
Chapter 7


Xu Xiaoai ran out of the nightclub.

Huang Yu chased after her angrily, "Xiao Ai! Xiao Ai... just wait for me!"

Xu Xiaoai didn't seem to hear it.

She walked more and more anxiously, further away, but Huang Yu always followed behind her.

The two walked along the street from the nightclub to the bus stop in People's Square.

Xu Xiaoai turned her head and looked at Huang Yu who was out of breath.

"I'll take the bus here, you can take a taxi back by yourself!" Xu Xiaoai said.

Huang Yu ran with her for a few miles in high heels, and was mostly sober from the wine, her feet were so painful that she simply took off her high heels and stood barefoot on the ground.

"I don't want to go back! I want to be quiet!" Huang Yu said.

"Quiet! Quiet... where are you? Someone misses you!!!"

Huang Yu initiated a drunken madness.

Xu Xiaoai glanced at her and ignored her.

Huang Yu was barefoot, carrying her high heels, and circled around Xu Xiaoai.

"Hey, didn't you listen to what they said?" Huang Yu asked her.

Xu Xiaoai stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance.

It's already half past ten, and I don't know if there is the last bus.

"... They said, I am Wang Xiuyuan's mistress, and because I am Wang Xiuyuan's mistress, I can sit in a high-level business seat... Haha, I do nothing all day long, and I earn tens of thousands of dollars a month..."

As he spoke, Huang Yu looked directly at Xu Xiaoai, and asked softly, "Why don't you ever ask, what is my relationship with Wang Xiuyuan?"

Xu Xiaoai glanced at Huang Yu, and asked honestly, "What's your relationship with Wang Xiuyuan?"

"I am his mistress."

Xu Xiaoai let out an "oh" and looked into the distance again.

If there is no last bus, it will cost nearly a hundred to take a taxi back.

"How about it, do you look at me with admiration?" Huang Yu said triumphantly.

Xu Xiaoai glanced at Huang Yu.

"You choose the path yourself, and no one forces you, as long as you like it."

Huang Yu hesitated.

"Of course I like it! Why don't I like it? I'm in my twenties... I also look average, and there is a rich man who is willing to support me and pamper me. Why should I have trouble with men and money? I just want to be with him Together… "

Huang Yu started to cry as he spoke.

"Woooooo... No one forced me, who dared to force me? It was me, I was the one who insisted on staying by his side... You don't know, I followed him when I was eighteen years old, from when he was not married to when he Getting married... hahaha, watching his wife get pregnant again, and now... his women are flying all over the sky! Hahaha, haha... "

Looking at the seemingly crazy Huang Yu, Xu Xiaoai frowned slightly.

She thought of her own painful and failed marriage.

Huang Yu took her shoes and sang and danced around Xu Xiaoai like a madman.

Xu Xiaoai stood quietly the whole time, not knowing what she was thinking.

Huang Yu circled around Xu Xiaoai, running out of breath, and finally stopped.

"Hey, let me tell you, you and that scum... have been divorced for three years, why didn't you think about finding another one? Because of Mengmeng? But Lu Zhijun's financial conditions are much better than yours... It's just a rush Considering the economic base and educational environment, you should let Mengmeng return to Lu Zhijun's side... With you, you are still young, beautiful, and your skin is still fresh... It is not difficult to find another man. "

"Mengmeng is my child and has nothing to do with Lu Zhijun." Xu Xiaoai said.

Huang Yu looked at her and said, "... But it's really hard to find a home for you with your child."

Xu Xiaoai smiled.

"What are you looking for a man for?"

Huang Yu raised her eyebrows and muttered, "What are you looking for with a man!!! Look... What else can you do with a man! It's nothing more than... He's a quilt when you're cold, and a meal when you're hungry... What do you think? After spending money, he is the □□…”

Xu Xiaoai sneered, "You're right, men think the same way."

Huang Yu was taken aback.

Xu Xiaoai added, "And you are just a piece of clothing in his closet, a bowl of rice on the dining table, he has other choices besides you... and every piece of clothing and every dish is better than you. So ?”

Huang Yu, who was drunk, asked stupidly, ""

"So why are you looking for a man? Specially invite an uncle to come back and treat yourself as his old mother? Waiting for him day and night?" Xu Xiaoai said.

Huang Yu laughed loudly, "It's rare for you to be so sentimental... You divorced Lu Zhijun earlier because he had a third son, right? Then you still take care of Lu Zhijun's child? Don't you just let him and the third son have a good time!"

Xu Xiaoai fell silent.

At this time, the last train slowly entered the station.

Xu Xiaoai took out the change and said to Huang Yu, "Go back quickly, no one will come to pick you up."

Huang Yu stepped on the concrete floor with bare feet, staring at her blankly.

Xu Xiaoai got into the car.

The bus leaves the station slowly.

Huang Yu watched the bus gradually go away.

She burst into tears.


No one will come to pick her up.

Huang Yu followed Wang Xiuyuan when she was a girl, and has been with Wang Xiuyuan until now. She watched Wang Xiuyuan get married and have children... and then watched Wang Xiuyuan sleep with one woman after another.

But after all, she is just one of Wang Xiuyuan's many women.

What is she plotting? !

Huang Yu's cell phone rang.

She ignored it, squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

The phone kept ringing.

Looking at the phone number, Huang Yu sneered and slid down the answer button.

The call was from Wang Xiuyuan.


After listening for a long time, Huang Yu suddenly cursed and dropped the phone.


The next day, Xu Xiaoai went to work as usual.

For the first time in history, Huang Yu did not come to look for her.

Another day passed, and Huang Yu still didn't show up.

Xu Xiaoai was a little worried.

That night, after Xu Xiaoai and Mengmeng had dinner, they called Huang Yu.

Huang Yu quickly picked it up.

But as soon as the call was connected, Xu Xiaoai didn't know what to say.

Huang Yu said with a smile on the other end of the phone, "What? I've worked hard, and you're not used to it yet?"

Xu Xiaoai: ...

Huang Yu laughed like a silver bell, "I'm out of town to discuss some business, and I'll be back in a few days."

Xu Xiaoai felt relieved.

In the following time, Xu Xiaoai, like a blind cat, encountered a dead mouse. When taking over the front desk, two middle-aged people came into the company to inquire, and then... She took two big orders, bringing in investment totaling 20 Tens of thousands.

Before the end of the month, HR came to her to sign a formal contract.

It's impossible to say no to surprises.

As a formal salesman of Hanguang, the contract is signed for one year, and the minimum salary is 5,000. The subsidies for lunch, transportation and full attendance are several times that of interns, not to mention the insurance benefits...

Xu Xiaoai made a small calculation in her heart.

This contract will be signed for one year, that is to say, even if he does not introduce a single investment in the next year, Hanguang will not fire him within one year... Salary plus benefits, one There will be six thousand in a month. On weekends, she would go to do odd jobs and go home at night to string beads or something. By this time next year, she should be able to save 40,000 to 50,000 yuan... Then Xiaohui's graduate school tuition is about the same.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoai signed the contract without hesitation.

In the afternoon, Xu Xiaoai went to the logistics department to get an official employee card, and then went to the business department.

Before Huang Yu came back from a business trip, Xu Xiaoai was assigned to the third business group.

The leader of the third group is Zheng Nafang, a mature and beautiful woman of the royal sister type, and she is very powerful.

As soon as Xu Xiaoai arrived, Zheng Nafang scolded Xu Xiaoai as if she had been beaten to death... She started from Xu Xiaoai's hairstyle, and then talked about clothes, pants and shoes... She scolded Xu Xiaoai from three o'clock to half past five. get off work.

To be honest, Xu Xiaoai was a little shocked at the beginning.

She didn't expect that even clothes and shoes could be related to work—it is said that Hanguang's salesmen use computers and telephones to contact customers, so Xu Xiaoai felt that even though the clothes and pants she was wearing were not famous brands, so what? Sample? Can the customer on the computer phone see it

Thinking about the contract stating that her salary is only 5,000 a month, if it is really like what Zheng Nafang said, she would have to wear famous brands all over her body... No wonder these salesmen are desperately trying to attract investment every day. Earn a commission.

Think about your own conditions again...

Xu Xiaoai decided to continue wearing thirty-nine white shirts.

The next day, when Zheng Nafang saw Xu Xiaoai went to the company wearing a half-worn white shirt, she couldn't help but curse again...

Xu Xiaoai stayed in the business team three for three days, but was caught and scolded by Zheng Nafang for three days.

In the end, the personnel affairs couldn't be ignored, and Xu Xiaoai was called to talk, "... Team Leader Zheng's temper is like this, if you don't want to listen to her wordy, you'd better listen to her. After all, in the company, you still have to pay attention to personal temperament And self-cultivation, if you dress nicely and generously, it will be good for yourself and the company."

"I have no money." Xu Xiaoai said honestly.

Personnel choked.

"How about this! You are temporarily transferred from the third group, and when the leader Huang (Huang Yu) comes back from a business trip, then you can be transferred to the first group... Don't stay in the third group these days, it happens to be our honorary chairman In the past few days, he is inspecting work here, so you can do odd jobs in his office."

Do odd jobs

Very good.

Xu Xiaoai readily agreed.

After thinking about it, she asked again, "Honorary chairman... I don't know a foreign language, is he a foreigner?"

The personnel adjusted his glasses, and said, "Dr. Zhou is the major shareholder of our company, and he is an out-and-out man from the capital... However, he doesn't come to our city C very often, so the company doesn't provide him with a secretary or assistant. You just have to Just keep his office clean and tidy every day... Sometimes he asks you to pour tea or something, and you just do it."

Xu Xiaoai let out a sigh of relief.