Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1166: Fiore's Struggle


This is a story that does not belong to this world.

In a parallel world adjacent to this special flask world.

The time goes back five years, to the end of the 20th century, after the unprecedented Holy Grail War ended.

The instigator, the Thousand World Tree Clan, who had ruthlessly tricked the Clock Tower and even openly declared war, not only failed to achieve their goal, but was also severely damaged. Their financial, material, human, influence, and even credibility all dropped to freezing point.

Although the Thousand World Tree Clan avoided punishment from the Clock Tower because of the protection provided by the Second Magician, they still had to face many crises.

The former patriarch Danic is undoubtedly a qualified patriarch and has absolute control over the family. He uses political means to make the family, which should have been a loser alliance, prosperous, but this will also cause problems.

The over-centralized ruling power led to a loose structure within the family, with each branch having its own ideas and no one being subordinate to the other. It was fine when Danik was alive, but after he passed away, the various branches of the family inevitably fell into a situation of being leaderless and acting independently.

The series of political tactics that Danik used during his time also made him make countless enemies within the Magic Association, including many powerful and influential factions. Although they could not act openly due to the protection of the Second Magician, they could not avoid using small tricks in secret.

In addition, there are many ambitious people who covet the Thousand Worlds Tree Clan and the Holy Grail.

You said that the Holy Grail was brought into the inner world, but who knows if it was a lie. Even if it was really brought in, you must have gained a lot of benefits from it, otherwise why would the second magician protect you? For so many years, he has always remained aloof, and I have never heard of him posing such an attitude to anyone. If there is no benefit, no one would believe it.

Who wouldn't be tempted by the benefits that can impress a magician

These people connected with each other and colluded with each other, making the already bad situation even worse.

At that time, the Thousand Worlds Tree was facing internal and external troubles, and it would fall apart if it was not careful.

At this time, a person stood up.

Fiore Fulvig Thousand Worlds Tree, the successor to the clan leader designated by Danic and theoretically the current head of the family.

Although everyone in the family thought she was just a figurehead, a role similar to that of a secretary, she cleared her name with practical actions.

First, an important branch of the family, the black magician Eskel, showed unprecedented strength when they initiated accountability for the death of their only successor, Serenike, and drove the black magicians, who were always eccentric, furious.

When the black magicians were completely enraged and united with external forces to launch a rebellion, Fiore suppressed them with thunder and lightning - it was really thunder (A) Ting (Ka) Shou (Liu) Duan (Si). It only took three minutes for the rebels to be wiped out. From then on, no one dared to underestimate this seemingly weak girl.

And this was just the beginning. After initially establishing her authority, Fiore began to mobilize funds on a large scale, intending to control the family financially. Naturally, she was opposed by other factions, but soon these opposing factions were unable to make any noise. Because the people who destroyed the rebels were sitting in their faction's stronghold, and they also captured several spies of the hostile forces.

At this point, internal troubles were completely cleared up.

As for the external threats, they gradually died down after Fiore launched several counterattacks in the name of eliminating spies.

She may not be as good at maneuvering and calculating as Dani, but she is better than Dani in one aspect: decisiveness.

Maybe it’s the characteristic of young people, she reacts very quickly. While others are still thinking about it, she has already made a decision and taken action.

Maybe this decision is not the best, but because she acted early, she can always get a lot of benefits.

Many people don’t understand how the girl who used to be so innocent in many aspects could become like this

Only those who participated in the Holy Grail War know the real reason.

That encounter and that experience changed many people and many things, and also made her mature.

She still clearly remembered the answer she got when she asked why she was not allowed to participate in the final battle.

The younger brother said: You are the patriarch of the Thousand World Tree Clan, you are my sister, and I don’t want you to be in danger.

Her servant, the man she cared about, said: Because you are not mature enough.

I admit that you are very talented in magic and work hard enough to get at least 80 points. But in other aspects, you can only get 30 points at most.

You don't act the same.

Your spirit is not strong enough.

You lack common sense in many areas - although from a personal point of view, these qualities of yours are quite appealing to me. But for the decisive battle ahead, you are the least suitable of all the participants, so you stay.

Fiore, you can hate me, but I must remind you. Before, Corles took care of you, and I could help you a little, but after tonight, you will most likely have to face everything alone.

This sentence was like a sharp arrow that pierced the girl's heart and filled it with blood, but it also created an opportunity for change.

She didn't want to be left alone again, even though she knew it was for her own good.

She didn't want to hear that comment again, even though she knew it was true.

She had to change, she had to change.

She grew up during that lonely and tormented night.

He said that her greatest strengths were her responsiveness and decisiveness, so he made full use of her strengths in this area.

He said that her spirit wasn't strong enough, so she learned to be strong.

If you don’t have enough common sense, go and learn it.

And the most important thing is his leg—he has already healed it for himself.

As he had said, there were no excuses this time.

She seemed to be pushed by an invisible hand, constantly moving forward and perfecting herself, and finally stood on the big stage of the Magic Association, leading her family to a peak that Danic had never reached in his lifetime.

What kind of glory will this woman who suddenly appeared create next

Just when many people were looking forward to it, she changed her radical style, slowed down her pace, and gradually faded out of people's sight.

Some said she was tired.

Some people say that the development of the Thousand Worlds Tree has reached a bottleneck.

Some people say that she finally hit a wall and offended some big shots who she couldn't afford to offend.

Some people also speculated that she might be preparing to marry into another big family.

Everyone then remembered that the woman who was in charge of the clan was so young, and they lamented that perhaps some people were born to stand above everyone else.

If Fiore heard this, she would definitely sneer.

There are people who are destined to stand above everyone else, but she is definitely not one of them. She just wants to prove herself, to prove to that person that she can do it.

Of course, she couldn't hear it for the time being, because she was no longer in the world. No, to be more precise, she was no longer on the earth.

Her soul came to a whole new world.