Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 110: Call of Cthulhu


Caster's patience finally reached its limit.

Twice in a row, I tried harder and harder each time, but the results were worse and worse.

The first time, he saw the "Saint" and almost caught her, but was stopped by Lancer.

The second time, they gathered an unprecedented number of troops and successfully advanced all the way to the castle where Saber was. However, before they could attack the city, the monster army was ravaged by Rider who appeared out of nowhere with absolute superiority and turned to ashes.

What made his scalp tingle even more was the scene he saw before the army of monsters was crushed.

Through the vision shared by a certain monster, he saw Archer, Saber, and Assassin sitting on the ground behind Rider. Including Lancer, there were already five Servants standing against him.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!!!"

Caster, who had been hiding in the mountains out of caution and not entering the Einzbern barrier, beat the trees around him with all his might. Under the continuous blows of D-level strength that reached the limit of human strength, one after another, the trees that were decades or even hundreds of years old fell to the ground.

"Why is everyone trying to get in my way? Why? Why? Why?"

Caster's hysterical roar echoed in the deserted forest, seeming particularly creepy. Suddenly, he widened his bloodshot eyes, which were twice as big as those of an average person, and stared at the sky, like a big frog with its head held high.

"Is this your punishment? God, is this your punishment for me who has committed blasphemous acts and killed hundreds of children in the past eight years? If so, why don't you just punish me? Why torture that pure saint who devoutly believes in you? No, this is not a punishment at all!"

Caster tore his hair hard until his scalp was covered in blood.

"Hypocritical, bastard God, you are just playing with humans - Ryunosuke is right, you just treat our evil deeds as a farce and me as a clown. Very good, in this case, I will decorate your courtyard with more gorgeous despair and wailing. Among them, the pain of your lackeys must be the most pleasing to the ear."

With his hands and head covered in blood, Caster took out his only and most trusted treasure. The blood in his hands soaked the surface of the human skin book and was quickly absorbed by the book. An unprecedented evil aura spread out through the surface of the book.

"Use this evil that is older than you, and use my textbook of Luoyan City."

... ...

"Ryunosuke, let's tear off the hypocritical mask of God and hold a unique banquet."

This was the first sentence Caster said to his master, Ryunosuke Ameyū, after returning to the temporary base.

"Ohhhhh, let's make something better together."

Ryunosuke's response matched Caster's pace perfectly.

"When night falls, the party begins."

... ...

When the sun was swallowed by the horizon, the sound of chanting was heard from the side of the Miyuan River.

It was an ancient spell, accompanied by a hoarse, gloomy voice, calling upon an evil that did not belong to the earth but came from the depths of the universe.

"Rise up! Nameless Being, your time has come."

"We were chosen by you yourself. By your spells, your magic, through your dreams, your enchantments, we knew you were coming."

"We come to serve you, offering everything to the Master we love."

"The Knight of Cthulhu, sleeping in the deep green water, Ortum..."

This is the only spell that Caster knows, and it is also the only ritual spell recorded in the textbook of Luoyan City that needs to be chanted.

The multi-section chanting and the maximum power operation of the Luoyancheng manual achieve the highest level of summoning magic that modern magicians will find difficult to achieve in their entire lives, calling on the ancient evil in the universe, the incarnation of the evil god Cthulhu.

As the chanting continued, the entire river turned into a different world, and thick fog formed by evil magic filled the air, obscuring the moon, the starry sky, and people's vision.

Under his feet, there were a terrifying number of alien shadows gathered. Although they looked no different from the monsters he summoned, the magic fluctuations they emitted were far superior to the level of those miscellaneous soldiers. The mist covering the river was just the aftermath of these alien shadows.

Mist gathered on the river surface, but the fluctuations of magical power had already spread through the air to the entire Fuyuki City.

Every magician and every servant in Fuyuki City felt a sharp pain without any warning.

The magic power in the surrounding air was abnormally chaotic, causing turbulence in the magic circuits that were in tune with the magic power in the air.

Without having to detect anything, Shinji knew that the event he had predicted had happened.

Today, Fuyuki City was exceptionally peaceful. Nothing happened. There was no fighting between Servants, no secret struggles between Masters, and even Caster stopped placing monsters in the underground sewers. It felt like the last bright sunshine before the storm.

From that moment on, Shinji knew that Caster was probably about to start his final madness.

The entire Matou family was mobilized to patrol sections along the Mion River.

Kariya and Berserker drove to the south and were responsible for the upper reaches of the Fuyuki section of the Mion River. Shinji was in Miyama Town and was responsible for the middle reaches. Scathach used the Fuyuki Bridge as her base and was responsible for the lower reaches to the estuary.

The moment Caster started the ritual spell, all three of them started rushing towards the source of the magic power.

However, the first ones to arrive were neither Assassin, who was the fastest, nor Shinji, who was closest to Caster, but Saber and Irisviel.

Why did the Saber group living in the castle on the outskirts of the city come so quickly

Simply because they moved.

To date, five servants, Arcer, Rider, Caster, and Assassin, have visited the Einzbern Forest, and the forest's barrier has been mostly destroyed. The castle outside the city has lost its concealment and solid defense system and is no longer suitable as a base. Saber is injured, so given Kiritsugu Emiya's caution, it is reasonable for him to choose to move.

Long before the Holy Grail War began, Kiritsugu had made various preparations in advance, one of which was to have Hisahi Maiya secretly buy an old Japanese-style house in Miyama-cho. This old house was owned by Fujimura Raika, a gangster tycoon in Fuyuki City, and Maiya spent a lot of time to quietly obtain the property rights here through underground connections.

The old house is located in a prime location in Miyama-cho, and is so close to the Tōsaka family and the Matou family that one can walk there anytime if they want to. In Kiritsugu's view, this is a blind spot called "darkness under the lamp". Neither the Tōsaka family nor the Matou family would have thought that the enemy would build a nest under their noses, and might attack them unexpectedly one day.

That's right, this is the Emiya family that later became famous, and the undisputed core of the Fifth Holy Grail War, the "Fuyuki Sanctuary" that gave birth to the "Nuclear Swordsman" of the Four Heavenly Kings and the "In and Out Vise" of the Inner Four Heavenly Kings.

Of course, at present, this is just a Japanese haunted house that has been in disrepair for a long time and is leaking everywhere.