Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 108: Shinji on King


"Uh, sorry to interrupt, Saber, you are really wrong."

Just when Saber's confusion was cleared up by Scathach's guidance, Shinji suddenly said this.

This unpleasant remark caused Irisviel to glare angrily, and even Scathach couldn't help but glare at her own Master.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

Saber's expression remained unchanged, and she asked in a deep voice: "Why do you say that? What did you do wrong?"

Shinji narrowed his eyes, looked at Saber's face with a little surprise, and sighed softly: "This is the expression that Daimoku should have. As expected, Urobuchi is a little too dark."

"What?" Saber naturally did not understand such ambiguous words.

"Nothing, just talking to myself."

Shinji waved his hand, signaling Saber not to worry about it.

"Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of disparaging your way of kingship. On the contrary, of the four ways of kingship tonight, your way of kingship is the one I admire the most. The current mainstream value is that those in power should abandon their selfish desires and be selfless. Of course, not many people can do that."

"So in your eyes, Archer and Rider are the ones who are wrong?"

"Not really." Shinji scratched his head in annoyance. "Knight King, there is rarely absolute right or wrong in this world. Different perspectives lead to different conclusions."

"What is a king? The ruler of a country. What is the kingly way? The way to lead the people. So, whether the kingly way is good or bad should actually depend on what the people being led say."

"Of the four ways of kingship, Assassin is not leading a living person, so let's not talk about that for now. As for the remaining three, Archer's is the way of self-centeredness, the way of self-centeredness, the way of egocentrism. Rider's is the way of tyranny, the way of the hegemon, the way of suppressing others with force. You are following the way of the saint, abandoning personal feelings, abandoning selfish desires, devoting yourself to the country, and considering the country first in everything."

"The so-called kingly way is to magnify a part of human nature, and which kingly way one supports is based on the instinct of "seeking benefits and avoiding harm" in human nature."

"Let me put it this way. If I were the king, I would support Archer because that way you can live the most comfortably and freely, and do whatever you want."

"If I were a minister, I would support Rider, because he has goals, ideals, visions, and motivation. If I follow a king like that, maybe one day I can become a king too."

"If I were a commoner, I would support you. What the common people desire is nothing more than stability and prosperity. If you can make them live well, they will naturally support you. I am a commoner now, and I have no ambition to be above everyone else. I will undoubtedly stand on your side."

"The majority of people in this world are the common people, so you have the highest support rate. But no matter what era it is, it is always the minority who hold the most say, so Rider's tyranny is also popular. As for Archer, everyone has that impulse to act recklessly, so although no one wants to have such a boss, they can't completely deny him."

"Since there is no superiority or inferiority in the way of kings, and the kingdoms of kings are all gone, it all depends on the will of the kings themselves. Rider was not angry because Archer said that the Holy Grail belonged to him. On the contrary, he acknowledged this and decided to seize it in his own way. Archer was not angry because you said he was crazy, Saber, nor was he angry because Rider said he wanted to seize the 'treasure' that belonged to him; it's just that speaking is not illegal, but once you are ready to seize the Holy Grail, he will punish you mercilessly."

"In contrast, Saber, you were enraged by Archer's words, and were shaken by Rider's belittlement and the 'King's Army'. Archer and Rider recognized the true nature of the King's Way, but you did not - this was the first mistake you made tonight, and it made you the biggest loser in tonight's 'Holy Grail Quiz'. Do you admit this?"

"I admit it, but there won't be a next time." Saber, who had regained her composure, said calmly, "You said this was the 'first'; is there a second one?"

"Yes, and it is fundamentally wrong—your wish is wrong."

Having said that, Shinji stared closely at Saber's expression and found that although her expression changed slightly, she had no intention of speaking. It seemed that her mentality had indeed recovered and even become more resilient.

"You didn't lose your composure, that's good. When I say your wish is wrong, I'm not saying there's something wrong with your wish itself. The country was destroyed by itself, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to start over and save it. Rider and Archer's countries were destroyed after their deaths, so they may not understand your feelings. Of course, neither can I. I'm telling you this purely as a ten-year-old king fan and on a whim."

Saberb didn't understand what the king chef was, but that didn't stop her from understanding what Shinji meant. She just listened to Shinji pause and then continue.

"When I say 'wrong', I mean you don't have the means to achieve this wish."

"The Holy Grail is almighty, but not omnipotent. It is just the crystallization of magic. If you want to use it to fulfill your wishes, you must have a way to fulfill your wishes. The Holy Grail does not have the brutal ability to skip the process and get the result directly, such as "I hope Britain is saved, Britain is saved immediately". There are only two methods I can think of, starting over and re-electing the king. Or do you have other methods?"

Saber shook her head, and Shinji continued:

"I don't think you can do it again. As long as you are still you, still the Knight King, you can't change the ending."

"Saber, remember what you said just now? You have no regrets in your life. Yes, no regrets. Everything you have done is perfect. You can be called a perfect king. Even if you were allowed to do it all over again, how would you change this ending?"

Saber was stumped by Shinji's question.

Yes, she did not regret anything she had done. Whether it was not recognizing Mordred, not punishing Lancelot, or even marrying Guinevere earlier, she would not regret it. Even if she had to do it again, she would still do it.

At the end of this road, is it still inevitable that Britain will end up in ruins

Without waiting for Saber to answer, Shinji spoke again.

"The Holy Grail is omnipotent, but not all-powerful. It is just the crystallization of magic power. It can shorten the process, but it cannot completely abandon the process. In other words, the wisher must think about how to realize it before making a wish. After all, the same wish can have different results if it is realized in different ways. To give the simplest example, if I wish for money, then depending on my definition of money, I may get gold, silver, Japanese yen, US dollars, etc. However, if I don't know exactly which one I want, the Holy Grail will not be able to fulfill my wish. The same goes for your wish. Although you said you want to save Britain, have you thought about how to save it specifically? If not, and you just say you want to save it, the Holy Grail will not respond to you. There are only two methods I can think of, starting over and re-electing the king, or do you have other methods?"

"But then again, the only thing I know about that era is legends. No matter how many people know about it, it can't be even one ten-thousandth of that era. Maybe there really is someone better than you. Of course, that probability... I can only say that instead of pinning your hopes on that illusory person, it's better to pin your hopes on you coming back again, or on a random event like Mordred suddenly dying of illness before the rebellion."

"Moreover, choosing this method means that the path you have taken, the efforts you have made, and the struggles you and your men have fought together will all be overwritten. This is not only an insult to you who have dedicated everything to Britain, but also an insult to the Knights of the Round Table who have fought together with you."

"Saber, do you want to deny them? Deny those who have gathered under your banner and fought for you and for Britain?"

"I—I—" Saber turned pale, swallowed the bitterness in her heart, and finally uttered those three words, "I don't want to!"

She could not care about what would happen to herself, but she could not deny her companions who had fought with her, her irreplaceable comrades. "What should I do?"

Saber's face once again showed weakness and helplessness.

Shinji couldn't bear it, but he had to harden his heart.

"I can't answer you. You have to find the answer yourself."

PS: In the fifth war, Dai Mao scolded Shining for destroying his kingdom. According to the explanation in "Fategrandorder", it was not destruction at all, but that guy went to find the rejuvenation potion, and no one was in charge of the country, so the people ran away. Only a high priest (who was very handsome and also Shining's right-hand man and the most trusted person in Chapter 7) was left behind to scold him. After that, Shining began to revive the country and became a true wise king.

PS2: Damn mushroom, the High Priest is so cute, you fucking, you fucking... Forget it, I won’t say more, the High Priest’s ending is more cruel than any of the previous chapters, I won’t spoil it for now, just wait for the Chinese server players to be tortured to death.