
Chapter 47


Zhou Lin drove Xu Xiaoai to the hospital.

Sitting in the car, Xu Xiaoai was still thinking—would it be strange if the Zhou family knew that she went to the hospital to visit Miru in such a big way? Will she and Miru team up to send Mengmeng away? Will it be exposed

But on second thought...

Ever since Mengmeng left, she has been ill. In the eyes of the Zhou family, they will only think that it is her sad and cute disappearance? Then she went to the hospital to question Miru, should it make sense

No wonder Zhou Lin agreed to let her come and visit Miru so easily!

They arrived at the hospital soon, and Zhou Lin took her directly to Miru's ward.

Mi Ru was sitting on the hospital bed having breakfast, and was surprised to see Xu Xiaoai and Zhou Lin coming.

Xu Xiaoai saw that Miru's left hand was covered with heavy plaster, but his right hand was quite free. Although his movements of eating porridge were slow, it didn't seem to have much effect, so he let go of his heart.

"You... Do you want it?" Xu Xiaoai asked in a low voice.

Miru smiled at her, and replied, "It doesn't matter... The doctor said, I will be discharged from the hospital in a week... In fact, I can be discharged from the hospital a long time ago, and the main reason is that even if I leave the hospital, I have nowhere to go. That's why I thought... it might as well just stay in the hospital."

Xu Xiaoai let out an "ah", feeling a little confused.

Zhou Lin explained, "Han Guang sued Xue Weilun for not repaying his debts. Now all the properties under Xue Weilun's name have been frozen by the court, including his villa."

Xu Xiaoai frowned and said, "Then what will you do in the future?"

Miru laughed.

Xu Xiaoai could see clearly that Miru was indeed smiling, and there was a relaxed look on his brows.

"I really want to thank my aunt... If it wasn't for her objection, Xue Weilun might really marry me... Once I become Xue Weilun's legal wife, the debts he owes now may all be blamed on me on the head."

As he said that, Miru smiled, "But look now... I'm just living with him. He owes money, but it has nothing to do with me... As long as he goes to jail, I will be in two worlds from now on." Yes, I have truly been reborn... "

Xu Xiaoai asked, "Why did my mother stop you from marrying Xue Weilun? I mean... my mother and Xue Weilun didn't have a good relationship, and they divorced early. Xue Weilun...why did he want to marry Xue Weilun?" Listen to my mother?"

Miru sighed, but her eyes couldn't help looking at Zhou Lin.

Zhou Lin didn't even think about avoiding it at all.

Miru bit her lip and said in a low voice, "...they had a fight because of the divorce, and then they fought again... Auntie moved the scissors in a rage. At that time, she was pregnant with Xiaoqing... Xue Weilun didn't dare to fight back , was stabbed by her... a pair of scissors, and it hit there... "


Where is there

... male|root

Miru blushed, glanced at Zhou Lin, lowered her head and said softly, "... Later Xue Weilun was sent to the hospital, the doctor said, said... the doctor said that he couldn't connect, and he couldn't have sex anymore. It is impossible to have any more children. Because of this, my aunt had no choice but to keep Xiaoqing by Xue Weilun's side... "

Xu Xiaoai was dumbfounded.

Miru looked at Xu Xiaoai's face, and continued, "My aunt gave birth to you and Xiaoqing back then, because you already remembered things and were very close to aunt, so Xue Weilun didn't want to choose you, so he chose you. Affectionate."

Xu Xiaoai was unable to speak for a long time.

It turned out that it was because of this... Back then Xu Xiaoai thought it was strange that her mother was also a person with a strong personality, knowing that Xue Qing was being abused by Xue Weilun, but she could only go to Xue's house to make trouble every once in a while, but she never had a strong personality. Taking Xue Qing away was for this reason!

But what does this have to do with whether Mi Ru married Xue Weilun...

Mi Ru has already said to herself, "Auntie's only request for Xiaoqing to stay with Xue Weilun is that he cannot marry me... because I am Xiaoqing's cousin. I think this may be the reason my aunt used to To threaten Xue Weilun... As long as Xue Weilun marries me, she has a reason to take Xiaoqing away..."

Speaking of this, Miru's expression was a bit bitter.

She sighed and continued, "My aunt always thought that Xue Weilun wanted to divorce her... because of me, but when I moved to Xue's house for less than a year, Xue Weilun gave... him He has an abnormal sexual habit, and he may only be obsessed with me for a while, so how can he have deep feelings? So after that, I just stayed by his side all the time... "

Xu Xiaoai silently.

She didn't speak, and Miru had nothing to say, and the atmosphere in the ward became a little dull.

Xu Xiaoai suddenly turned her head and said to Zhou Lin, "I... I want a cup of hot milk."

The man glanced at her.

—How could he not know that this was her stupid way to distract him? She didn't even think about it, if he wanted to know what the two women said in the ward, would it be difficult? But considering her body, Zhou Rin turned around and left.

Only Xu Xiaoai and Mi Ru were left in the ward.

The two women had practiced privately many times in order to send Mengmeng away safely, and they already knew a little bit about each other's every move.

Just now Mi Ru clearly winked at Xu Xiaoai and told her that she had something to say to Xu Xiaoai in private.

So, after Zhou Lin left, Miru hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Xiaoai, actually, I, I... I'm not sure, but, this matter... I think it's better to let you know. "

She looked at Xu Xiaoai, and said slowly, "I suspect...the car accident between your aunt and your father was probably man-made."

Xu Xiaoai's eyes suddenly widened.

"... I remember that during that time, Xue Weilun often took Xiaoqing out... Xiaoqing was only thirteen or fourteen years old at that time, and she was very afraid of him. Whenever she saw him, Xiaoqing would cry. I, I, In fact, I have asked Xiaoqing many times in private, but Xiaoqing refused to say anything... "

Saying that, Miru looked at Xu Xiaoai worriedly.

Xu Xiaoai's heart was tightly grabbed.

Could it be that…

From then on, Xue Qing was forced by Xue Weilun to go out with those rich men...

Xu Xiaoai bit her lip, she didn't dare to think about it anymore!

"Later, I, I thought of a way to secretly tell my aunt about this, but my aunt was very angry and scolded me... Afterwards, I didn't dare to talk nonsense or think nonsense anymore." Miru whispered Said, "...but, since then, the relationship between my aunt and Xue Weilun has become more tense..."

"Once, I heard them quarreling, and my aunt and your father proposed to take Xiaoqing away, but Xue Weilun refused. Then, then my aunt said, yes, how to ruin Xue Weilun... Xue Weilun was very brave, so he drove them away. I, I... At that time, I thought that this was the same as before. After all, they had been arguing for more than ten years about Xiaoqing... There was no result? "

Speaking of this, Miru's face suddenly turned a little purple.

She closed her eyes and panted heavily, and then said in a loud voice, "... But who knows, for several nights, Xue Weilun had nightmares and talked nonsense! He said, he said..."

Seeing Miru's frightened and terrified look, Xu Xiaoai's heart beat wildly.

"... Xue Weilun, what did he say?" Xu Xiaoai asked nervously.

She already faintly felt something was wrong.

Miru bit her lip, and said bluntly, "...he was talking in his sleep, saying that he wanted to kill aunt and your father, only the dead... won't ruin his good deeds..."

Xu Xiaoai fell weakly on the chair.

"But Xiaoai, I... I don't have any evidence. This, this may just be my personal guess. What he did, what he didn't do... I don't know anything! Ever since he became a eunuch, he hated it Fuck me... Said I brought him bad luck... I really, I... I really just heard him talk in his sleep a few times... "

Xu Xiaoai was very upset and didn't know what to do.

Miru told the secret that had been hidden in her heart for many years, but felt relieved.

"Xiao Ai, to tell you the truth... Ever since my aunt passed away, I, I would dream about my aunt every once in a while. She was covered in blood, and sneered at me in the dream. I, I was terrified... Spiritual It's all a bit abnormal. Later, when you found your home, I... I was really frightened by you. You, you and my aunt look so much alike... At that time, I thought it was my aunt who came to ask for my life... But later Think about it, I haven't done anything wrong to my aunt, so why should I be afraid?"

Xu Xiaoai waved at Miru, signaling her to stop talking.

Now her mind is in a mess, her heart is also in a mess, she can't think of anything, she doesn't know anything...

Zhou Lin pushed the door open and entered.

He handed a cup of hot milk to Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai took it in a panic, but the hand holding the cup kept shaking.

Seeing this, Zhou Lin gave Mi Ru a cold look.

Miru bit her lip and lowered her head.

"If you don't feel well, let's go back first... shall we?" He whispered.

Xu Xiaoai was taken aback by his gentle voice!

She shook her hand, and all the hot milk in the cup splashed on her skirt and cuffs, and even splashed all over the floor.

Zhou Lin didn't speak, and took out a men's handkerchief from the jacket pocket, and carefully wiped the milk stains on the windbreaker for her.

Seeing that she was in a daze, Zhou Lin turned his head and glanced at Miru again, then helped Xu Xiaoai up and led her outside...

Miru looked calm.

This secret has been buried in her heart for several years...

Before, she was afraid of Xue Weilun's ruthlessness, so she never dared to speak out. Now that Xue Weilun has offended Zhou Lin, is there any way for him to survive? Only when Xue Weilun is really on the verge of death can Mi Ru survive!