
Chapter 56


"Xiaoai, I... I like you, I, I..." Zhou Linyu said repeatedly.

Xu Xiaoai looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

Are you sick

She looked around.

This is the cemetery, her parents are buried here, even if he is talking nonsense... But in front of her parents who have already buried in the ground, make such a joke with her? Is this appropriate

Or, he wasn't joking at all...

Did he deliberately want to confess his love to her in front of her parents

Xu Xiaoai couldn't help but took a step back.

At that moment, her heart was already turning a thousand times.

No one knows better than her... deep in her heart, her true feelings for Zhou Lin.

——She called her feelings for him indulgence, anyway, he took care of her, anyway, he has good looks, good figure, and good skills... Anyway, he is interested in her, so why doesn't she enjoy his thoughtfulness Care and tender service


What if her benefactor is not him

Xu Xiaoai's face turned pale, and she involuntarily took another step back.


She also had an abnormal feeling for him hidden in her heart, maybe earlier than she knew, maybe earlier than he liked her

So she enjoys his care and support with peace of mind and purposely makes him angry, just like to see his doting and helpless eyes? So she has nothing to fear, because... In fact, she has already felt that his feelings for her are different? That's why she relied on his favor and dared to speak and act...

Really? !

I don't know the depths, but the love is deeply rooted

However, the gap between her and him is really... too far away.

"Xiao Ai, I like you... I know, I misunderstood you in the past, maybe... you also misunderstood me." Zhou Lin panicked for a long time, then calmed down suddenly.

He took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Can you put aside your previous prejudices and let us get along fairly... Don't perfuse me, otherwise in our relationship, I will always be the only one who pays... But you are never willing to respond positively I."

Xu Xiaoai opened her mouth and said bitterly, "You and I... are really inappropriate."

She lowered her head, "I am poor, divorced, have no education, and have a bad temper..."

"That's right, you are poor, divorced, have no education, have a bad temper, are average-looking, and thin... But there are billions of people in the world, and you happen to be the one I like, and it's not easy. "Zhou Lin said.

Xu Xiaoai suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

"Zhou Lin, you and I... really don't live in the same world. The life I yearn for is the happy life of ordinary people. Maybe in the future there will be a man who doesn't dislike me and can't have children, even if he is a little ugly It doesn't matter if you are poor, as long as he treats me well and pampers me, I am willing to be with him. Maybe we will open a small shop, and I will wash clothes and cook for him... Maybe we will adopt a child in the future, that's all Live a normal life..."

As she spoke, Xu Xiaoai's voice choked up.

"But Zhou Lin, you are far from the man I imagined!"

Zhou Lin said in a low voice, "I'm not ugly, and I'm not poor either. I will always treat you well and pamper you... As long as you give me a chance, I, I will wash your clothes and cook for you. You don't have to worry about your body, When you were recuperating at home some time ago, I asked the doctor to do a comprehensive examination for you... You don't have any problems with your body, and you can't conceive a child for the time being, it's just because... we have sex more often, so you The body is so depleted... "

Xu Xiaoai opened her mouth wide.

"I know what you want to's nothing more than that I'm too rich, it a sin to be too rich? My money is also earned back through hard work...I don't want you to deny my hard work in the past. And I think this should be my plus point." Zhou Lin calmed down, and his speech became more organized.

"My wealth, can't it bring you ordinary and real happiness? We have lived together for more than half a year... I think that is the ordinary life I have always yearned for. I work hard during the day and come home at night, accompanied by the woman I like , this is happiness. I like cooking, and it happens that my woman also likes my cooking... and my woman can also bring me the warmth of the family that I like. I am sure that I like this kind of life, and also I hope this kind of life can continue...until the gray head."

Xu Xiaoai was stunned for a long time, and then said, "But, your family, your relatives, your friends, your subordinates... what will they think of me?"

Zhou Lin smiled slightly.

"You did a good job before... The uncles really love me, so after they knew about your existence, they didn't want to bother us for a long time, for fear of making you feel uncomfortable. In other words, as long as You can make me happy, and they can accept you."

She looked up at him.

He continued, "As for the Zhou have always handled it very well. The Zhou family can't handle me, and we don't need to follow their faces at all... But, after all, it was my grandfather, father, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters Ladies and gentlemen, we need to maintain our face a little... As for your friends and subordinates, why should you worry about their opinions?"

Well, so far, Xu Xiaoai doesn't know Zhou Lin's friends. But Huang Yu, Li Rui and others didn't discriminate against her at all, and she could even feel that Li Rui and others were in favor of staying by Zhou Lin's side.

Therefore, Xu Xiaoai inevitably thought of Zhou Liang's chicken belly, Mr. Zhou's snobbery and Zhou's father's hypocrisy...

"I don't care who your Zhou family is, anyway, it's not okay to take advantage of us!" She said angrily, "... How can anyone be like this, let them take advantage of it all, and treat everyone else as fools!"

Zhou Lin smiled and nodded.

Xu Xiaoai was stunned for a moment, and suddenly her face flushed.

how she...

Xu Xiaoai shut up embarrassingly.

Although she exposed her thoughts, every word he said was indeed irrefutable.

Being handsome and rich in money is originally a bonus for choosing a spouse, why did it become a stumbling block for love

After thinking about it, Xu Xiaoai said doubtfully, "Since you also feel that your current life... you, you like it, why change it? Let's continue like this, isn't it good?"

Zhou Lin shook his head.

"You'll leave me," he asserted.

Xu Xiaoai froze.

"... I know you too well. Before... you spent months to numb my emotions, just to send Mengmeng away quietly... What's the use of keeping you under strict supervision? If you don't use marriage and rings I have locked you up, and sooner or later you will leave me." Zhou Lin said helplessly.

Xu Xiaoai lowered her head guiltily.

In fact, she thought so.

"Xiaoai, don't leave me, stay with me, huh?" Zhou Lin whispered in her ear.

Xu Xiaoai was a little flustered.

Say no

But she clearly likes it in her heart.

In this world, except for her parents, no one treats her as well as Zhou Lin. Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew... In fact, she liked him too. Now that I think about it, her shouting and shouting at him before, challenging the limit of his anger in various ways, is it not a mental retardation of a girl in love!

Zhou Lin understood the entanglement on her face.

There seemed to be fireworks blooming in his heart.

Since she is hesitant, it proves... She has him in her heart.

Zhou Lin took out something from his pocket, put it in the palm of his hand, and then knelt down on one knee in front of her, "Xiaoai, please marry me... I will swear a heavy oath in front of your parents. , I will take on the responsibility of loving you, pampering you, and taking care of you until the end of my life... "

Xu Xiaoai looked at him in surprise.

A simple glossy white gold ring lay quietly in a deep purple velvet jewelry box, exuding a lustrous metallic radiance.

Seeing her not moving for a long time, Zhou Lin couldn't hold back anymore.

"... Xiaoai?"

Xu Xiaoai woke up like a dream.

"Well, actually we... can go on like this forever, this, the ring... too, too that, I, I..." Panicked, her mind was muddled, and she gradually became incoherent.

He knelt down on one knee to her, offered her a ring, and married her


But what a hassle to get married! If two people like each other, stay together, if they don't like each other... then separate, isn't it great

Zhou Lin understood the expression on her face.

"Xiaoai, don't refuse me. I want you to marry me, I want you to be my burden, a burden for the rest of my life..."

"Bah!" Xu Xiaoai said angrily, "You are the burden! Your whole family is the burden!"

Zhou Lin smiled.

He took her hand.

She struggled, but he insisted on putting the ring on her slender fingers.

Xu Xiaoai struggled a few times without breaking free. After he put the ring on her, she raised her hand, and he carefully looked at the shiny ring on her finger.

This ring is low-key and unassuming, but... she still likes such a simple style.

"Xiaoai, you agreed to my marriage proposal in front of your parents. If you treat me badly in the future, I will come and tell my father-in-law and mother-in-law..." Zhou Lin turned to Xu Xiaoai again Parents' tombstones chanted.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law, you guys in the spirit of heaven can take good care of Xiaoai for me... Although I am the president, I don't like to watch dramas like 'The president's wolf husband, the beautiful wife runs with the ball', I just want to live my wife and children in a real way." The simple life in the heat of the kang... Work hard during the day, go home after work to cook for my wife, and try my best to make my wife fat and fat... Father-in-law and mother-in-law please bless me to make my wishes come true... "

Xu Xiaoai glared at the man with wide eyes.

This face is so big!

Oh, put a ring on her hand, and then he even yelled at his father-in-law

However, what he said... She also felt a little moved when she heard it. The point is that although he is rich, he still doesn't have any bad habits of rich people. Besides, the meals he cooks are delicious...

Seeing the anger on her face slowly dissipate, and gradually a little expectation and sweetness appeared on her face, the huge stone in the man's heart was finally put down.

— she agreed! From now on, he no longer has to worry about getting up early in the morning or returning home from get off work, and the woman he misses will disappear.

He stood up straight, stretched out his long arms to wrap her in his arms, then lowered his head and pressed a kiss on her smooth forehead.

Xu Xiaoai wiped her forehead in disgust, pouted and said, "Let me say it first... It's fine to get married, but one day when I want to leave, you must agree! In order not to let you suffer too much, we Before you get married, discuss the divorce conditions first, and answer after you think it over, so as not to say that I will run away quietly in the future... Anyway, in this marriage, you love to get married, and you don't like to get married... "


Zhou Lin responded with a full mouth, but looked at her with burning eyes.

It was hard to coax her into agreeing to marry him. Why is the marriage not yet consummated, but the divorce conditions must be negotiated first

"Well, the first premise of divorce is that you smile at other women. The second premise of divorce is that you have an affair with other women. The third premise of divorce is that you cook for other women. The fourth and fourth... That, I haven't figured it out yet, let's talk about it later." At the beginning, Xu Xiaoai spoke confidently, but the more she talked, the lower her voice became...

Why does it seem... the smell of vinegar is quite strong

Zhou Lin couldn't help laughing.

"Okay. It seems that I have to work hard to keep my wife from leaving me..."

Xu Xiaoai rolled his eyes at him and couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Lin stretched out his hand and took hers. First, he bowed towards the tombstone of Xu's parents, and then walked out with Xu Xiaoai.

"Hey, Zhou Lin, I want to eat braised pork..."

"You have acute gastroenteritis now."

"I'll be fine soon."

"I will make it for you when you recover from illness, but you can only eat three yuan at most for a meal."

"How can there be such a stingy president like you! The best..."

"You'll gain weight... Of course, it's okay to exercise after eating braised pork."


"It's shameless to eat soy sauce, or it's shameless to do sports?"

"Bah! You are shameless..."

"Xiao Ai, in fact, like me, you like to eat braised pork and also like to do sports, right?"

"Bah! Shameless, shameless, shameless..."

The two cuddling figures walked away slowly.

===End of text===

The author has something to say: There should be extra episodes, but they will be released from time to time...

In short, there are all kinds of sweet and dead people don’t need money, so stay tuned ^3^

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