Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 104: Scathach's Way of Kings


Gilles de Rais went mad after the death of Joan of Arc, his saintly love to whom he had devoted all his affection.

He cursed God, he studied black magic, he became "Blue Beard," and he sacrificed children all in an effort to resurrect and save the saint.

This madness did not change until he ascended to Valhalla after his death and became a heroic spirit. Now, the "Saint" he was obsessed with has been resurrected. Although his eyes and heart are still blinded by the "God", he will not give up and he will definitely save his Saint.

Even though he was obstructed by "God's lackey" Assassin and hindered by the annoying Lancer, he never thought of giving up.

If it doesn’t work once, try it twice.

If two times doesn’t work, try three times.

One day, he will rescue his saint, and the two will live happily together.

Tonight, he once again launched his "rescue" operation.

The opportunity that prompted him to take action was an accidental surveillance. Since he was careless last time and Assassin found his workshop and broke into it by force, he often used the "Clairvoyance" magic to monitor the situation in the city to avoid being approached by other servants without knowing it.

In the evening, he activated his "Clairvoyance" as usual, and accidentally caught the figure of Rider, who was carefree and unconcealed.

After staring at Rider for a while, Caster was surprised to find that Assassin and Rider had bumped into each other, and soon Archer also appeared. The three Servants walked like three modern people, chatting and studying modern means of transportation.

Although Caster could not understand the behavior of the three, he knew that they would not cause him trouble for the time being. Berserker and his Master were focused on destroying the monsters he left in the underground sewer, so there was no need to worry.

As for the remaining one, Laer has already figured out his background, so Caster is not afraid even if he comes to get in the way again.

Just in case, let's prepare more "soldiers" and attack from the opposite direction of the day before yesterday.

Tonight, Gilles de Rais must rescue Joan of Arc.

If Caster had waited another half an hour until the three Servants drove towards the Einzbern Forest, he would have given up the idea - but unfortunately there is no if.

... ...


When Rider called her name, Scathach looked up at the night sky. Her eyes were not focused on a certain spot in the starry sky, but looked even further away, as if she wanted to see through the sky to the outside world beyond her realm. Even her deep, magnetic voice became ethereal.

"Are you asking about the kingly way? Or wishes?"


"The King's Way!"

Two voices sounded almost simultaneously, the former was Rider and the latter was Saber, and the different choices showed the different personalities of the two.

Scathach looked at Rider, then at Saber, and chuckled.

"Let's start with Saber's question. After all, she and I are both from Celtic."

"Before I explain the kingly way, I want to say one thing. My 'Kingdom of Shadows' is different from any other human country. I don't rule over the living, but the dead. Is that okay?"

"Of course, this actually arouses my curiosity more." Rider smiled and raised his glass to Scathach. Although Saber did not have the same attitude, she had the same attitude.

Scathach took a sip of wine in response: "My kingly way is very simple, that is 'order' and 'power'. 'Order' is the rules set by heaven and earth, the world, and the planets. 'Power' is the guarantee of 'order' and the things outside of 'order'."

"Life and death are separated. The living should not enter the world of the dead, and the dead cannot enter the world of the living. This is the rule set by the world. The Land of Shadows once had a name called the Land of Eternal Spring (T&iaóg), which is also the origin of the word "Devil's Land". One of the earliest responsibilities I was given was to guide the souls of those who died in battle and those who died on the journey to the Land of Eternal Spring."

"But, as you all know, in the days before mythology faded, the boundary between life and death was not so clear, and it was not uncommon for the living to disturb the peace of the dead, and for the dead to disrupt the lives of the living. Archer, you have also had the experience of traveling to the land of the dead, right?"

Archer uttered a "hmm" as a reply, and Rider also showed an "as expected" expression, as if the information revealed by Scathach confirmed his thoughts. The only ones who were confused were Saber, Irisviel, and Waver.

"So, I used my power to separate the living and the dead. The dead who intended to enter the kingdom of the living were captured or completely destroyed, and the living who entered the kingdom of the dead were expelled or became one of the dead. Over time, the name of "Eternal Spring" was gradually replaced by "Kingdom of Shadows", and I became the queen of "Kingdom of Shadows", ruling the kingdom of the dead with my power."

"But for the brave who are prepared and take entering the realm of the dead as a challenge, I will give them a chance. After all, at that time, the 'devil' was still part of the world, and those true heroes also showed the corresponding 'power'."

"This is my 'kingly way' - rather than calling me a king, perhaps the title of 'gatekeeper' is more suitable for me."

From beginning to end, Scathach was very calm, like a stagnant pool of water. She fully understood her duties and has been carrying them out to this day. No matter what others say, she will not waver.

"What a dull and boring experience." Archer rarely used a sigh to avoid sarcasm.

"You stick to your path without wavering. You and Archer are both excellent kings."

"Thank you for all you do for order."

Rider and Saber both spoke highly of Scathach, the former adding another sentence.

"What about the wish? Is it related to your 'Royal Way'?"

"No, there is no connection." Scathach sighed, "Rider, my wish is essentially the same as yours. You wish to live in this world as a human. And I wish to die as a human."

The three kings all expressed obvious shock at this wish.

"I told you before, I used my power to separate the living and the dead, and sealed off the Kingdom of Shadows. This process was not smooth sailing, and many of the living were unwilling to accept this result. They wanted to take away the souls of the dead, perhaps out of emotion or for other purposes, and many of the dead were unwilling to accept the fact that they were dead and wanted to return to the world of the living. Among them were gods, mythical beasts, demons, fantasy species, demons, vengeful spirits, and other powerful beings."

"I confronted them, fought them, and killed them. My body, soaked in the blood of my enemies, became eternal. I am neither the living nor the dead, neither a god nor a human. I will not age, and I have lost the concept of death."

"I can no longer die, either beautifully or ugly... But I still remember clearly that I was born as a human being, so I long to die as a human being."

"If the Holy Grail is truly omnipotent, I hope it can bring to me someone who can kill me."

Where is the person who can kill me

Scathach has been searching for the answer to this question for thousands of years.