
Chapter 8


A day later, Xu Xiaoai went to the eighteenth floor of Hanguang Building.

As soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw a long-legged beauty with a big wavy hair and a miniskirt sitting at the front desk. The beauty, with red lips and flaming fingers, is leisurely flipping through a magazine.

Xu Xiaoai stepped forward, "... hello, Ms. Liu from the personnel department asked me to come up to do odd jobs."

The beauty gave Xu Xiaoai a sideways look, and then laughed out loud.

The personnel department did tell her yesterday that an assistant would be arranged to come up today.

Unexpectedly, this person was quite honest, and he opened his mouth and said that she was here to do odd jobs.

"Go in, walk along the side of the court, when you get to the end, turn left and then turn left, your office is there." The beauty said slowly, parting her cherry lips.


Is it a table tennis court? Why is there a court in the office

But the beauty had already lowered her head and continued to read the magazine, obviously she didn't want to talk to Xu Xiaoai anymore.

Xu Xiaoai had no choice but to look around and saw a glass door diagonally opposite, so she pushed the door open and entered.

After walking along the corridor for a while, the eyes suddenly opened up.

Xu Xiaoai stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of her.

This this…

This really is a stadium!

golf course

She couldn't believe her eyes!

After all, this is an 18-story building high above the sky, so could there be endless green and gentle hillsides, even two quiet coconut trees, and a shallow pool of quiet water

In the middle of the lawn, there are still some golf balls, holes, poles and so on.

Xu Xiaoai looked around and found that there was indeed an entrance and exit in the distance of the stadium.

Carefully she stepped on the edge of the lawn.

The grass is luxuriant, soft and elastic.

Xu Xiaoai stuck out her tongue and walked along the edge of the lawn towards the entrance.

The 18th floor is the top floor of the Hanguang Building. The stadium should be transformed from a roof. Xu Xiaoai noticed that there was a net blocking the ball high in the air, and there seemed to be LED lights tied to the net.

This Jay Chou is really... rich and romantic.

Play golf during the day and turn on the LED lights at night, the sky is full of stars.

Xu Xiaoai walked for half an hour before reaching the entrance.

Turn left along the corridor and turn left again, and the eyes suddenly become clear again.

Here is a European palace style design.

Xu Xiaoai stood here, a little dazed.


Is this an office

But it's just like a hotel lobby!

Xu Xiaoai looked around foolishly and walked in slowly.

She suddenly heard some movement.

A man suddenly came out from the side and walked forward with his back to her.

Xu Xiaoai let out an "ah".

The man froze and looked back at her.

Xu Xiaoai was dumbfounded at first, and then blushed.

that man...

Actually almost bare|naked!

He is extremely tall and strong, with broad shoulders, prominent pectoralis major, and his arms are thicker than Xu Xiaoai's thighs! Moreover, his skin tone is extremely even, healthy wheat-colored skin, and he only wears a pair of black narrow underwear all over his body, and his crotch is still bulging!

At this moment, he still held a plate in his hand, which was full of food.

The man glanced at her and left with his tray.

Xu Xiaoai was so frightened that her heart was pounding.

But she has some doubts.

this man...

Xu Xiaoai bit her lip.

This man is a bit like the man who sang and drank with Huang Yu and Wang Xiuyuan last time.

She turned pale.

But on second thought...

To say that the man fell in love with me... I can't! Isn't there a beautiful woman with a hot figure and flaming red lips sitting at the door? Compared with that beautiful woman, I am like mud on the ground. Even if the man in front of me is the man in black that night, he may not miss me...

"What are you doing standing there?"

Xu Xiaoai was startled.

The man stood at the door and said to her displeasedly.

She noticed that he was already wearing a black silk bathrobe.

However, the thin black bathrobe wrapped around his body can still show his strong figure, broad and tough pectoralis major and... two very abrupt bulges.

Xu Xiaoai wasn't sure if he was that Jay Chou, so she had to bite the bullet and walk over.

"Wash the dishes and put them away. Clean the kitchen and make me a cup of coffee, black coffee." The man explained concisely.

Xu Xiaoai looked at the room behind him.

The marble floor is so smooth that it can cast shadows.

In the spacious and bright room, there is a super large four-poster European-style bed in the middle, with light tulle hanging on it, and the luxurious bed is in a mess, with clothes scattered on the floor.

She didn't dare to look more, picked up the plate on the table, and hurried out.


where is the kitchen

Xu Xiaoai hesitated for a moment, took the empty plate and walked towards the place where the man first appeared just now.

When she got there, she found a corner, walked in and took a look...

It is the kitchen.

Xu Xiaoai breathed a sigh of relief.

The kitchen is also incredible!

She took the empty dishes and walked to the sink, and washed the dishes in two or three strokes.

The man just said that he wants to make a cup of coffee for him

Xu Xiaoai rummaged for a while, but couldn't find the instant coffee, and the kitchen was empty, and couldn't find the coffee machine.

Turning her head, she suddenly saw a man in a silky black bathrobe standing at the kitchen door looking at her.

Xu Xiaoai was taken aback!

"Director Chou..."

"Sorry, I, I can't find coffee, coffee..."

The man looked at her blankly.

He walked up to her step by step, and suddenly stretched out his hand to attack her chest...


Xu Xiaoai was startled.

But his hand narrowly brushed her plump breasts, and opened a cabinet door behind her.

As soon as the cabinet was opened, the small and exquisite coffee machine was immediately displayed in front of Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai just breathed a sigh of relief...

Immediately, she smelled the light aroma of the shower gel on his body, and... a breath mixed with a faint smell of tobacco.

Xu Xiaoai blushed again.

In front of Xu Xiaoai, the man started to operate the coffee machine.

But Xu Xiaoai was always stuck between the coffee machine and the man.

There was always only a few centimeters between the man's strong arms and Xu Xiaoai's plump chest.

Xu Xiaoai tried to get behind the man countless times, but the man's thick body kept blocking her so much that she couldn't move.

Trapped in a small cramped space by a man's body, there is a mature and aggressive strange breath of a man between his mouth and nose...

Xu Xiaoai was very embarrassed.

After the man operated the machine, he stood quietly behind her, waiting.

Xu Xiaoai couldn't help but said, "Dong Zhou..."

"Above your head, in the third cupboard on the left, there are coffee cups. Remember... from the first cup, use one cup a day. After the cups I have used are cleaned and disinfected, they are put in the fourth cupboard. ,Ok?"

The "um" that the man uttered in a nasal voice was deep and magnetic, and seemed to have a different kind of gentleness.

Xu Xiaoai blushed again.


She lowered her head, not daring to look at him again.

He stood beside her motionless.

Xu Xiaoai thought, why didn't he leave? She is at ease when he is gone.

But why doesn't he leave

The more she thought about it, the man really stood by her side and wouldn't leave...

Xu Xiaoai looked up at him in surprise.

The man looked at her quietly.

"I didn't tell you to take the cup, where is the cup?"

Xu Xiaoai was taken aback, then looked up at the cabinet.

She turned around and turned her back to the man, finally feeling that her heart was no longer beating wildly.


When she silently counted to the third cupboard above her head, Xu Xiaoai felt stupid.

She extended her arms...

Not enough

The man chuckled.

A strong and slender arm stretched out from behind her in front of her.

He held his arms up so the silky black bathrobe slipped down and she could see the lumpy muscle texture and tanned skin of his arms...

The man helped her open the cabinet door.

But also because of his posture, Xu Xiaoai understood that he had almost hugged her in his arms.

She clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth.

"The first cup."

The man continued to remind her.

Xu Xiaoai took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her heart.

She tiptoed, leaned forward, and removed the first cup on the shelf in the cupboard.

But when her body regained its balance...

She felt something hot, hard, and sharp-edged on her buttocks.

The thing was still following her movements, sliding across her straight buttocks from top to bottom...

Xu Xiaoai froze.

The man standing behind her didn't move either.

The two were silent for a few seconds in this strange posture...


The man said something suddenly.

Xu Xiaoai woke up like a dream!

She quickly put the cup on the spout of the coffee machine.

There was another unspeakable silence.


The man suddenly cursed in a low voice.

Xu Xiaoai froze.

Why does she feel that this sentence is very familiar...

The man standing behind her stretched out his arm from behind her again, over her plump and round chest, and pressed the switch button next to the coffee machine outlet.

The black coffee slurry trickled into the cup.

The man turns and walks away.

Although Xu Xiaoai was a little embarrassed, she was also relieved by his departure.

It wasn't until this time that she saw clearly that in the third cupboard above, there were dozens of coffee cups in all directions. According to the shape, these cups are quite exquisite and should be of great value.

Xu Xiaoai found a plate, put the coffee cup on the plate, and took it out.

Standing in the empty living room and hesitating for a few seconds, Xu Xiaoai took the coffee and went to the room just now.

The man is naked | Standing in the room with his upper body naked, he is fastening his pants.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoai can already confirm that this man is Director Zhou of Hanguang Company, the person who sang and drank with Huang Yu and Wang Xiuyuan that night...

It was also he who regarded her as a woman who spent three thousand nights.

Xu Xiaoai was in a complicated mood.

She would also like to be like those people with a strong backbone, spilling the coffee in her hand on the face of the scum in front of her, and then saying that I will not do this job, and then walk away in a cool way...

But she was still a little reluctant to part with this five thousand a month job.

The man put on his trousers and started buttoning his shirt again.

"Just put the coffee on the table in the future, and when I leave, clean up the room... All the sheets, quilts, pillows, and pillows I have used must be changed, and the clothes to be washed can be put directly in the dirty basket in the bathroom." …”

As he spoke, the man walked towards her.

Xu Xiaoai looked at him stupidly.

Actually he looks really handsome...

"Didn't I tell you to put the coffee on the table?"

The man raised his eyebrows in displeasure.

Xu Xiaoai woke up like a dream.

She quickly put the coffee on the table, bowed her head and left.

The man looked at her back, holding back his anger.

After gulping down the mellow and thick black liquid in the cup, the man strode out of the room.

Xu Xiaoai, who had nowhere to go, stood helplessly in the hall until his figure disappeared outside the palace...

She finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Xiaoai walked into his room again and went to tidy up the room for him.

She noticed that this room is really huge, and the decoration is very luxurious. The furniture is a typical complicated European style, all in white; but all the fabric decorations in the room... such as bed sheets, quilts, pillows, curtains, etc., even carpets, are all All shades of grey, white or black.

At first glance, this color combination is quite elegant and generous.

But it also gives people a cold feeling.

Xu Xiaoai bent down and picked up the black bathrobe he had taken off the floor.

Something fell out of the bathrobe.

She picked it up curiously...

It was a pair of narrow and small men's underwear. The fabric was quite thin, and a large part was wet, and it gave off a unique smell...

Xu Xiaoai's face turned green!

She just threw it away.

Xu Xiaoai gritted her back molars bitterly, wishing that that man would stand in front of her, she would smear this thing all over his face!

But she was angry and angry, and in the end she still used the black bathrobe to separate her, picked up the underwear, and threw them together in the bathroom...

In contrast, she thought it would be better to go downstairs and listen to Zheng Nafang swearing.