Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1149: Jack is superb


Because Shinji and the others really treated little Jack as their daughter and protected him well, Jack never had a chance to show his abilities. Over time, many people forgot that her real name was "Jack the Ripper" and that she had a terrifyingly high special attack priority against women. Under certain conditions, she could use her Noble Phantasm "Maria the Ripper" to kill women with one strike.

Although he is not in a liberated state now, Little Jack still maintains a very high level of special attack against women.

After sinking Rin and Luvia, she immediately changed her target.

"You smell like your father too. It must be your mother. What's her name?"

This is for Fujino.

"My name is Asagami Fujino, and my mother's matter... this... that, how should I put it..."

Fujino fiddled with the corner of her clothes awkwardly, wanting to agree but not daring to.

Because of her childhood experiences, she has always had an inferiority complex. Although she lived happily in the Matou family and diluted a lot of her tragic past, the problem of inferiority complex has never been completely resolved, especially when facing her own feelings.

Is she really worthy of the man who is becoming more and more outstanding, more and more powerful, and more and more handsome (from Fujino's perspective)? Compared to herself who is several years older, Sakura is more suitable for him.

It would be nice for me just to be like this, to follow him silently, and as a family member, to be able to see him often would make me happy.

If possible, she wanted to remain ambiguous in silence, but little Jack did not let her go. He just stared at her expectantly, his beautiful big eyes blinking.

Fortunately, Wu Hui took the initiative to fly over at this time. She certainly didn't come to save Jiyou, but to fight for her own happiness.

"Little Jack, Little Jack, I am your mother too."

Jack looked at the fighter man with four pairs of tail fins on his back, moving by gliding, and pouted, "Robots can't be mothers."

"It's not a robot. No, Gundam is a type of robot. It's a real robot. Ah, what am I talking about? Anyway, the real me is a human being just like them. This is a combat weapon that I operate with a special method. Wow, look."

Wuhui made a speech mixed with two-dimensional and three-dimensional, while pulling out the "dual existence" that possessed the fighter. She wanted to use this method to gain the trust of little Jack, but she didn't expect that as soon as she recovered her spirit body, Jack's eyes suddenly emitted a hungry wolf-like light, and his little hands instinctively grasped the hilt of the knife.

"Food. Good food."


Kirie, who was being stared at, seemed to have met her natural enemy. She instantly shrank back into the fighter group and shouted pitifully to Shinji.


Shinji patted Kirie's... uh... armor and consoled her: "Okay, it's okay. Don't let Jack see the 'dual existence' in the future. Her favorite thing to eat is spirits."

"Oh." Wuhui took a few steps back unwillingly, not daring to flaunt her identity as a mother for a while.

Jack ignored her and continued his journey to find his mother.

For Sakura:

"Are you the mother?"

"It depends on you, Jack. I'd love to be your mother if you want."

As expected of a thoughtful person like Sakura, her answer was flawless. She didn't press too hard and cause trouble for Shinji, but she also left herself a way out. It was the most beautiful answer so far.

"I do, Mom Sakura." Jack didn't think too much and shouted happily.

"Be good, call me again." Ying took Jack into her arms and used Jack's short hair to cover the corners of her upturned mouth.

"Mother Sakura."

Fujino and Kirie were envious of this clingy guy who was not much less clingy than Shinji. Why didn't they think of it

Sure enough, Ying is a scheming guy who does things silently.


To Loreleija:

"You're a mother too."


Because Little Jack had "attacked" many people before, Lorelaia was mentally prepared and answered proudly without hesitation.

"Isn't it?" Jack frowned. "But you smell like daddy, right here."

Lorelaia subconsciously covered her waist: "Well, it's just a communication device, it doesn't mean anything."

"is that so?"


"I'm sorry, auntie."

Jack apologized politely and skipped away.

"Is this okay?" Weber whispered beside him.

"Nothing wrong with it." Loreleija said calmly.

"There's no need to reject him so directly. You can just do what his sister did and have the best of both worlds."

"You can't have the best of both worlds. He hasn't even said anything about me, so why should I be the mother of his child?" Her Majesty the Queen looked stubborn.

"You'll pass him by like this."

"Then let's just pass by. I am just me."

With a "click", Loreleija bit the index finger of her right hand.

Blood gradually seeped out of the white women's gloves, but no one noticed.


For Oranges:

"Are you a mother too?"

"So, is it true or not, young man?"

Orange's eyes moved, as if smiling but not smiling, and with just one word and one action he took the initiative.

"Is that so?" urged Little Jack.

"I won't tell you the answer yet. Please answer me a question first."

"What's the problem?"

"How many mothers do you have?"

Jack grunted and started snapping his fingers.

One, two, three, four, five...

One hand wasn't enough, so he used the other, causing the women's eyelids to twitch and Shinji to break out in a cold sweat.

It's really fun to flirt with girls, but it's a hell of a situation afterwards.

Fortunately, little Jack didn't finish counting his fingers, nor did he give an exact number.

"I can't figure it out, because every time they meet, Dad will find a new mother for Jack, and Mom also said that Dad is very good at finding mothers."

"Is that so?" Orange held his glasses with his hand, and had an urge to take them off. "Jack, can you answer me another question?"


"You always call us by our names plus mom, but you just called me mom. Why is that?"

"Because mom is the first person we met who is willing to accept us, we like mom the most. Of course, we also like dad. Mom also likes dad very much. Mom, dad and Jack are a happy family."






Little Jack said this very proudly and happily, but the several women who were called mom by her or wanted her to call them mom were not happy.

It seems that there is a new competitor? And it is a competitor with super powerful weapons.

Inadvertently, he completed a pentakill with just one sentence and successfully became a god.

Jack the Ripper is indeed the most terrifying female killer in modern times, so terrifying.

PS: "Maria the Ripper". The ultimate kill condition is fog, the target is a woman or female, and the time is night. If it is satisfied, the target's internal organs will be directly pulled out and turned into a dissected corpse. If it is really used, it can become the head of the Holy Grail War, because there are many female masters in this session. However, the effect on the servants will be discounted, because the essence of the Noble Phantasm is a curse, which can be resisted by curse resistance. Therefore, except for modern heroes, it is very difficult for "Maria the Ripper" to cause ideal damage to the target. Only by getting an excellent master in magic and meeting the three conditions can the power comparable to the average value of "Delusion Heart Sound" used by "Cursed Arm" be obtained.