Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1146: suicide!


"Checkmate." Shinji said.

"Yes, he is a general indeed."

Roa looked at Shinji who was weaving a soul-binding spell, then looked at the two holders of the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception", and finally looked at Xiel who was holding the "Seventh Holy Scripture" with the special effect of "Negation of Reincarnation", and answered like this.

"I have to admit that you did a great job. However, isn't it a bit too much to mobilize such a huge force to deal with a few of us? I feel like they can attack the headquarters of the Holy Church or the Magic Association."

"Because you guys are so difficult to deal with."

Shinji sighed helplessly. Being strong is secondary, the key is to be able to continue, to be able to hide, to be too difficult to kill, and to like to cause trouble.

"No one can rest assured unless I kill you for sure, so, Shiki-san, Shiki-san, and Hiei-san, I leave this to you."

"I understand. It's Mr. Muramasa's revenge." Ryougi Shiki raised his magic sword.

"Revenge for the attack on my sister." Toono Shiki was holding the Nanaya short sword in his hand.

"My hatred for Kallen." Hiel raised the impact cone.

The moment Fiore asked for a truce as an overseer, Shinji guessed that Hiel and Kallen would come to Fuyuki, and there was a high possibility that they had already arrived.

The reason is simple: Fiore was able to name Roa, Nero Chaos, and Araya Soren, most likely with the help of the church's intelligence system. As the ultimate force of the church, the Burial Agency has extremely high authority within the church. Given Hiel and Kallen's obsession with Roa, they would definitely come as soon as they knew of Roa's existence.

So Shinji used all his social connections to investigate, and indeed found Xiel and Kallen hiding in a private house, and he also caught a Lizzieby.

What happened next was a natural progression, negotiation, cooperation, planning, and now the general.

The devil's sword "Higan-kiri" is aimed at Araya Souren. He and Ryougi Shiki have a feud.

Nanaya's short sword pointed at Nero Chaos. Shinji's main purpose in inviting Shiki was to deal with Nero's 666 lives.

The impact cone of the Holy Scripture Mimicry is aimed at Roa. Because of Roa, Xiel's family, friends, and hometown were completely destroyed. There is an irreconcilable hatred between the two. Xiel agreed to listen to Shinji's arrangement, and the only condition was to kill Roa with his own hands.

Shinji agreed, and cast his magic just as an insurance. In case the "Seventh Holy Scripture" failed to completely annihilate Roa's soul, he could still make the final move in time.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Roa and Araya dropped their hands, as if accepting their fate. Nero Chaos suddenly let out a strange roar, and a turbid stream of "chaos" kept bubbling out from under his black coat, covering the entire ground around him.

Hiel stepped back, while Ryougi Shiki jumped high and swung "Higan Cut" downwards.

"it's useless."

With just one cut, the turbid current carrying the "seeds of life" was curbed and separated.

Shiki seized the opportunity, rushed forward like a ghost, and before Nero Chaos could make the next move, he stabbed a certain point on his body - that was a more concentrated embodiment of death than the "death line".

If you are stabbed at this point, no matter how powerful you are or how immortal you are, you will die immediately. Even if you have thousands or tens of thousands of lives, as long as you are still called "Nero Chaos", you cannot escape the fate of death.

Destiny has arrived.

The monster-like roar suddenly stopped.

The corners of his mouth slowly lifted up, and the vampire smiled silently.

"I never expected—"

Starting from the fingertips, the beast's body collapsed and scattered piece by piece.

"—you, are you my death?"

The body quickly dispersed like mist.

It was just like the curtain drawing of the "end of the play", a brief moment.

With this blow, all the life remaining in Nero Chaos' body was destroyed along with his existence, along with the turbid current that had already flowed out. No, not yet—


The moment his body disappeared, the turbid current that had already lost its vitality suddenly became violent and rushed towards the three people in the center of the turbid current. Although the strong men around him took action in time to suppress the turbid current and let Shiki escape, they failed to stop Roa and Araya's final action.

They - one of them reached out and smashed the other's head, and the other smashed the other's heart at the same time.

Now that they are at the end of their strength, neither the King Kong nor the ancestor-level dead apostles will have the strength to recover.

Huangye, whose head was smashed, fell silent at that moment, while Luoa fell straight into the deepest part of the uncontrolled muddy flow, allowing the darkness to swallow his body.

Shinji didn't understand: "You, you guys - why -"

The man who was about to be drowned by the muddy current laughed loudly: "It's death to die in your hands, and it's also death to die in the hands of our allies... In that case, why should we... do something to make you... happy? How about it, Alicia, you didn't kill me with your own hands... Isn't it... a pity?"

"Shut up! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!"

Xiel was completely enraged, and the impact cone that was ready to go roared and continued to bombard Roa's remaining body.

Shinji closed his eyes and turned his soul vision to the maximum, but found that both Roa's soul and Araya's soul were sucked into the runaway "chaos". Even though he had stepped into the realm of magic, he could not pull out his soul which was sinking deeper and deeper.

"I see. I was planning to try to find a glimmer of hope this way, but—"

Luoa and Araya's plan was obvious. The worst that could happen was death, death at the hands of the enemy, a sure death, destroying each other's bodies, and perhaps a chance for their souls to separate.

After all, "Chaos" is not the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception" nor the "Seventh Sacred Scripture" that "denies reincarnation". Although it is also very dangerous, at least it is not certain to die.


"—You underestimated us, and the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception."

Standing side by side with Shinji, Touko lit a cigarette and gestured to Shiki and Shiki.

The siblings with the same name swung their swords at the same time, slaughtering everything without distinction. Soon, they completely cleared the "chaos" in front of them. No matter what was hidden inside or how many lives there were, they would all end up dead, just like Nero Chaos just now.

At the same time, the battle in the darkness also decided the final outcome.

Perhaps because he had lost his Master, Assassin's movements paused noticeably, and Danzo seized the opportunity to strike out with his arm, piercing directly through the enemy's body.

"Nice strike. I didn't expect there is such an outstanding Assassin in modern times. I can understand why he likes this era. If possible, I hope..."

The heavy voice made Duan Zang feel inexplicably familiar. Before she could think about it, the figure in front of her disappeared with the wind.

Perhaps this is the real assassin, who comes without a trace and leaves without a form, and his true appearance has never been revealed from beginning to end, as if he is a mystery that can never be solved.