
Chapter 38


The author has something to say: 2016-7-23 10:20 catching bugs (in fact, you don’t need to re-watch it, if you read it, the following is the modified content, cover your face)

Yuan: "You go back to work, I'm leaving." Xu Xiaoai picked up the calligraphy and left the dessert shop.

Change: "You go back to work, I'm leaving." Xu Xiaoai picked up her bag and left the dessert shop.

Yuan: "You, what are you talking about..." The woman named Miru looked in horror at Xu Xiaoai whose face resembled her dead cousin...

Edit: "You, what are you talking about..." The woman named Miru looked in horror at Xu Xiaoai whose face resembled her dead aunt...

Zhou Lin took Xu Xiaoai and Mengmeng back to their villa on the outskirts of the city, and their lives became more and more peaceful.

The man goes to get off work as usual every day, and the little girl goes to kindergarten on time every day... The difference is that Mengmeng is always accompanied by two nannies and two bodyguards.

And Xu Xiaoai...

I don't know if she really figured it out.

After returning from the villa in the middle of the mountain, every morning, when Zhou Lin went to work and Mengmeng went to school, she drove that Cadillac to the city for a stroll, and she would not come back until Mengmeng was about to leave school in the afternoon.

No one cared about Xu Xiaoai's whereabouts.

Because of her actions, she looked like a perfect... mistress

——When men and children are busy, she goes out shopping for entertainment, and when men and children are not busy, she goes home and stands by.

Seeing that she suddenly liked shopping, Zhou Lin gave her a black bank|bank|card.

Later, Xu Xiaoai kept using that black card to buy milk tea.


On this day, Xu Xiaoai drove that Cadillac out for a stroll again.

After drinking two cups of milk tea in one breath, thinking that she had nothing to do anyway, she simply drove to Hanguang, but didn't go upstairs, so she called Huang Yu to come down.

After a while, Huang Yu stepped down on high heels in a hurry.

The two women sat in the dessert shop, Xu Xiaoai started to drink the third cup of milk tea...

"Hey! You've been...very hydrated lately!" Huang Yu looked at the radiant Xu Xiaoai, and teased her, "The skin is much whiter, and it seems to be plump again? Well, it looks like it's completely out of it a year ago. The image of a housewife!"

Xu Xiaoai lowered her head and looked at the black dress on her body.

In fact, she still hasn't really awakened from the small peasant consciousness...

After all, she is reluctant to spend money on clothes. Anyway, there are a lot of women's clothing hanging in the closet in Zhou Lin's bedroom. There are dozens of black skirts like hers, each of which has a different style and no trademark. , but the fabric is extremely comfortable.

After Xu Xiaoai got used to wearing it, firstly, she liked this kind of material, and secondly, she felt that the dress was convenient to wear.

But it is undeniable that wearing such a skirt on her body, even if she is wearing a chicken coop, it will not look particularly abrupt...

"This skirt is much more foreign than mine." Xu Xiaoai replied honestly.

Huang Yu laughed.

"Is it time for Xue Weilun to repay the loan?" Xu Xiaoai asked bluntly.

When Huang Yu received her call, he already guessed that Xu Xiaoai would definitely ask about Xue Weilun's case. So before going downstairs, Huang Yu deliberately dug out Xue Weilun's loan file and read it again.

"No, it's still a month away." Huang Yu replied.

After a moment of silence, Huang Yu asked cautiously, "...Xiaoai, you, you and Xue Weilun..."

"There is a grudge." Xu Xiaoai said succinctly.

Huang Yu blinked and said, "But... Xue Weilun, he came to the company to look for you later. He came several times, but it's a pity that you have never been here..."

Xue Weilun went to Hanguang to find him

Xu Xiaoai frowned slightly.

So, Xue Qing would know... that she was taken care of by a man from the Zhou family

It's kind of weird.

It stands to reason that Xue Qing hated Xue Weilun to death, so she couldn't have secretly communicated with Xue Weilun... So how did Xue Qing know

Xu Xiaoai suddenly thought of someone.

After thinking for a moment, she said to Huang Yu, "A month later, if Xue Weilun asks you for my contact information... you can give him my mobile phone number, but don't give it too quickly."

Huang Yu blinked again.

it means...

You can give it, but don't give it too happily

In other words, she has an extra chance to be ripped off

Huang Yu agreed with a smile.

Xu Xiaoai also sized Huang Yu up.

Unlike Xu Xiaoai who just changed from thin to plump, Huang Yu really gained weight.

"You and Wang Xiuyuan... broke up?" Xu Xiaoai asked.

Huang Yu smiled, "Haha, your eyes are really poisonous! It's a breakup... Ever since Xue Weilun's case was robbed by me, Zheng Nafang has moved into Wang Xiuyuan's villa, and I just... justified my position as a mistress Honor has retired."

As she spoke, she took out a pack of cigarettes from her bag and pointed at Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai looked at the pack of cigarettes, her throat moved involuntarily, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "... I quit smoking."

Huang Yu was taken aback.

She also looked at the pack of cigarettes...

Gritting her teeth, Huang Yu threw the pack of cigarettes aside and said, "Then I'll quit too!"

Xu Xiaoai laughed.

Huang Yu sighed, and said, "Don't laugh, I didn't say it... Indeed, I feel old when I'm only twenty-five or six years old... Xiaoai, to be honest, don't laugh at me, since I and After Wang Xiuyuan broke up, he ate better and slept soundly at night..."

"You said, shouldn't I have broken up with him? Anyway, I have money now... I live in a beautiful house, I can eat whatever I want, I can drink whatever I want, and I don't need to look at people's faces... I used to be really, It took my brain to think... No matter what others say, I have to guard the white moonlight on my heart... "

Huang Yu smiled wryly, "Fortunately, it's not too late to realize it. I haven't reached thirty yet. If I take good care of it, I should be able to pretend to be a little fairy for a few more years..."

Xu Xiaoai smiled and took a sip of milk tea with a straw.

Looking at the woman who doesn't use Fendai but has a natural style, Huang Yu asked casually, "What about you?"

As soon as he said it, Huang Yu regretted it.

Xu Xiaoai tilted her head and thought carefully for a long time before she said, "Me? Try to turn right?"

Huang Yu laughed.

Become regular? Easier said than done! With Jay Chou's family background, Xiao Ai would feel a little high even if he was his mistress... But isn't today's Xiao Ai the same as yesterday? Confusedly stuck in the quagmire and unable to get out, but then again, if it wasn't for her mind at the beginning, Xiao Ai would not have worked in Hanguang, nor would she have known Jay Chou.

Huang Yu hesitated for a long time, then said in a low voice, "Xiao Ai, I didn't and Jay Chou are really not suitable. If there is a chance, leave him and start a new life as soon as possible."

There was a confused light in Xu Xiaoai's clear eyes.

After a while, she gave a soft "um" and smiled at Huang Yu again.

"You go back to work, I'm leaving." Xu Xiaoai picked up her bag and left the dessert shop.

Huang Yu looked at her back and was stunned for a long time.

Xu Xiaoai drove the car, followed the road in memory, and came to a half-old gray villa.

Pull over, get out of the car, ring the doorbell.

After waiting for a long time, no one came to open the door.

Unmoved, Xu Xiaoai continued to ring the doorbell.

Half an hour later, the door lock was turned, and the door was gently pushed open a crack from the inside.

"what… "

There was a woman's exclamation from the door, and the door leaf was closed.

Xu Xiaoai quickly pushed...

"Mi Yun!" The woman exclaimed again.

Xu Xiaoai had already pushed the door wide open.

She used too much force and even pushed the woman behind the door to the ground.

Xu Xiaoai smiled slightly at the woman, "... Long time no see."

The young pale woman fell to the ground and stared at her in horror. It took her a while to recover, "Ah, you... Xiaoai? Heh, hehe... Long time no see."

Xu Xiaoai closed the door behind her back, and walked towards the living room. After looking around for a while, she sat on the sofa, picked up a scattered magazine, and started to read.

The woman bit her lip, slowly stood up from the ground, and limped towards Xu Xiaoai.

Walking in front of Xu Xiaoai, the woman hesitated again, then turned around and limped away. After a while, she poured two cups of tea and gently placed them on the coffee table in front of Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai closed the page and looked at her with a smile, "... Mom? Recently, you and my dad... are you okay?"

The woman's face suddenly turned blue and red.

"Xiao Ai! You, don't be like this..." The woman seemed embarrassed, almost crying.

Xu Xiaoai smiled again, "You don't like me calling you mom? Then...cousin, how are you and dad doing lately?"

The woman covered her face and cried.

Xu Xiaoai sat quietly, staring at the glass in front of her without saying a word.

The woman whimpered softly.

After a long time, she slowly stopped crying.

"You're only willing to believe what you want from me. Back then... I really didn't intervene, they got divorced!" The woman choked up and said, "...don't even think about it. Years old, what do I know... After all these years, in fact, I have always wanted to leave him, but... "

Xu Xiaoai stood up.

"Mi Ru, tell Xue Weilun...the sins he committed, sooner or will have to pay for it." She stared at the young pale woman, squinted her eyes, and said word by word, "Don't think God doesn't know, Before you know it... people are doing it, and the sky is watching! What's more, there are more than one person who knows about this matter."

"You, what are you talking about..." The woman named Miru looked in horror at Xu Xiaoai, who looked exactly like her dead aunt, and involuntarily backed away from the sofa, trembling all over, "No! It's not me! It's really not... I've said it many times, it has nothing to do with me..."

Xu Xiaoai looked at Miru coldly, suddenly showed a sinister smile, then turned and left.

Miru broke down and burst into tears.

After leaving Xue Weilun's villa, Xu Xiaoai drove to Yanhe Road not far away.

She parked the car and walked aimlessly on the road along the river.

In fact, she doesn't want to have any contact with a scum like Xue Weilun, it's just... She has a faint plan in her heart to get out of the current predicament. His biological father, with this kind of relationship, planted the blame on him, at least on the surface, it was justified.

So today, she just came here to frighten Miru casually, mainly to anger Xue Weilun.

Kamiru's performance...

Why is it so strange

In the past, what happened... Xue Weilun and Miru wanted to hide it deliberately, but Xiaoqing and Xiaohui were kept in the dark and didn't know it at all

Xu Xiaoai frowned tightly.