Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1164: Duties of the adjudicator


This is also enough power to purify Angora Mainyu, but the time may be a little longer.

But Shinji was not in a hurry at all. He had already waited for ten years, so what would it matter if he waited a little longer

After escaping from the hole and successfully taking on a human body, Angra Mainyu could no longer be infinite and immortal as before.

His eternal calamity is no longer forever, and his power will weaken over time. But Shinji will not, his bond with the outside world will always be there, and the support he has received will always be there. As long as his heart is not shaken, he can keep fighting - in this world where there are only souls.

Not long after, the curse and darkness that enveloped his soul collapsed, and Shinji regained his perception of the outside world.

No, something is wrong.

This purification ceremony had been planned for a long time, and every detail had been precisely calculated. Even if there were deviations, they would not be too big, so they were able to suppress Angola Mainu and not give the other party any chance to take advantage.

However, something went wrong at this final, most critical step.

It's not too slow, it's too fast!

This was Angra Mainyu's last stand, how could it collapse so easily? It wasn't like he had really become the third magician! Unless something went wrong.

Shinji's soul was extremely alert, carefully releasing his mental power to capture the changes around him.

Then he "saw" it.


Another beam of light.

A radiance that is different from both his own soul light and Yustisa's soul light.

Although different, they are equally firm, equally dazzling, and even more sacred.

That is the light that shines from the purest faith.

It is truly holy light!

In the center of the holy light, a unique iris flag fluttered in the sky. Wherever it passed, darkness and curses seemed to have met their nemesis and retreated one after another.

Under the iris flag, the girl in blue armor stood with a stern posture, her face full of compassion facing the curse, but her eyes looking at Shinji contained an earnest smile.

At this moment, Shinji couldn't believe his eyes, no, his perception!

"Long time no see, Black Assassin!" the girl spoke, her tone as familiar as ever.

Not only the tone and appearance, but also the spiritual foundation that is revealed under the privilege of the Master and cannot be hidden in any way.

Shinji finally confirmed that this was reality: "Ah, long time no see, Jeanne."

"No, not only Jeanne, but also me."

The blue in his eyes faded for a moment, replaced by a clear aqua color. In Shinji's memory, only one person had these eyes.

"Long time no see, my Servant."

"Eh? You're Fiore? How could you be? No, what did you call me? Did you—"

"That's the one!"

"what is going on?"

Shinji was really confused. Even Angora Mainyu didn't give him this feeling.

Not only was he confused, the rest of the onlookers were also confused and had no idea what was going on.

Originally, Shinji rushed in and didn't come out for a long time. Everyone was worried and discussed what to do.

At this time, Yusitisa, whose meat ball had been pierced, returned to her body, carried Shinji's body back from the reservoir, and told everyone not to worry, everything was going as planned.

All that's left is for Shinji to clear the curse before the ritual can be completed and the Holy Grail can be restored to its original form.

Sakura and the others who were worried about Shinji didn't want to just sit there and wait, and asked if there was any way to speed up the process. The meatball looked like it wasn't a good thing, and they really didn't feel comfortable letting Shinji stay in there.

Altria was even more radical, preparing to release the Holy Sword to blast this disgusting-looking thing - she had done it once ten years ago and was very familiar with the business.

Of course, Yustisa stopped him. If it could be solved so easily, why would Shinji spend so much effort? The most troublesome thing about Angora Mainyu is that it is difficult to eradicate. As long as there is a little bit of residue left, it may come back again. The residue here refers not only to the body, but also to the evil thoughts.

"What should I do then?"

"I'll do it. I have a way."

Just as everyone was discussing, someone stood up.


"elder sister?"

Xier, Kallen, Lizbaifei and Colles all turned their heads. They never expected that Fiore would come forward at this time.

"Well, this is my duty." Fiore said as she took a step forward and walked towards the core of the curse.


Yustisa looked puzzled. She had been thinking for so long but couldn't find a good solution. What could Fiore do

Moreover, when everyone was fighting the Meat Giant, Fiore did not take action, but watched quietly from the sidelines. She always gave people the impression of being a quiet, calm, even a little cold, absolutely neutral witness.


It's the same word again, but the meaning contained in it is completely different.

I was confused before, but now I am shocked by the changes that have taken place in Fiore.

The original pure white clothes were replaced by dark blue armor, and the hair color changed from loose flaxen hair to golden pigtails. The spirit particles gathered in the empty hands, forming a holy iris flag.

Seeing this, Artoria was surprised and delighted: "Jeanne!"

Everyone knows Joan of Arc, one of the top ten most famous heroes in Europe, the savior of France - let's not complain about her face that looks exactly like King Arthur.

"It's me, Artoria." Jeanne smiled in response, and then said to everyone, "I am Servant Ruler, my real name is Jeanne. My duty is to uphold the rules of the Holy Grail War. The existence of Angra Mainyu is a violation, and it is my responsibility to exclude him."

The church trio was stunned. Although they had always thought that Fiore was like a saint, they had never expected that she would be the famous Joan of Arc.

At this time, Joan of Arc had turned around, holding up the iris flag, and walked into the cursed and contaminated area.

What is a saint

Different denominations have different definitions.

But there is one thing that all major religions agree on: A person with high moral character and excellent moral conduct will not be taken advantage of by evil thoughts or be moved by evil ideas.

Joan of Arc is such a person. Only such a person can purify impure things, and only such a person will not be contaminated by the evil of this world.

The noble judge, the pure saint opened the holy flag, walked into the core of the curse, came to Shinji, and pulled him out.

Then, she handed the holy flag to Shinji and said, "Please buy us a few minutes."

"You, what are you going to do?" Shinji became more and more confused.

"I...will pray to the Lord." Joan of Arc knelt on her knees, with a sword in her hand.