
Chapter 42


I don't know if it's because recently... Xu Xiaoai's life is so good, so her body has become more and more delicate. Just because she drank two large glasses of frozen juice on an empty stomach that day, Xu Xiaoai had to drink Chinese medicine for three or four days in a row, so her stomach recovered.

In the past few days, Zhou Lin has been treating her very well. Every morning and night, he stared at her to take medicine, and he didn't bother her at night, but when he went to bed at night, he stubbornly insisted on holding her in his arms...

Xu Xiaoai also struggled, but he was unmoved, and she was indeed a little greedy for the warmth his fiery body brought her in the cool autumn night... Later, she also acquiesced.

After recuperating for a few days, Xu Xiaoai's body finally recovered, and she started to drive to downtown shopping malls every day, buy milk tea with a black card, and do nothing all day long.

On this day, Zhou Lin called her and said that she would not come back for dinner tonight...

Xu Xiaoai hurriedly went to the kindergarten to pick up Mengmeng, and then drove straight to Xue Weilun's villa.

Xue Weilun was not there, so Miru came to open the door.

Seeing Xu Xiaoai, Mi Ru's eyelids jumped up violently!

She took a few breaths and tried her best to hide the unnaturalness on her face, but she inadvertently saw the pink and tender girl hiding behind Xu Xiaoai with only one eye exposed, secretly looking at her...

Miru's eyes were fixed instantly.

"Xiao Ai, this child... this child..." Miru suddenly became excited.

"Mengmeng, call me Aunt Biao." Xu Xiaoai said to her daughter.

Mengmeng looked at Miru, hesitated for a while, and said in a childlike voice, "...Biao, Biao, aunt?"

Miru's eye sockets suddenly turned red.

She was a little at a loss, and after a while, she stretched out her hand tentatively towards Mengmeng, but Mengmeng hid behind Xu Xiaoai, continued to show one eye, and carefully observed Miru.

Miru's eyes lingered on Mengmeng all the time.

The little girl felt uncomfortable when she saw her, she tugged at the corner of Xu Xiaoai's clothes, stomped her short legs and said in disbelief, "Mommy? Mommy... Going home, Mengmeng wants daddy and dinner !"

Miru suddenly reacted.

She turned sideways quickly and let Xu Xiaoai's mother and daughter come in.

"Where's my dad?" Xu Xiaoai asked while holding Mengmeng's hand and walking inside.

Miru rubbed his eyes and said, "He... stays away all day, sometimes returns and sometimes doesn't... Can you have dinner here? Let me cook for you?"

She was cautious, and there was a hint of expectation in her voice.

Xu Xiaoai gave a faint "hmm".

Miru froze for a moment, and couldn't believe her ears.

It took a while for her to realize it, and quickly restrained the ecstasy in her heart, went forward, turned out the TV remote control, handed it to Xu Xiaoai, and said incoherently, "Well, then sit down for a while, I... I, I will cook right away!"

Then, she grabbed a handful of snacks from the coffee table and stuffed them into Mengmeng's hands, "Good boy, can you have some snacks first? My aunt will cook for you... What does the baby like to eat?"

Mengmeng first looked at Xu Xiaoai's face, then turned her head and said loudly to Miru, "... Mengmeng wants to eat, tomato scrambled eggs!"

The little girl's voice was milky and sweet.

Miru's bitterness, which was so hard to hold back, almost exploded again.

Her eyes were red, and she choked up and said, "Okay! Okay... Auntie will make you tomato scrambled eggs, Mengmeng, wait a minute!"

Mengmeng's attention was attracted by the colorful candies in her hand, and she ignored Miru.

Miru hurried to the kitchen.

Xu Xiaoai turned on the TV, called up a children's program for Mengmeng to watch, and then called Xue Weilun.

When Miru brought the steaming food to the dining table, Xue Weilun rushed back panting and holding a doll the height of a person...

Seeing Xue Weilun, Miru's high enthusiasm was immediately discouraged, and he asked in disbelief, "Why are you back?"

Xue Weilun ignored her.

He wiped off his sweat, and with a friendly smile, he walked up to Mengmeng with the doll in his arms, bent down to tease Mengmeng, " you like this doll? Call me Grandpa, okay? You call me, I will Here's this doll for you..."

Mengmeng stayed here for more than half an hour, finally getting familiar with the environment, just now regained her vivacity, met Xue Weilun... the little girl hid behind Xu Xiaoai again, revealing a bright eye, constantly watching Xue Weilun.

Then look at the doll that Xue Weilun is holding in his arms... the doll is obviously several sizes bigger than Mengmeng. The little girl was a little scared and hid her round head behind Xu Xiaoai's thigh.

"You didn't know to change your clothes when you came back... You didn't wash your hands even though you knew you were going to eat!"

Mi Ru observed Mengmeng carefully, and seeing that Mengmeng disliked Xue Weilun, she began to drive him away.

Seeing that Mengmeng was not interested in dolls, and Xu Xiaoai was cold and indifferent, Xue Weilun felt that the boss was not interesting, so he put the doll aside, changed clothes and washed his hands.

Only then did Miru bend down, and said to Mengmeng with a smile, "Mengmeng...have a meal, okay? My aunt made tomato scrambled eggs and meatball soup... Is Mengmeng hungry?"

Miru's appearance is three to four points similar to that of her mother Xu Xiaoai, and they are both young and beautiful women. Mengmeng has a crush on her, and quickly nodded her round head and said in a childish voice, "... Balls, meatballs... want ketchup!"

Miru laughed, "Okay, auntie, go get the tomato sauce."

When Xue Weilun changed his clothes, washed his hands, and returned to the dining table, Xu Xiaoai and Mi Ru had already sat beside Mengmeng and started to eat dinner.

Miru has been looking at Mengmeng... The little girl is greedy, stuffing a whole meatball into her mouth and chewing, her small mouth is bulging, and her two almond eyes that resemble Xu Xiaoai are still rolling around like A cute fat squirrel that only steals food.

Seeing that it was almost done, Miru fed the little girl another sip of soup. The little girl poked in the direction of the tomato eggs with her thin and pointed fingers. Miru immediately scooped up a spoonful of tomato eggs and fed the little girl ate.

Xu Xiaoai frowned and said, " eat your own, let her eat by herself."

Miru laughed and said, "I'm not hungry yet... besides, Mengmeng is still young, so I'll feed her first."

Mengmeng finished eating the tomato eggs in her mouth, and opened her mouth wide again. Miru immediately fed a spoonful of soup for the little girl to drink... Seeing such a well-behaved and obedient pretty little girl, she couldn't help but become more amiable when she was so happy with Miru Be gentle.

Seeing Xu Xiaoai's expression, Xue Weilun hesitated to speak.

Xu Xiaoai pretended not to know, and ate seriously.

Of course, Miru's craftsmanship is not as good as Zhou Lin's, or even the chef in Zhou Lin's villa, but it still feels good to eat home-cooked meals.

Xu Xiaoai ate a full bowl of rice and drank two more bowls of soup, feeling a bit full.

Miru was still feeding Mengmeng with a smile.

Xu Xiaoai said unhappily, "Don't feed her, she has a bad stomach, she will vomit if she is too full..."

Mi Ru looked at Xu Xiaoai's expression, and stopped her hand embarrassingly.

She got up and went to the kitchen to cut a plate of apple slices soaked in salt water for Mengmeng to eat by herself.

Xu Xiaoai and Mengmeng sat on the sofa watching TV...

Xue Weilun sat at the dining table and ate his meal, pondering over and over in his heart, and finally made a draft of how to tell Xu Xiaoai about Hanguang's loan. After eating, he rubbed his hands and walked to the sofa. Just as he was about to speak, Xu Xiaoai's cell phone rang.

The call was from Zhou Lin.

After Xu Xiaoai answered the phone, she said to Mi Xue and the others, "... let's go!"

Xue Weilun's smile froze on his face.

Miru said anxiously, "After eating the fruit, I just finished soaking the grapes... Well, I'm afraid there will be pesticide residues on the grape skins, so it's better to soak for a while."

"Next time!" Xu Xiaoai said.

She led Mengmeng towards the door, and Miru and Xue Weilun followed behind the mother and daughter involuntarily.

"Xiao Ai! Xiao Ai... You said you're only here for a while, I, I still have something to tell you!" Xue Weilun said anxiously.

Xu Xiaoai has already opened the door.

Xue Weilun was stunned.

There was a row of black luxury cars parked in front of his villa. Seven or eight assistants in black shirts with delicate faces and gentle faces stood at the front of the car. When they saw Xu Xiaoai and Mengmeng, they quickly stood with their hands down.

The little girl had already seen Zhou Lin, she quickly broke free from Xu Xiaoai's hand, and ran towards the man.

"Dadbi! Dadbi... Mengmeng ate meatballs, tomato eggs... soup soup! And Guoguo..." The little girl rushed to the man and said eagerly.

Zhou Lin smiled and picked up the little girl.

"Let's go." Xu Xiaoai said concisely to Mi Ru and Xue Wei, and left.

The tall and handsome man hugged Mengmeng with one hand, and when he saw Xu Xiaoai approaching, he stretched out his hand to open the car door for her. After Xu Xiaoai got into the car, the man first handed the little girl in his arms to Xu Xiaoai, and then thoughtfully closed the car door for her. Next, he went around to the other side of the car, got into the car, and sat beside Xu Xiaoai's mother and daughter.

Mi Ru and Xue Wei stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

Soon, the convoy of more than a dozen luxury cars left quietly, so low-key that it was unbelievably low-key.


Back at the villa, Zhou Lin cooked a large bowl of fragrant noodles by himself...

Xu Xiaoai and Mengmeng stood by the dining table, watching him carefully and earnestly.

The man stirred with chopsticks for a while, looked at the mother and daughter with the same salivating eyes, and said helplessly, " have already had dinner."

The mother and daughter nodded together.

The man held a chopstick of noodles and was about to put them into his mouth...

The little girl looked at him helplessly while holding the edge of the dining table, and licked her lips with her pink and tender tongue involuntarily. Xu Xiaoai also stared closely at the noodles in his bowl, with clear desire in his eyes.

Men are always defeated.

He pushed the bowl in front of him forward, turned and left.

Mengmeng cheered immediately!

Xu Xiaoai unceremoniously picked up the chopsticks, rolled up the noodles, fed her daughter a bite, and then took another bite...


For some reason, even though they had already had dinner, they still felt that the noodles were so delicious? Mother and daughter, you scramble to eat one bite at a time...

The spacious and empty living room became lively.

The little girl childishly instructed Mommy to eat noodles for herself for a while, and blamed Mommy for eating more than herself...Xu Xiaoai also said that Mengmeng should not eat too much, and scolded Mengmeng for a while. Too much, I shouldn't be talking while eating, so that the noodles I put in my mouth all fell out and scattered on the table...

The man was busy in the kitchen and could only cook another bowl of noodles for himself.

Hearing the lively sounds in the living room, he smiled and shook his head, his heart became warm and soft.