Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1177: I'm not interested in the root cause


What is the "root" or "root vortex"

It has many names:


"Akasha Records".

The beginning of the universe.

The cause of everything.

All laws, all phenomena, all causes and effects.asxs. and end points.

Existentially, this is the "ultimate" knowledge.

It is the ultimate goal that all magicians dream of, and it is also a dreamland that humans can never reach in their lifetime.

If there is "omniscience and omnipotence" in this world, it must be at the "root".

If there is something in this world that transcends everything, it must be at the "root".

This is how magicians are defined, and they have been pursuing it since the Age of Gods.

This is certainly true, but those crazy magicians have forgotten that since the "Root" has such high specifications, can humans afford it

Orange said, "It is not infinite."

Because in order to have "infinity", "finite" must be defined. So without finite, infinity will not exist.

However, if we cannot even define the concepts of "finite" and "infinite", what burden do humans have to bear and what right do they have to be "omniscient and omnipotent"

Since the "Root Vortex" is the universe, how can humans, who are just a speck of dust in the universe, fully understand and accept it

Humans, after all, have their limits. Do you really think you are a warrior of light from the M78 Nebula? Even if you are a warrior of light, you are not truly omniscient and omnipotent.

Therefore, humans cannot really go to the "source" in a physical sense. If they really go there, they will become a kind of existence that humans cannot understand, and the evidence of their existence in the world will be erased. Although there are a few cases of people returning after reaching the "source", those people did not really enter the "source vortex" in the strict sense. They just connected with it in some way and got a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg. Even so, it has paid a heavy price.

Whether it is Ryougi Shiki or Toono Shiki, they both died once, and after waking up they have to face a fragmented world forever.

Xuanwu Gaoyue, the "Book of False God" who did not come to Guanbuzi City because of Shinji's intervention, has mastered the common language of all things that can communicate with the world and is comparable to magic, but has lost the ability to unify information and matters.

From this we can see how dangerous and scary the "Root Vortex" is.

Now, Shinji has also embarked on the road to this place, and he understands that all the dangers and all the fears are not exaggerations.

It feels like you are facing a huge modern database, but your computer is just a poor old Pentium 486, with insufficient hard drive, insufficient memory, insufficient graphics card, and everything else.

The most troublesome thing is that you cannot prevent the input of data, and the only outcome is the burning and downtime of the system, just like those predecessors who stepped into the "Vortex of Origin" recklessly.

Fortunately, Shinji's experience is extraordinary.

Stepping into the realm of magic made his brain and soul stronger.

Years of dealing with the will of longing have enabled him to develop the ability to perform multi-threaded processing and block out noise.

The process of helping Elquet share his blood-sucking impulse gave him experience in dealing with excessive information.

Therefore, he did not die in the first information explosion. After the period of confusion after the explosion, the instinct of self-preservation began to kick in. The body and soul will affect each other. The large-scale information invasion suppressed the soul, but the body can resist and save the soul in turn.

The first step is to close all senses and minimize the amount of information input.

The second step is internal processing.

Archive and use immediately if you can immediately alleviate the situation.

No matter whether the rest is useful or not, whether you can understand it or not, as long as it takes up storage space, delete it all. If you cannot delete it, convert it into heat (energy) and radiate it out.

Anyway, this is the outer world, not the real world, so you can destroy it as you like. If you can't even withstand this, then don't call it the "Origin Vortex", just call it glass shards.

To put it simply, the computer's built-in super management software is started.

Firewall shielding, self-checking, and powerful deletion can save your stuck computer.

Well, I really don't mean to learn the "some digital famous sports shoe brand-1" software which is a rogue software under the name of computer protection, it's just because this description is the most appropriate.

Gradually, Shinji regained some consciousness and more or less realized his current situation.

He recalled the parting words of his master and Gilgamesh.

The closer you are to success, the more careful you should be. The more impossible things are, the more likely they are to happen. Don't be confused by the appearance in front of you, don't be shaken by excessive temptations, and don't forget the most important thing in your life.

The first sentence plus the first section of the second sentence refers to Roa's comeback, and the excessive temptation refers to the magician's ultimate ideal "root". The most important thing is obvious - his family, friends, and lover in the world.

The phrase "Don't forget your original intention" is even more obvious. What is the fundamental motivation for you to become stronger? In addition to protecting yourself, isn't it for the people who are important to you

Scathach once said during her introductory training for warriors: Man is the master of power, not the slave of power. Losing oneself in the pursuit of power is putting the cart before the horse.

That was a close call. I almost lost myself.

In an instant, blessings come to the heart.

Concentrate all your strength and will, gather all the thoughts and invading information around you, and fight against them—

I am who I am!

Don’t pursue the root cause, don’t seek power that you cannot control!

That's all!

—and cut it off!

Without the constant influx of information, all that remains is a matter of time. Driven by will, redundant information is discarded and useful information is retained.

The chaotic soul finally restored order, and Shinji regained control of himself.

When he opened his eyes again, the familiar scene inside the Holy Grail was no longer there, but a constantly changing void.

He could feel the existence of concepts, laws, space, time, phases, worlds, planets, nothingness, life, death, etc., as if he could reach out and hold them in his hands if he took just one more step.

But Shinji didn't do that. He just stopped and ignored everything. There was only one thing he wanted - a way to go home and return to the real world.

There were important people waiting for him there, enemies to be eliminated, and things to be done.

"The Vortex of Origin"—I'm not interested, goodbye, no, it's better not to see you again!

The moment I realized my true nature, the void around me receded, and was replaced by a doomsday-like scene.

In the dim sandy land, one can occasionally glimpse broken buildings, and scattered around are figures wearing cloaks the same color as the sand.

PS: Humans cannot bear the information about the origin, which is Jian Shao's own opinion and speculation. The description of mushrooms is very suspenseful. Jian Shao just interprets it from his own perspective. As long as the explanation makes sense, it's fine.