
Chapter 6


Xu Xiaoai got up early, took care of the yawning little Mengmeng, and hurriedly sent the little girl to the kindergarten.

Then, she hurriedly took the bus, then transferred to the subway, and went to Hanxing Trust and Wealth Management Company.

Huang Yu was already waiting here.

Xu Xiaoai had come to Hanxing Company before, and she was inexplicably in awe of this luxuriously decorated modern company.

Huang Yu led Xu Xiaoai to go through the entry procedures.

After the entry procedures were completed, she accompanied Xu Xiaoai to get a work card, accompanied her to the logistics department to get a bunch of office supplies, packed them in a storage box, and finally accompanied her to the training department.

"The probationary period is three months. During these three months, you will stay in the training department... The first month is pure training, you just go to work and listen to the lectures. The purpose is to stay in the company to work... The salary during the probationary period is 18000 yuan, lunch is included, and social security is paid... If you have any questions, you can contact me, I am in the business department." Huang Yu said patiently.

Xu Xiaoai sincerely said "thank you" to Huang Yu.

Huang Yu is one of Xu Xiaoai's few friends, and they are classmates in junior high school.

After Xu Xiaoai and Lu Zhijun divorced three years ago, she moved from city a to city c, and she met Huang Yu in a chance encounter!

Huang Yu heard that Xu Xiaoai was divorced and had a difficult life with a child alone. After a few contacts, he simply introduced Xu Xiaoai to the Hanxing company where he worked.

Huang Yu has worked in Hanxing Company for several years and is a senior salesman. Because of her relationship, the people in the training center are very kind to Xu Xiaoai.

It's just that, when the newcomers who entered the company with Xu Xiaoai looked at the goals written on the small blackboard in the training room, everyone talked a lot, and they always felt a little up and down.

After several days of training courses, Xu Xiaoai finally understood.

This is a p2p company!

For example, if someone is short of money, he mortgages his house to a p2p company. After the p2p company sends a third-party authentication agency to verify the capital, it will loan a sum of money to the lender, and agree with the lender on the repayment period and repayment interest ;At the same time, the p2p company sends this news to investors through the network and platform, allowing investors to choose projects to invest in...

After the expiration, the p2p company will return the investor's money together with the interest to the investor, and then settle the loan and interest with the lender. That is to say, the way for Hanxing Company to make money is firstly to rely on the normal way of interest spread and rollover, and secondly to rely on the collateral of bad debts that the lender cannot repay.

The task of Xu Xiaoai and the newcomers is to attract investment.

There is a blackboard in the training room with goals written on it…

Apprentice business - for three consecutive months, the monthly investment is more than 100,000 yuan, and the commission is 2%.

Business - For six consecutive months, the monthly investment is more than 200,000 yuan, and the commission is 3%.

Advanced business—for six consecutive months, the monthly investment is more than 500,000 yuan, and the commission is 4%.

Compared with other anxious newcomers, Xu Xiaoai seemed very indifferent.

She has no relatives or friends in city c, and besides Huang Yu, she only knows a few neighbors... Of course, it is impossible for her to get 100,000 investment every month.

So she should eat and drink...

Anyway, during the three-month trial period, Hanxing Company will provide her with free, delicious and nutritious lunch, and also pay her a monthly salary of 1,800, which already makes Xu Xiaoai feel very good.

At worst, once the probationary period expires, if she is fired, she should find another job.

During work, Huang Yu often came to chat with Xu Xiaoai.

Sometimes Xu Xiaoai would think, isn't Huang Yu busy at work

Slowly, she guessed from the words of other colleagues that Huang Yu might have an improper relationship with the company boss.

Xu Xiaoai was unmoved.

How was she and Huang Yu before, and how is it now.

Gradually, the newcomers who joined the company at the same period as her also gradually alienated her.

Xu Xiaoai started to go to work every day from nine to five, and Mengmeng gradually got used to the life in kindergarten.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

It's the end of the month.

Xu Xiaoai received a salary of 2,100 yuan, smiling from ear to ear.

In addition to the salary of 1800 yuan, she also received 100 yuan for full attendance and 200 yuan for transportation subsidies.

But after returning home, I first paid the rent, utilities, and gas, then bought rice noodle oil paper towels and sanitary napkins, and continued the kindergarten tuition for Mengmeng...

Xu Xiaoai couldn't laugh anymore.

These two thousand one hundred...

Not enough flowers!

Xu Xiaoai went to Aunt Zhang's house next door to get some beading work and came back to do it.

She originally wanted to recommend the investment plan of Hanxing Company to these old neighbors.

But after hesitating again and again, she still couldn't speak.

On the weekend, Xu Xiaohui rushed over from City A to spend the weekend with his sister Mengmeng.

In the evening, the three of them had just finished dinner when Huang Yu called and asked Xu Xiaoai to come out to play.

Xu Xiaoai didn't want to go.

Going out to play means spending money.

But Huang Yu was crying on the phone, and her speech was also vague, as if she had drunk a lot of wine.

Xu Xiaoai hesitated again and again, and finally entrusted Mengmeng to Xu Xiaohui and went out.

The place Huang Yu mentioned was a nightclub.

Xu Xiaoai stood at the entrance of this brightly lit nightclub and hesitated for a while, then walked in.

Going straight to the private room Huang Yu mentioned, Xu Xiaoai pushed the door open.

The lighting in the private room is dim.

Huang Yu is not here.

A strange gaze locked on Xu Xiaoai.

I don't know if it was because the air conditioner in the private room was too powerful, but she actually felt cold all over.

On the sofa, sat a man.

Xu Xiaoai quickly raised her head and looked at the door of the private room, and saw that the word "Shanwei" was indeed engraved on it.

She looked at the man again.

The man had a stern face, staring at her with squinted eyes.

"Well...excuse me, Huang Yu, isn't Huang Yu here?" Xu Xiaoai hesitated for a moment and asked uncomfortably.

The man didn't speak, just stared at her closely.

After a stalemate between the two, Huang Yu and another man came over.


Huang Yu took Xu Xiaoai's hand.

"Xiaoai, come and sit down, let's sing!" Huang Yu said to her.

Xu Xiaoai stood firmly.

She looked at Huang Yu and said in a moderate voice, "Huang Yu, I have to go home and take care of the children..."

Huang Yu was taken aback.

"Then come with me for a while, and I'll go with you later." She whispered to Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai glanced at the man in black sitting on the sofa, and the fat man who walked in with Huang Yu.

She nodded.

Xu Xiaoai looked at the phone.

Nine thirty in the evening.

Huang Yu ordered a few songs for Xu Xiaoai to sing.

Xu Xiaoai shook her head, Huang Yu had no choice but to sing by herself.

The fat man and the man in black sat aside, chatting from time to time.

After a while, the fat man asked Huang Yu to go out and order wine.

Xu Xiaoai wanted to go with her.

The fat man stopped her, and followed Huang Yu out by himself.

Watching the interaction between Huang Yu and the fat man...

Xu Xiaoai wondered if this fat man might be Wang Xiuyuan, the boss of Hanguang.

But she is a soft-spoken person, and she can only stay in the training center at ordinary times, and has no chance to go to Hanguang's business department at all. Speaking of which, Huang Yu is probably the highest-ranking person in Hanguang she has ever met.

But on this occasion, Xu Xiaoai didn't know whether it was Huang Yu's circle of friends or his circle of work.

Since Fatty might be her boss, he didn't let her go with Huang Yu, and Xu Xiaoai didn't object very much either.

In the private room, only Xu Xiaoai and the man in black were left.

The two sat in silence for a while.

The man in black kept looking at her with burning eyes.

Xu Xiaoai feels like sitting on pins and needles.

At this time, she suddenly heard the man whisper, "Spend the night, three thousand?"

Xu Xiaoai's eyes widened.

She turned her head and stared at the man in black.

The man finally saw her face.

In all fairness, this woman is indeed good-looking, and her skin is almost transparent. It was also because her skin was white, delicate and flawless that the man could easily see the tiny red mole on her earlobe.

The man smiled, his eyes became sharper.

"Ten thousand?"

Xu Xiaoai only felt that the blood all over her body was rushing to the top of her head!


She cursed angrily, stood up with a "bass", and walked outside angrily.

As soon as she walked to the door, she met Huang Yu who was talking and laughing with the fat man. Huang Yu was still holding an opened bottle of wine in his hand.

"One hundred thousand."

The man sitting on the sofa said lightly.

Xu Xiaoai couldn't bear it anymore, she took the wine bottle from Huang Yu's hand, and then walked towards the man in black.

She poured the wine in the bottle over the man's head, face and body...

All people fell into a state of petrification.

Huang Yu opened her mouth wide in a daze, and called out in disbelief, "...Xiaoai?"

Xu Xiaoai left without looking back.

Huang Yu was stunned for a long time, then chased him out.


"That woman..."

The man in black thought for a while, and asked Wang Xiuyuan, "Who is that woman from a good family?"

Wang Xiuyuan laughed.

"Women from a good family? Are there still women from a good family now? Fourth young master... you are so funny! Women now... only have those who can get on, and those who can't... Those who can't get on are actually just a matter of money... That good woman just now , is a new employee of the company, if the fourth young master likes it, then play around."

The man in black narrowed his eyes.

"Well, just play."