn't help but look sideways at him - how does he look like a president? Where do you look like a president? Seeing how he was busy coming and going, he was clearly like... like a house husband, okay

The camp was filled with the aroma of food.

When it was time for dinner, they sat around a small folding table like a real family, and each of them put a delicious grilled whole fish that was roasted to a golden brown color, and a large bowl of fragrant green fish. Creamy rich fish soup with scallions...

Xu Xiaoai ate the grilled fish that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a look of satisfaction on his face; while Zhou Lin carefully picked out the fish bones for Mengmeng.

Eat a mouthful of fat, tender and delicious grilled fish, and then drink a mouthful of fragrant fish soup, it is simply not too much enjoyment!

While holding the fishbone for Mengmeng, Zhou Lin carefully looked at Xu Xiaoai's face. Seeing her squinting her eyes and enjoying the delicious food, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

A plump fish weighs at least two or three catties, remove the head and tail and then remove the bone... Xu Xiaoai was full after barely eating more than half of it. Supported.

Mengmeng was also full under Zhou Lin's service, but the little girl's appetite was shallower, she said she was full after eating a little, and then got off the chair restlessly, following Xu Xiaoai's butt running in and out.

Xu Xiaoai was a little stuffed, so she walked around the tent in circles, seeing a wild flower for a while, and a red leaf for a while... From time to time, she bent down to pick it up, walked down a few times, and she used the wild grass to pick it up. I made a headband and decorated it with some beautiful little flowers.

Mengmeng is happy!

Wearing a garland, the little girl ran to Zhou Lin to present the treasure, "Daddy! Daddy Daddy..."

Mengmeng was so excited that she couldn't speak, she just stomped her feet and called Dadbi.

While eating grilled fish, Zhou Lin admired the beautiful little girl and the woman pacing leisurely not far away. He was in a good mood and his appetite became better. After eating a piece of grilled fish, he still felt not full, so he cleaned up again and ate all the leftover grilled fish that the mother and daughter had eaten.

Xu Xiaoai was also observing Zhou Lin not far away.

Speaking of...

When she saw him for the first time, she thought this man was really gloomy and sick. But after getting along for such a long time, in fact, he is just an ordinary person...even so ordinary that he doesn't look like a rich man.

Aside from the occasional cigarette, he has absolutely no vices—never a night out, doesn't drink much. The bed also cherishes her a lot...

In addition, he loves cooking and cares about children. Although Mengmeng's life experience was exposed, she thought she was on the opposite side of him; but it is undeniable that he treated her and Mengmeng more considerately and meticulously.


Xu Xiaoai looked back.

After all, she is just his mistress, so it's better not to have any undue thoughts. No matter how much he looks like a house husband, he still wears the coat of a president; and she is not only a divorced woman, but also... may not be able to have children.

Xu Xiaoai sighed.

After coming out to play such a round, Mengmeng may be sleepy and sleep a little noisy.

Xu Xiaoai coaxed the little girl to fall asleep just when her cell phone rang...

She hurried to the side and connected the phone.

The call came from Xue Qing from the other side of the ocean, and her voice was anxious and worried.

"Sister, I, I heard... You, you, you are with a man now? He, who is he?"