Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1128: Cause and effect are reversed, time goes back


The rafters, rooted in Cuchulain's body, swelled outwards.

Although it was very small and inconspicuous compared to the similar ones that rose directly from the ground, it did pierce Cu Chulainn's internal organs. No matter how great a hero is, his actions will be affected in this state, and it is impossible to avoid the release of the true name of the "Immortal Blade".

That's why Shinji made such an assertion.

"it's over."

The pure flame of the sun wrapped around the gun body, radiating amazing light and heat, illuminating the "Son of Light" that was pierced by the rafters.

The latter was pale, with blood oozing from his mouth and nose, but he showed no fear and fearlessly raised his own magic spear.

"not yet."

"Do you think I, who is determined to betray my master and ancestors, would not know how to deal with the Spear of Deaththorn? No matter how the cause and effect are reversed, there must be a thread connecting the two. Once this thread is broken, the reversal of cause and effect will not hold."

Shinji's expression remained unchanged and his body did not move, allowing the Dharma image behind him to be worn on his body in the form of armor.

Excluding the effect of reversing cause and effect, the release of the True Name of the Death Thorn Spear to humans is just a sharp stab, not enough to pierce through the protection of the Dharma Image. And the failure to pierce means that the connection between the effect and the cause is broken, and the effect of a sure hit cannot be guaranteed.

Cuchulainn frankly admitted this assessment.

"You're right. But I'm waiting for you to do this - Bazett, use 'Reverse Light Sword'!"

As he spoke, a gray stone ball floated up behind Bazett.

The moment Cu Chulainn said to take action, the stone ball immediately changed into a dagger engraved with three runes, and turned into a light blue stream of light that instantly pierced Shinji's chest.

That's right, it went straight through, and the "Dharma Armor" that Shinji was wearing disappeared without any warning when the dagger was shot out.

It wasn't that Shinji had any problems. Even after fighting with Rin and fighting with the dog man + woman for such a long time, he was still in very good shape and could fight for another hour without any problem.

The reason why the armor disappeared was entirely because of the effect of Bazett's secret treasure "Anti-light Sword" - the stone ball that turned into a dagger. The seemingly inconspicuous and easily overlooked thing is actually Bazett's trump card. It is also the secret treasure that has been passed down from the Age of Gods to the present by the Macremis family, the "heritage guardian of bacteria" to which Bazett belongs, and it also has a considerable connection with Cu Chulainn himself.

The "Sword of Backlight" was originally held by the sea god Manano Mac Le, and was later passed on to his adopted son, Cu Chulainn's father, the great god Luger. It is one of the artifacts as famous as the "Bombardment Five Stars". Its official name is "The Sword of the Late-Coming Slasher" (Type-Moon World).

When not in use, it is a lead-colored stone ball, and when in use, it turns into a dagger. The effect is similar to Cu Chulainn's "Piercing Deaththorn Spear", both of which are treasures that are sure to hit a single person.

The difference is that Cu Chulainn's must-hit is a reversal of cause and effect, first determining the effect and then deriving the cause. The "Backlight Sword" is even more exaggerated, its essence is "cause and effect distortion, time goes backwards"! The "last strike first" in the official name is not only a literal meaning of "launching after the opponent's action, so that your attack hits the opponent first", but also has a deeper meaning of rewriting the fact that "the opponent acts first" into "the opponent does not act" - it is precisely with this effect that Luger destroyed the complete version of "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception" of the God of Death Balor.

Of course, although the effect of the "Backlight Sword" is so powerful, its limitations are also very harsh. It can only fully exert its power when the opponent activates the "Trump Card". Otherwise, it is just a dagger that is not much stronger than an ordinary dagger.

Shinji's "Chiyou Dharma Image" undoubtedly met the definition of an "ace", so it was eliminated by the "Backlight Sword" and pierced through the chest.


The young man with a hole in his chest spat out a large mouthful of blood, his hands drooped dejectedly, and the golden magic spear in his hand fell to the ground and turned into spirit particles and dissipated.

Then, another stream of light passed through his left chest, accompanied by Cu Chulainn's weak and apologetic voice.

"Gáe Bolg! I take your heart!"

"I'm sorry, Junior Brother. I know your recovery ability is different from that of ordinary people. Otherwise, we will be the only ones to die. Although it is the woman's request, we don't want to die."

He followed Bazett and released his Noble Phantasm. Conceptually, the "Backlight Sword" is higher than the Deaththorn Spear, but its lethality is very weak and not enough to kill Shinji who can withstand the "Bombardment Five Stars".

Therefore, Cu Chulainn fired another shot at the left chest, where the heart was. In addition to the reversal of cause and effect, the "Lance of Piercing Deaththorn" also has a special effect similar to the "Snake Hunting Scythe" - the pierced wound will be cursed and extremely difficult to heal. Obviously, he used this method to seal Shinji's self-healing ability.

Shinji, who had been seriously injured twice in a row, first looked at his chest which was bleeding continuously, then looked at his senior brother holding a gun in front of him, and spoke in a low voice.

"Yes, I know. Not only do you not want to die, I don't want to die either. So, I can only do as the master said and kill you."

After all, his body was protected by the "blood of the True Ancestor". Even though his heart was broken, he did not die and still had the strength to fight back.

The blue left eye turned golden, and the solar flame that had not been emitted before was all accumulated in the eye, and gathered into a scorching gaze that broke through the rune protection on Cu Chulainn's body and passed through his body.

It is also the left chest, and also the heart.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

You pierce my heart and I pierce yours.

"Lancer!" Bazett's eyes widened and his lips were bitten.

She was only a few steps away from Cu Chulainn, but she could only stand there and watch her servant being killed.

It's not that she didn't want to save him, it's that she couldn't move at all. In addition to the lack of direct killing power, the "Anti-light Sword" has another disadvantage. After using it, it will cause temporary stiffness. If it can't kill with one strike, the user will lose the ability to resist and be at the mercy of others.

Shinji, who had indeed destroyed Cu Chulainn's spirit core, turned his neck and stared at Bazette with his golden left eye without blinking. The latter was also looking at him, looking angrily.

It seemed to be saying - Kill me, come and kill me if you have the guts, and let me go with him!

However, before Shinji could accumulate the "Flame of the Sun" again, Bazette's body suddenly moved in a strange way, left and right, making it difficult to predict.

She was still in a state of stiffness, and the only reason she moved was because she was being carried quickly by someone, a blue spearman named Cu Chulainn. Her agile steps and swift speed did not seem like someone who was fatally injured.

"Will the battle continue?"

Shinji withdrew his gaze and nodded thoughtfully.

"Forget it, since Brother Gou is fighting so hard, I won't chase him. In fact, my current condition is not suitable for chasing. Ahem, isn't it said that Lucky E will not hit anyone, why did it hit me? Is my Lucky A fake? Hmm... Now is not the time to talk about this, I have to find someone to heal me quickly."

Spitting out another mouthful of blood, the young man staggered forward, silently grasping a small bottle in his hand.

Not far behind him, a red-eyed crow flew silently into the air.

PS: The Sword of Reverse Light actually has several names in mythology, such as the Sword of Vengeance, the Answerer, and the Soul-Taking Sword. It also has many effects. First, it is sharp and can cut through any armor like butter. Second, the damage caused is irreparable. Third, the person whose throat is pointed at by the sword cannot lie. Finally, it will automatically fly out of the scabbard, kill all nearby enemies, and then automatically return to Luger's hand.

PS2: Complete version of "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception", no need to cut the death line or the death point, just watch who dies. (Except for UO and other games that don't have the concept of death)