Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 112: Farewell, Ryunosuke Uesugi (revised version)


Although Saber is wearing heavy armor, her movements are faster than Lancer in light armor and Assassin in cloth armor.

Her shining toenails stepped on the water, splashing silver stars. But her toes did not sink into the water. The water Saber stepped on was as solid as the earth, bearing the weight of her running on it. This was a miracle that only a king blessed by the spirit of the lake could accomplish.

In comparison, despite the protection of the water-repellent rune, the feeling under Lancer and Assassin's feet was obviously different from the real ground, and they could not walk on the waves as if they were walking on flat ground.

Therefore, although Saber was the last one to enter the water, she was the first one to rush in front of the sea demon.

The divine thunder that fell from the sky bombarded the sea devil's body and also sounded the battle horn.

As Saber approached, the sea demon became larger and larger. Its ugly and ferocious form shocked her, as if it was going to crush her.

The twisting and twisting tentacles stretched out in all directions like thousands of long snakes, with the front ends of the tentacles raised, ready to fight the approaching Knight King.

The strangeness and horror before her eyes could not stop Saber’s steps for even a moment. Saber now felt no fear or uneasiness at all.

"Let's put an end to this, Caster!"

With the fighting spirit burning in her heart, Saber raised the holy sword high, and the first sword of the Wind King barrier mercilessly slashed down on the sea demon.

The highly compressed and instantly released wind pressure cut off the tentacles of the sea monster, and pieces of flesh as thick as two people could hug fell off and twisted into the river.

Countless flesh buds were wriggling on the cross-section of the tentacles. Combined with the above, it seemed that not only was the body of this sea monster hundreds of times larger than that of an ordinary sea monster, its self-healing ability was also as good.

However, before the wound could heal, it was cut open again by two magic spears, one red and one yellow. The body, which condensed huge magic power and had amazing resilience, was useless in front of the red magic spear, and the sea monster's exaggerated recovery ability could not resist the curse of the yellow magic spear.

Lancer Diarmuid Odin arrived with dual guns in hand. Having already fought with Caster once, he would not give the monster a chance to gain an advantage.

Just as Lancer used the special effects of the Noble Phantasm to stabilize and expand Saber's victory, Scathach had already leaped onto the surface of a rampaging tentacle. She was seen dragging a saber in one hand and a spear in the other, and her figure was moving up along the tentacle like a ghost.

This was a veritable bloody road. The sharp blades of sabers and spears cut through the skin of the tentacles, and smelly blood flowed out.

At the end of the bloody road, at the base of the tentacles, countless red and white eyeballs kept turning, and the densely packed appearance made one's scalp tingle.

Scathach snorted in disgust, let go of her spear and saber, and swung her hands at a speed that was too fast for the naked eye to see. With each swing, a few inconspicuous darts shot out like lightning. After a few swings, more than half of the disgusting eyeball in front of her exploded.

However, this seemingly violent attack only caused a negligible amount of damage to the giant sea monster. This was destined to be a long struggle - if there was no decisive means.

... ...

On the riverbank, Shinji withdrew his gaze from the distance, glanced at the mobile phone in Irisviel's pocket, and spoke.

"I can't help with the servants' battle. I'll go around and see if I can get rid of Caster's Master. If you need anything, call my mobile phone. My number is 0804242422. Remember it?"

After seeing Irisviel nod, Shinji turned around and disappeared into the increasingly thick fog.

It is natural for Shinji to want to find Ryunosuke. No matter how powerful Caster is, he is still a Servant. He and his summons can only appear in the world because of the medium of the Master. Once the Master is lost, Caster will be weakened to a certain extent even if he does not disappear immediately.

If you can't fight on the front battlefield, start from behind enemy lines - this is Shinji's strategy.

Based on his understanding of the plot and his analysis of the characters, Shinji believes that it is very likely that Ryunosuke Amura was watching this scene nearby, and Caster's previous declaration of the "banquet" and his attitude of self-proclaimed leader also indirectly prove this. Shinji has already obtained the detailed characteristics of Ryunosuke Amura from Scathach in advance, and he will definitely recognize him as long as he is nearby.

To put it another way, even if Ryunosuke wasn't there or didn't recognize him, Shinji wouldn't suffer any loss. He would just stay on the riverbank anyway, so he might as well do something meaningful.

... ...

"Awesome... Awesome! This is awesome!"

Ryunosuke Uesugi was so excited that he shouted and trembled all over, not caring about the eyes of others.

Although Ryunosuke was not the only one who gathered by the river, no one cared about his strange words and deeds. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the strange phenomenon that was not real.

A huge monster is rampaging on the river, and heroes who are suspected to be partners of justice are fighting a desperate battle with the monster.

Everyone would laugh at this old-fashioned scene, but it is a magnificent spectacle that no one has ever seen.

"You deserve it!" Ryunosuke cheered loudly.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, staring at the reality before them in a daze.

Those guys were totally powerless and could only watch as the unbreakable "common sense" that they had blindly believed in for half their lives collapsed and shattered.

Stupid people, have you seen this? Until yesterday, you were still living in ignorance. Are you unwilling to accept this? Are you regretting this

You guys have never tried to imagine that there is such an interesting and bizarre world waiting for us beyond the scope of common sense, never.

Me? Of course I know. Not only have I imagined it, I also look forward to it, firmly believing that I will see something incredible one day. That's why I specialize in doing things that go against common sense, desperately pursuing novelty and excitement every day.

And then—I finally found it. The mysterious treasure chest I had been looking for.

Ah, gods do exist. This great vision before our eyes is the best proof.

The greatest prankster in heaven was laughing to himself as he set up ridiculous and irrational traps everywhere just to see the terrified expressions of the poor lambs. The god I had been looking for finally showed up, and the scary boxes he had placed everywhere also started to emit fireworks.

Say goodbye to boredom forever, and no more time to kill people. Even if I don't do anything, people will continue to die. Grinded into paste, chopped into pulp, blasted into pieces, eaten up, dying, dying, dying everywhere.

What color is a blonde's intestine? What does a black person's spleen feel like? From now on, you will be able to see a lot of internal organs that you have never seen before! Every day, every day, every day, countless interesting things happen all over the world!

One after another, never ending!

"Ah, God exists, God exists!"

Ryunosuke made a victory sign, danced and cheered for the victory in life, while supporting his ally who had turned into a giant beast and was rushing around.

"Go, Master Bluebeard! Destroy them! Kill them all! This is the toy box of the gods!!"

At this moment, Ryunosuke suddenly felt dizzy and his originally stable vision was shaking and distorted.

What happened? What happened

Did someone bump into me by accident

Huh? That familiar piece of clothing is - is it mine

Is that headless person also me




—Yes, you are dead.

Immersed in enthusiasm and excitement, Ryunosuke had no idea that compared to the feast of flesh and blood he was looking forward to, his own death would come first.

The true God, Lord, Allah has not yet appeared, but the god of death holding a sickle has already appeared.

He holds the prototype of the Soul-Harrying Scythe, the Serpent-Hunting Scythe Harpe, wears the cloak of Hades, the god of the underworld, and is a true "God of Death" who has made a contract with the ruler of the Kingdom of Shadows, the kingdom of the dead.

The thick fog blocked the light and people's shadows, and Hades' cloak eliminated the breath and footsteps of the "God of Death".

A crescent-shaped sickle blade flashed by, cutting through the thick fog and taking away the head that was fascinated by the "art of death", as well as his right hand engraved with the Command Spell.

The uncontrolled blood spurted high under the pressure of the heart, like a red fountain, and the scattered blood wet Ryunosuke's final fixed expression.

It was a mixture of madness and intoxication, a pure smile, narrowed eyes, depicting heartfelt joy, a few drops of blood sliding down from the corners of the eyes, like tears of blood.

This is the last work left by the once-famous serial killer, and it is also the only work that the "God of Death" does not feel disgusted with.

"I don't know how many seconds a person can maintain consciousness after losing his head, and I don't know if you can understand the true meaning of the 'art of death' as in the original book. But whether you can hear it or not, I want to tell you one thing - the work produced at the cost of your life is the true 'art of death'. Farewell, Ryunosuke Amayū."