
Chapter 40


For some reason, the kiss that night made the relationship between Xu Xiaoai and Zhou Lin a little... uncomfortable.

Xu Xiaoai's mood became more and more anxious, and her temper became more and more irritable.

But Zhou Lin treated her with more considerateness and gentleness, more patience and meticulousness every day.

Xu Xiaoai spends more and more time wandering outside, and sometimes drives back specially to pick up Mengmeng who just finished school, and then returns to the urban area. Sometimes she will take Mengmeng to the children's playground in the mall to play, and sometimes she will just take Mengmeng for a stroll...

But every time it's meal time, Zhou Lin will always automatically appear beside the mother and daughter, no matter where they are.

Mengmeng didn't know anything about it, and Xu Xiaoai felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, but she didn't say anything.

——As a mistress, enjoy his beauty and service, and also eat and drink his food, don't worry about many things like this.

So she should eat and drink.

However, sometimes when she is really unhappy, she can't help it, and loses her temper at Zhou Lin regardless of the occasion... But I don't know what Zhou Lin thinks in his heart, not only endured all of them, but also remained calm. to reassure her.

On this day, Xu Xiaoai suddenly received a call from Xue Weilun.

Both expected and reasonable.

Enduring the disgusting feeling in her heart, Xu Xiaoai politely called "Dad" to Xue Weilun on the other end of the phone...

The two met for dinner at a restaurant in the city.

Putting down the phone, Xu Xiaoai lost her mind for a while, rummaged through the box and found a set of unopened cosmetics, and carefully painted them in the mirror.

After all, she is still raw.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, she finally washed off her makeup, applied some skin cream, and then sipped some lipstick casually before going out.

When he came to the restaurant, Xue Weilun had already waited for a long time.

It can be seen that he also cleaned himself up specially, wearing a neat suit, newly cutting his hair, and shaved his beard cleanly...

"Xiao Ai is here, sit down quickly." Xue Weilun rubbed his hands and said affectionately, "...I ordered your favorite freshly squeezed orange juice for you, oops, I haven't seen you for so long, Xiao Ai Yue She's getting prettier."

Her favorite freshly squeezed orange juice

Xu Xiaoai put down her handbag, picked up the freshly squeezed juice and took a sip.

Although she didn't know when she fell in love with freshly squeezed orange juice, but in such hot weather, drinking a glass of sweet, sour, ice-cold juice was indeed refreshing.

Xue Weilun looked at Xu Xiaoai's face, and said after deliberation, "Xiaoai, I saw you in Hanguang last time... Hehe, I was too impulsive. I, I... Actually, I didn't mean anything else, just ... I was just too worried about Xiaoqing! You said, she was only in her early twenties when she disappeared, and she hadn't been out to see the world much, but she disappeared suddenly. Of course I was worried about her... So I was anxious, Just, just..."

Seeing that Xu Xiaoai was drinking the fruit juice seriously, Xue Weilun guessed that she might not like this topic, so he quickly said, "Oh, you child, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are getting more and more beautiful. Your mother... exactly the same!"

Xu Xiaoai drank the whole glass of juice down to the last drop.

"Hey, Xiao Ai! Did I just say... I still remember that you liked to drink freshly squeezed orange juice when you were a child... Waiter! Another glass of freshly squeezed orange juice... Xiaoai, the fish here is really good Not bad, you try?" Xue Weilun said cautiously.

Xu Xiaoai glanced at the grilled fish on the table, but was not interested.

Zhou Lin's cooking skills are much better. The last time I caught freshly grilled fish next to the reservoir of the villa in the middle of the mountain, not to mention the taste, let's just show it off, it is much more eye-catching than the one in front of me.

The waiter brought another glass of juice.

Staying in this air-conditioned room, Xue Weilun was actually sweating from nervousness, so he couldn't help but took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This dead girl, she said so much, why didn't she answer a word

"Xiao Ai... Do you know Xiaoqing's whereabouts? After all these years, where has she been? Oh, I, I'm getting old... maybe someday, I will kick my feet and look at her eyes. I'm closed... You said that I only have one child like Xiaoqing... Oh no, I only have two children like you and Xiaoqing. If she doesn't come back, I will earn tens of millions of fortunes. What's the use?" Xue Weilun played the card of bitter family love.

Xu Xiaoai finally answered.

"Didn't you say a long time ago that you wouldn't leave any money for me and Xiaoqing? Besides, if you die, wouldn't all your family property be given to my cousin? What's the matter with me and Xiaoqing?" She Using a straw to sip the juice in the glass, the juice is mixed with a little bit of orange flesh, which is quite chewy.

Xue Weilun was stunned for a moment.

His face turned into a pig's liver.

"You child! Those words were all grudges before... You said you were always thinking about, you, why didn't you think about the kindness that Xiaoru and I treated you? Before, before... Xiaoru even bought you a schoolbag, you forgot Already?" Xue Weilun whispered.

Xu Xiaoai smiled and said nothing.

She raised her wrist and checked the time on her watch.

—It's almost six o'clock.

Zhou Lin takes breakfast and dinner very seriously. She has tried many times, if she doesn't go back when it's close to six o'clock in the afternoon, then he will definitely take Mengmeng and drive out to find her.

In other words, he doesn't care where to eat, but he does care... the three of them must eat together neatly.


Xu Xiaoai smiled again.

Xue Weilun also took advantage of the opportunity to see Xu Xiaoai's watch.

He was startled, and began to look at Xu Xiaoai's clothes.

The hand-made custom-made black dress, the pendant used for decoration on the skirt is very exquisite, it is not just a simple decoration, it should be real jewelry sewn on it. As well as her high-heeled shoes, handbag, watch, and the pair of inconspicuous earrings on the earlobe... none of them are cheap.

The smile on Xue Weilun's face became more real.

"Xiao Ai, I, I heard from Huang, you and Jay Chou are on good terms now?" Xue Weilun said with a salivating smile.

Xu Xiaoai smiled, "...Look at what you said, how can I be qualified! He is rich, powerful and powerful, what can he like in me? In the end, he is just looking at the sake of the child..."

Xue Weilun was taken aback.

"... child?" he murmured.

He suddenly understood, with ecstasy on his face, he asked incredulously, "... child? Xiao Ai, you, you... You gave birth to a child for Jay Chou? Really? A boy or a girl?"

Xu Xiaoai said generously, "Girl."

Xue Weilun was immediately disappointed...

girl? Oh, it would be great if it were a boy!

Jay Chou is the third heir of the Zhou Consortium, if Xiao Ai gave birth to a boy for him... wouldn't Xiao Ai's son become the fourth heir of the Zhou Consortium? He is Xiao Ai's biological father, Jay Chou will definitely give him some face...

Xue Weilun desperately suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and sincerely blamed Xu Xiaoai, " child! You have too big an idea. Why didn't you tell Dad about such a big matter? Xiaoai, it's not Dad Speaking of you... you are too naive, you can find a lover who will accompany you forever, and have a baby... If you let your father know about such a big matter earlier, it's okay for your father, or... or you can arrange it for you, At least, ahem... at least let's hold a full moon wine in a grand way!"

Xu Xiaoai said nonsense, "...he won't let me do it, what can I do?"

Xue Weilun was taken aback.

That's right, Xiao Ai's child for Jay Chou can only be an illegitimate daughter, so it's reasonable not to let him do it.

Xue Weilun soon became happy again.

——It is rumored that Jay Chou... he does have many eccentricities, but the only thing he doesn't have is a womanizer, and for so many years, he has kept himself clean, never married, and has no women around him. Therefore, Xiao Ai's daughter should be Jay Chou's first child... Since Jay Chou is willing to let Xiao Ai bear a child for him, then Xiao Ai will still have a chance to help Jay Chou give birth to a boy.

"Okay... Xiaoai, look, your mother has passed away, and we don't have many relatives... In the future, we have to walk around more. When you are free, you can also bring your granddaughter to visit me. I, I..." As he said that, Xue Weilun suddenly covered his face with a long sigh, and said, "...I've been thinking about it all these years! It's also my fault. I was too irritable back then to make your mother angry. It also made you... have some misunderstandings about me."

"Actually, I've been caring about you for so many years... When your mother passed away, I visited you and thought about taking you and Xiaohui back to raise you. But at that time, it happened to be the most difficult time for me. Xiaoqing had to go to school, and Xiaoru had to learn oil painting and music... I really couldn't afford it..."

Xue Weilun even rubbed his eyes, as if there were tears.

Someone knocked on the door of the private room.

Xu Xiaoai and Xue Weilun looked sideways at the same time...

The door of the private room was gently pushed open, and a young man wearing a black shirt and black trousers, with a thin figure and a handsome face smiled at the two of them, and said politely, "I'm sorry to bother you... Miss Xiaoai, Jay Chou He and Miss are waiting for you outside."

Zhou Lin's assistant

Xue Weilun opened his mouth wide.

Xu Xiaoai let out a "hmm", hugged the glass, drank the juice in the glass, and then left with her handbag.

Xue Weilun's whole body froze.

In this meeting, Xu Xiaoai never greeted Xue Weilun from the beginning to the end, nor gave him any good looks, but Xue Weilun was still very happy.

it looks like...

Jay Chou dotes on Xiao Ai very much! But it's just a meal time, Zhou Dong can't do without Xu Xiaoai

Xue Weilun's heart was pounding wildly, even if Xu Xiaoai was not close to him, but he was her biological father after all, so he should be able to gain something from Jay Chou with this relationship, right

Xue Weilun was full of expectations.