Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1160: The Black Holy Grail


Although Orange said "Look—", almost no one paid attention to the progress of the ceremony because the people around were attracted by the information conveyed in the words.

"The third magic? Is that the third magic?" more than one person asked.

Although Illya had shown it before, that was with the Jeweled Man's costume. Neither the scale nor the meaning it contained could be compared to the Holy Grail in front of them and the man and woman who were fighting against it.

"There is only one kind of magic in this world called the Third Magic. Similar to the First Magic, the Third Magic is also in a state where the magician is no longer around and the magic is still being passed down with difficulty. The Greater Holy Grail is the creation of the Third Magic, Einzbern is a family founded by the disciples of the Third Magician, and Yustisa can be considered the current heir of the Third Magic. Shinji is a later entry into this field."

There was one more thing Orange didn't say, which was that she herself was also in this field, but she was taking a different route from Shinji and Yustisa.

After hearing this explanation, Luvia, Olga Marie and other participants who did not know the truth expressed varying degrees of surprise. They thought it was just a Far Eastern, somewhat secret magic ritual, but they did not expect it to involve such a major secret.

After being surprised, they all turned to Loreleiia. She was the person with the highest authority in charge of the mysteries in the Clock Tower. It would be impossible for her to let go of a mystery of this level.

Surprisingly, the queen, who became the focus, did not show any obvious emotional changes. She just looked at Orange strangely.

"What does the Aozaki family think about this?"

"I am no longer a member of the Aozaki family, please do not count me in." Orange corrected nonchalantly, "But it is not difficult to guess what that idiot is thinking. She must hope that a new magician will be born, so that she will have a new opponent."

"I see."

"You don't seem very surprised?" Orange asked back.

"Yes. Although I don't know the inside story, there are signs. Why is the second magician so obsessed with this place, and someone's abnormal growth rate."

In terms of hard work, Lorelea is no worse than Shinji; in terms of talent, Barthelmero's masterpiece is far better than his.

Even if the Noble Phantasm is taken into account, Shinji's strength growth is too abnormal. But if it is because of magic, then it makes sense. Barthomello, who has communicated with the first magic family, knows better than anyone what kind of unreasonable thing magic is. If a madman becomes a magician, then not only the planet and humans, but also the entire universe may be in danger.

"You really care about him." Orange deliberately clicked his tongue a few times.

But Lorelaia ignored her.

At this moment, Wu Tiao Wu Hui suddenly cried out "Ah", and yelled: "Love? Sister Chengzi, did you say love just now?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Orange tried hard to suppress his smile.

"You must be lying, because Justisa has never... her and Shinji?"

"Because she doesn't need it. She already has everything you little girls want."

This time, Orange was not trying to trick Shinji, but was giving him a heads-up. Shinji and Yustiza did this because they were planning to no longer hide their relationship.


The little girl in Orange's mouth looked at each other, and we both felt a huge pressure coming towards us.

It was a waste of time for them to keep competing with each other, because someone had already taken the lead, and it was someone who was unexpected, but the most terrifying. Their usual self-righteous cleverness might just be a farce in the eyes of the woman who was always calm and indifferent.

"It may be too early to say this now, but for him and for us, life will eventually be different from that of ordinary people, and it is time to think about how to go in the future."

Orange, who has the highest IQ and EQ in the family, pushed his glasses unconsciously and said meaningfully.

"Oh, by the way, let me remind you again, I might join too - I've been wandering alone for so long, I also want to have a place to call home."

"Eh hey hey hey?"

"Sister Orange, you!"

"You you you you you also want—"

Orange no longer paid attention to these cute girls and slowly raised his head.

"It's almost time for the most critical moment."

Before he finished speaking, the water in the reservoir returned to complete clarity.

The next second, the azure blue and pure white soul lights, like the yin and yang fish, intertwined and climbed upwards, their target was clearly the "black sun" in the sky.

What happened before was just the prelude to purification, and what comes next is the real show. If the real root of the problem cannot be eliminated, everything we do now will be in vain.

As if sensing the threat from below, the "Black Sun" in the sky underwent new changes.

It's moving, or maybe it's the fetus moving.

It seems as if something is gestating, or brewing.

Just before the blue and white yin-yang fish was about to enter the hole, something different from the "black mud" emerged from the hole for the first time.

That is—

A dark shadow.

one person.

A woman.

Long hair that was silver without a single color, eyes like rubies, and a delicate face that was not like that of a human.

Everything is exactly the same as the "Winter Saint" below, including the spiritual base, except for the clothes.

Justisa was wearing the pure white "Clothes of Heaven", while the one emerging from the hole was wearing all black, like mourning clothes.

The woman in black said, "Why would you come back to me, the dregs I discarded?"

The pure white spirit particles gathered together to outline the spirit of Justisa: "I am wrong. You did not abandon me, but I abandoned you. I was wrong before, and you were wrong too."

"You are the one who is wrong. You abandoned your dream and fell into being a human being!"

"So what? I—"

"Don't waste your time talking to her, Justisa."

Shinji's spirit body also appeared, and it was in its prime in the spirit world.

"She is not who you once were. She is just wearing your skin in the hope of disturbing us, right, the tainted Holy Grail."

"You know it very well." The black woman who had been keeping an expressionless face suddenly burst into laughter. "If you know it, you shouldn't have teamed up with this scum who should have disappeared long ago to stop me. Otherwise, the power you have worked so hard to obtain will be lost again."

"Really? How would you know if you don't try it?" Shinji took a step forward and officially came to the front of the hole.

"Then you will be the next offering. Six heroic spirits alone are not enough to satisfy me."

The fluid curse intensified further, almost condensing into a mass. The woman with the same spiritual foundation as Justisa raised her hands and declared to the whole world.

"I am the Grail of Heaven, the embodiment of the third magic that can eradicate all evil to its root! Come, sacrifice! Offer your life, offer your soul! Devour everything you have and fulfill your thousand-year vow."

PS: Qingzi: You are right, I am the one who accelerates the destruction of the universe!