Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 101: Racing (Part 2)


As mentioned earlier, Scathach's first car in this world was the Honda CBR600F2 (now renamed the Kuzenshisho). A month later, Tsuruno gave her a second car, the KAWASAKIZZR1100 (now renamed the Golden Babylon), as a thank you for her guidance.

According to gossip Shinji heard privately, Tsuruno went to Hokkaido a few days before ordering the car, saying that he was inspecting a project, but in fact a certain socialite whom his father had always admired but never succeeded in getting was also in the inspection team.

After returning, my father was in high spirits, as if something had happened, and his initiative in training had also increased. Combined with the analysis of the motorcycle delivery, it should be the training and conditioning of the master that led to this "something happening".

So people are so realistic... ...Okay, that's not the point. The point is that Kuanshi Xiang is the partner who has accompanied the master the longest.

As we all know, the physical fitness of servants is several times or even dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary people. It is not difficult for servants to control motorcycles that are difficult for ordinary people to control. Archer has been driving for less than an hour, and he can drive it well. He can also use his superhuman strength to stop the curve that ordinary people would definitely crash and die.

If Archer, a new driver, can do this, how could Scathach, a veteran driver, not be able to do it

Shinji has gone racing with Scathach many times and knows that Scathach has developed a way of reading and racing on her own.

"The primordial rune unfolds, and the magic power is strengthened!"

As Scathach moaned, magic power spread from her hands to the entire motorcycle.

The blue and white paint was quickly infected by red. From a distance, it looked like a ball of burning fire, or like the special scene when Scathach released her treasure. At this moment, the Honda CBR600F2 was truly a Gáe Bolative.

The moment the car body reinforcement was completed, Shinji's excited voice, which seemed to be about to fly, rang out again.

"Oh, the color of the Death Sho has changed. Is this a mechanism or a secret plan?"

The moment the words fell, the tachometer on the dashboard broke through 6,000 rpm, and the engine sound changed unexpectedly.

The heavy bass sound that was originally like a raging wave gradually rose to a piercing high pitch, becoming more violent and more brutal, tearing through the night sky and resounding throughout the sky. The violent acceleration that was completely different from before turned the car body and Scathach into bullets, making the surrounding night scene fly away like a meteor behind.

"It's speeding up, speeding up, the Death-piercing Fly is speeding up. Well, it has surpassed the Shenwei Wheel and successfully taken the lead. It has lived up to the reputation of the Death-piercing Fly. Come on, Death-piercing Fly!"

"Why do we have to speed up at this time? There are a series of bends ahead." Rider looked at the red phantom speeding past him and scratched his cheek in confusion.

Then, Rider saw what Scathach called "real technology."

The Death Flying Car actually left the ground and passed the curve smoothly, sticking to the guardrail at the edge of the national highway in an almost parallel posture, without releasing the accelerator from beginning to end.

"... ... There is also this trick." Rider raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What are you surprised about, bastard?" The Golden Babylon caught up at some point and drove side by side with the Godly Wheel. "This is a battle between servants, so it's not surprising to see anything happen. If you're surprised by even such a small thing, you've already lost the game - fly, Golden Babylon!"

When he said this, Archer had already arrived at the entrance of the curve. This time he did not slow down, but lifted the handlebars and the whole car rushed directly out of the national highway.

A colorful band of light appeared under the Golden Babylon, carrying the golden locomotive straight forward.

"What? The Golden Babylon is actually running on a rainbow. This breaks the rules of motorcycle racing."

Shinji's explanation was timely, but Archer was dissatisfied with the content of his explanation.

"Convention? What is that? I am the rule. I am the only one who rules! Stretch out, Bifrost!"

Bifrost, the rainbow bridge at the entrance to heaven in Norse mythology, is also in Archer's treasury, and he uses it as an aerial racetrack.

The Rainbow Bridge extends from the continuous curves to the finish line. Relying on the shortest shortcut between two points, the Golden Babylon successfully rose from third to first and achieved a reversal.

But his actions also unlocked the restraints of the other two, and the competition became fierce.

"Hold on tight, kid, don't fall!"

Rider showed his signature brave smile and called out the Noble Phantasm's true name loudly.

"ViaExpugnatio! (Distant ravage domination)"

The next second, the two bulls raised their four hooves and flew into the air, pulling the chariot into the air. He wanted to unleash the full power of the chariot.

The trampling of cows' hooves caused lightning to fall, and the turning of wheels caused thunder to roar. The lightning no longer gathered around the chariots. They tore through the atmosphere and whistled towards the two locomotives, one red and one gold.

Archer was not to be outdone. Layers of ripples of golden light spread out behind him, and hundreds of treasures were launched into the air one after another.

Scathach, who couldn't free her hands and didn't carry any automatic projectile treasures, couldn't fight back, but she didn't fall behind. After Rune was strengthened, she used her second Bug skill "Wisdom of the Demon Realm".

"Get the skill, ride, rank A!"

Riding is the skill of controlling various mounts skillfully. Level A riding, except for fantasy species such as Warcraft and Holy Beast, can perfectly control any mount, including ancient two-horse chariots and modern land transportation.

With this skill, the Death Spurt becomes a part of Scathach's body, and she can control the motorcycle as she wishes.

Scathach successfully dodged both Rider's lightning and Archer's Noble Phantasm.

In this way, the three servants chased each other and rushed across the national highway for dozens of kilometers.


"The exciting moment is approaching. The finish line is in sight, less than a thousand meters away from the Einzbern Forest."

"The Golden Babylon and the Death Flying Piercing are almost running side by side. The gap is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. The last 1,000 meters will determine the outcome!"

"I am very happy. Assassin, Rider, although you are both very good, victory will definitely belong to me."

"It's too early to say that, Archer!"

"No one knows who wins or loses until the end!"

"Go, Golden Babylon!"

"Can't lose, God Wheel!"

"Roar, through the Death Shooter!"

The sound of tires rubbing against the ground, the sound of the engine exceeding its limit, the sound of the sacred bull stomping on the earth, and the roars of the three servants interweave into a unique sonata.

The competition came to an end amidst this exciting music played together.

At the moment before reaching the finish line, Shinji jumped out of the car on his own initiative and used the magic he had prepared long ago to give the Death Shodown a boost, and this boost became the last chip to determine the outcome.

"The winner is Assassin!" Shinji shouted.

"No, it's the Assassin team."

Scathach took off her helmet and gave her Master a beautiful smile.

She was able to win because of her and Shinji's concerted efforts.

PS: Rider's chariot actually doesn't need to be released with its real name. He was simply excited by the sparks, and then he shouted as powerfully as he could. In fact, he was suffering from a chuunibyou syndrome.