Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1113: Rin's anxiety


Toosaka Rin felt very anxious, and became more and more anxious as time went on.

Because of the battle with Shinji.

At the same time as Gilgamesh and Scathach started fighting, or to be more precise, a little earlier than the two kings, the young boy and girl had already started fighting.

For what happened ten years ago, and to settle the long-standing feud between the Tousaka family and the Matou family.

Unlike Scathach and Gilgamesh, who fought fairly, Rin came prepared, so well prepared that even she felt it was too much.

How excessive is it

The golden apple, water of life, and leather armor are already exposed, needless to say. In addition, Rin has prepared four special moves.

The first level, the seal of the treasure.

This is the work of Gilgamesh.

He originally planned to give Rin enough Noble Phantasms so that she could fight against Shinji. But later he found that the number and types of Noble Phantasms Shinji possessed were too abnormal. If he followed this line of thought, not to mention the difference in experience in using them, just maintaining the manifestation of the Noble Phantasms would bring a lot of pressure to Rin - Noble Phantasms that were not hers could not be transformed into spirits, and they were draining magic power every moment.

So, the hero king who entered the sage-like state changed his mind. If he couldn't win the battle with the Noble Phantasm, he simply didn't fight with the Noble Phantasm and sealed you directly. He prepared a barrier-type Noble Phantasm similar to Achilles' "Spear of the Flying Star" in advance to locate this place as the battlefield. After entering the battlefield, everything else is normal, but the Noble Phantasm in the spirit state cannot be materialized as a physical body - unless you have already materialized it before entering the battlefield.

Shinji has the ownership of the Noble Phantasm, and can switch between the spirit and the physical body freely, and has long been accustomed to carrying the Noble Phantasm in spirit form. Rin is different. She has no ownership and has been carrying the physical Noble Phantasm from the beginning, which is also Rin's second ultimate move.

Considering that she has no experience in using Noble Phantasms, the Noble Phantasms that Rin carries are all passive types. Most of them are armor and accessories, which are used to improve her defense and her own hard qualities. Without considering attack, and only discussing defense, her equipment is stronger than Lorelaia's.

You have to know that in order to fulfill his kingly duties and help his subject's daughter, Gilgamesh spent a lot of money and gave Rin his third most valuable treasure besides the "Sword of Separation" and the "Star of Omniscience and Omnipotence" which he claimed to have sealed.

Its name is "Destiny Tablet".

In Babylonian mythology, this is the undisputed first treasure in the Mesopotamian region. It was once in the hands of Tiamat, but was later taken away by Marduk. It is the "ultimate royal power to command the world and the gods."

Of course, Rin cannot exert such an ability, and the "Destiny Tablet" will not respond to those who are not qualified. However, even so, Rin can share some of Gilgamesh's power through the words engraved by Gilgamesh himself on the tablet, see some things that she could not see before, and greatly improve her combat intuition and wisdom.

After talking about defense, let’s talk about attack.

Although Rin does not carry any offensive treasures, it does not mean that her attack power is not strong. The collection in the "King's Treasure" is varied and strange. Not only are there treasures, but also various properties collected by Gilgamesh during his lifetime, including various precious gems, and they are national treasures that the Tosaka family cannot touch with their financial resources and status.

Anyone who knows a little about gems has heard of the names of "Star of Hope" and "Mountain of Light". All the gems in Gilgamesh's collection are of this grade. Now, all these gems are in Rin's hands as the third level of magic. Gem magic relies on gems. The higher the quality of the gems, the stronger the effect.

With them, Rin can even rival the large-scale spells constructed by Medea in terms of output.

This is not the end. In addition to these routine operations, Rin has one last hidden card. It is the task that the ancestor of the Tousaka family, Tousaka Nagato, has wanted to complete - the limited edition gift "Jewel Sword" that applies the second magic.

After five years of studying under her master, the Second Magician, Rin finally completed the ceremonial garment and was allowed to hold and use the sword as an individual.

She had submitted the finished product to the master for evaluation, and the final comment she received was - perfect beyond expectations. Judging from the level of a Servant's Noble Phantasm, it could definitely reach level A, and if it continued to be developed, it might even reach level EX.

It was its existence that gave Rin enough confidence—modern magicians would never be able to resist the sharpness of the jewel sword. And Gilgamesh's generosity made this confidence even stronger.

Rin believed that she could defeat any enemy now, no matter how powerful they were.

However, reality gave her a hard slap in the face.

Even if she used all four of her killer moves, she still couldn't defeat Shinji Matou, the boy whom she regarded as her biggest enemy since childhood and later as her enemy.

From beginning to end, the young man maintained a calm and composed attitude.

Even if the treasure you possess cannot be materialized.

Even if he saw that he could still use the Noble Phantasm.

Even when facing the great magic performed by himself using gems of national treasure level.

He also had no intention of being depressed, giving up, or admitting defeat.

No matter what trump card he played, no matter how he mocked others, he remained calm and resolved them one by one, without letting himself gain any advantage.

Low-level magic could not break through his own magical power, and stronger magic could not cause any damage to his incredibly strong body.

Even against high-level magic and great magic, he defended against them using all kinds of strange and bizarre methods.

Relics and barrier techniques from Buddhism.

Curse and protection from vampires.

The magic that has been passed down through the Matou family.

Rune magic.



Concept abstraction.

There are also physical techniques that can be used to confront Servants head-on.

Rin had no idea how much this guy had learned.

I don’t understand why he has to learn so much. Wouldn’t it be better to specialize in one thing and study it in depth

Why is each door in the middle of nowhere? When combined, they can produce all kinds of strange effects and block your own magic.

If that was the case, it would be fine. After all, Rin had the upper hand in the magic battle, and she might win if she continued to fight. But just when she thought victory was within her grasp, that guy suddenly exploded and performed a mythical magic that far exceeded his own level and should not even exist in modern times, shattering the little pride in the girl's heart in one fell swoop.

After witnessing the earth-shattering doomsday scene, he finally used his last trump card, a polyhedral dagger made entirely of gems - "Gem Sword Zelretch".

It is called a sword, but in fact it is a sword-shaped staff. Through the second magic hidden inside, it is connected to infinite parallel worlds, absorbing the magic power of each world, thereby releasing a magical beam comparable to high-level treasures.

The highly concentrated magic power enveloped the girl's body, and together with her final determination and struggle, broke through the blockade of the water dragon and the dusk light, and rushed straight towards the boy.

She wanted to punch him so hard in the face that he could no longer maintain that hateful, condescending composure.

PS: Marduk = China's Nuwa, and the complete one, the Nuwa before the legend of Pangu creating the world, the Nuwa, the creator god and the origin of Chinese civilization.

PS2: Rin's current jewel sword is not the inferior product projected by Shirou in FSN, but an enhanced and upgraded version of the original one.

PS3: As I write this, I suddenly think of the origin of the Nine-Character Mantra Seal that the book friends discussed in this chapter some time ago. The Nine-Character Mantra Seal is Buddhist, that's right, you can find it by just searching on Baidu. However, the Nine-Character Mantra is Taoist, from Ge Hong's "Baopuzi". Buddhism and Taoism in China often merge, so the Taoist mantra became the Buddhist mantra seal - and it is very popular.