Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 118: The Battle of Miyuan River ended


The light is flowing.

The light roars.

The magic power was accelerated by the unfettered dragon factor and turned into a torrent of light.

The spiral torrent shot out and engulfed the sea monster along with the darkness of the night.

Above the river, every molecule of the demonic giant that embodied fear was completely exposed to the burning impact and let out shrill screams.

Caster, who was in the thick flesh and blood fortress at the center of the sea demon, said nothing, but just watched this fading moment silently, as if his body and mind had been taken away by the pure light.

"... oh oh... oh..."

That's right—that was the same light he had seen before.

Hadn't he once been a knight, galloping on the battlefield in pursuit of this light

The memories were so vivid and strong that they pulled Jill back to the past.

During the long-awaited coronation of King Charles in Reims, a beam of light shone through the stained glass of the cathedral.

The pure white light was like a blessing, gently enveloping Jeanne, Gilles and all the other people present as heroes who saved the nation, accompanied by the joyful music of ArsNova.

Ah—yes, that's the light.

He still remembers it vividly. Even though he had fallen into evil and was covered in evil, the memory of that day had never faded and was still deeply engraved in his heart.

Even if his final ending is filled with humiliation and hatred, and he is despised by the world - only the glory of the past still exists in his heart, and will never be denied or subverted by anyone.

Something that neither the gods nor fate can take away, something that cannot be defiled...

Two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks, and Gilles de Rais was at a loss.

What am I confused about and what have I missed

Isn't it enough to just look back and admit our mistakes

"I...what on earth am I..."

Before he could finish mumbling these words, pure white light took everything to another world.

... ...

Sitting high in the clouds and looking down upon everything, Archer looked at the light of destruction that burned everything with a broad smile on his face.

"Do you see it? King of Conquerors, that is Saber's glory."

He spoke to the sky around him. Rider, who had just experienced a harsh battle, stopped his chariot in mid-air and also looked at the aurora of the "Sword of Promised Victory" from afar.

"After witnessing that light, are you still unwilling to acknowledge her?"

Hearing Archer's question, Rider snorted coldly. But what was on his face was not contempt, but a solemn expression as if he was looking at something tragic.

"It is the hope of the people of an entire era that enables it to exert such power. It is so dazzling that it is heartbreaking."

"She is so brilliant because she carries the hopes of all the people in the world. Although it is dazzling, it is precisely because of this that people feel it is unbearable. She is willing to bear such a heavy burden, which proves that she is just a little girl who loves to dream."

Looking down at the river, he could see Saber's petite body panting after having just finished a fierce battle. After the question-and-answer session last night, Rider had understood how heavy a burden those frail shoulders were carrying, and he could not tolerate this kind of lifestyle.

"It is so heartbreaking to see a little girl like this, who gave up on singing about flowers and butterflies, gave up on love, and was bound by a curse called 'ideals', and ended up in such a state."

"That's what makes it cute, isn't it?"

In contrast to the King of Conquerors' melancholy expression, the Golden Heroic Spirit's smile was filled with evil, and he did not conceal the corrupt desires in his smile at all.

"An ideal that is too high will eventually burn the person who holds the dream. The tears that flow when that happens will surely taste sweet to lick."

Archer was content to let his imagination run wild, and Rider gave him a sharp look.

"You and I really don't get along, Hero King of Babylonia."

"Oh? You just realized it now."

Hearing Rider's address, Archer smiled slightly.

"So, what will you do? Rider, will you vent your anger with force right here and there?"

"If it were possible, it would be a pleasure. But to be your enemy, I have consumed too much energy tonight."

Rider spoke frankly without any boasting, and gave Archer a mocking look.

"Of course, if you don't want to miss the opportunity and insist on taking action, I will be there to accompany you at any time."

"It doesn't matter. I will allow you to escape, King of Conquerors. I will not be satisfied if I do not defeat you in your best condition."

Hearing Archer's unhurried declaration, Rider simply pulled the reins.

"I'll leave it for next time, King of Heroes. The duel between the two of us will be the climax that determines the winner of the Holy Grail War."

The heroic spirit Iskandar left behind a fearless smile and drove his chariot away.

"Is that true?... Only one person is worthy of dying under this king's treasure, and that person may not be you, Rider."

The King of Heroes was still thinking about another Heroic Spirit while he was talking to himself. In terms of the level of concern, the King of Heroes only cared about that person.

Tonight, that rare light reminded the original heroic spirit of the distant past.

—A long time ago, there was a man.

Although his body was made of mud, he was a foolish and ridiculous guy who wanted to compete with the Son of God.

His arrogance naturally angered the gods in heaven, and he died as a result of divine punishment.

The Hero King still cannot forget the sight of him dying with tears in his eyes.

The Hero King asked him why he was crying. Is it only now that you regret standing on my side

He replied that this was not the case.

"After I die, who will understand you? Who will walk with you? My dear friend, I can't help but shed tears when I think that you will be alone in the future..."

Watching him take his last breath, the self-centered king finally understood that the man's way of life, despite being a human, was more noble and honorable than all the treasures in the king's treasury.

"You fool who reaches out to something that is not his duty, there is only one person in heaven and on earth who is worthy of loving that kind of destruction, and that is me, Gilgamesh. You dazzling and illusory person, fall into my arms, this is what I have decided."

Amidst the wild laughter, the heavenly boat Vimana cut through the night sky.

... ...

Not far from the riverbank, in the corridor of an inconspicuous residential building, Yanye was twitching all over and gasping for breath.

At the moment when the light symbolizing victory illuminated the night sky, his Servant Berserker fell into an unprecedented rampage.

Even though Kariya used all his magic power to suppress it, the dark knight still waved his four newly acquired treasures recklessly on the empty rooftop, leaving one terrifying scar after another on the concrete floor. Even Kariya himself was affected and had several bloody wounds on his body.

If that dazzling light of victory had faded any later, Kariya would have to use the Command Spells to protect his own safety.

Sitting on the ground with his back against the fence, Kariya sighed as he watched the dark Servant gradually regain his composure.

"Lancelot, have you become so obsessed with her?"

"... Ar... thur... "

For the first time, the first time he was summoned, the dark knight uttered complete words, as if he had used up all his strength and given his all. The complex emotions contained in them were incomprehensible to anyone except himself.

"Really..." Kariya closed his eyes, feeling the sorrow that was inadvertently conveyed through the contract.

He thought of that dream again, the dream that did not belong to him.

—A woman is crying.

The woman sobbed in a low voice, her beautiful cheeks hollowed out with sorrow and deep, intractable lines carved between her brows.

She blamed herself.

Ashamed of oneself.

As a sinner who was forced to bear all the blame, she was always in tears.

Everyone pointed at her and said this - the unfaithful wife and the treacherous princess.

Those ignorant people who were blinded by the gorgeous legends and knew nothing about the truth continued to suppress and condemn her.

Little did they know that the husband who married her was not a man at all.

Only one noble man devoted his wholehearted love to her.

But in his mind, the memories of that woman would always be filled with tears of distress and sorrow.

Yes. He also broke that woman's heart.

He fell in love with her—

She fell in love with him—

That’s what the Fall is all about.

In fact, she had already let it go from the beginning.

To save a shaky country in troubled times, an ideal king is needed - beside the king there must be a noble and wise queen. This is the image of a ruler that everyone desires.

If such a beautiful ideal can be realized, sacrificing a woman's life is nothing.

Even if the king is not a man, even if this is just a marriage between a woman and another woman in disguised gender, it doesn't matter. For the survival of the entire country, this sacrifice is necessary.

Even so, he still wanted to save her.

From the moment he first entered the palace and accepted the honor of an audience with the king, he vowed to burn his life for that woman and give everything for her.

He sincerely hoped that the woman could smile and enjoy happiness.

By the time he realized that the reason why she felt the most pain was his longing for her, it was already too late.

She fell in love with him as well.

She had given up female happiness, and love was the biggest taboo for her, but she still fell in love with him.

Even if this is a relationship that is not allowed by everyone, as long as you are determined, the path that carries sin should still exist.

If you really want to save the woman you love, you must make this love happen even if it means you have to make the whole world your enemy. This should be what men really expect.

But—he couldn't do that.

It was as if she was not a "woman" or a "human being", but just a part called a "princess" to support the wise ruler's rule.

He is also not a "male" or a "human", but just a device called a "knight" who is loyal to the king.

People called him the "Knight of the Lake" - he was a man of outstanding martial arts, loyal, elegant and gorgeous behavior. Everyone admired and praised him, thinking that he was a person who embodied the beauty of chivalry.

This ideal knight was not only praised by the people, but also blessed by the elves. The title of "Knight of the Lake" represents honor, but also a curse.

The "perfect knight" who serves the "ideal king" - this is what people expect and entrust to this man, and he can only live in this way.

Such a life does not belong to the person involved, but to all those who believe in chivalry.

Moreover, the king he served was too perfect, a truly impeccable hero. The "Knight of the Lake" certainly could not possibly have any intention of rebelling against the "King of Knights", the only one in the world who had saved the country from destruction.

He was devoted to his perfect master, and a noble friendship was formed between them.

At the same time, he also knew that behind the honor of chivalry there was a sad woman who was being trampled on and even ignored by the world.

At this point, he no longer knew which philosophy was correct.

Should we completely abandon our romantic interests and pursue our ideals, or should we cherish what we love even at the cost of betraying morality

Just as he was struggling and worrying and wasting time, the worst result finally befell him.

In order to overthrow the king, someone devised a plan to expose the princess's infidelity to the world. In order to rescue the princess who was sentenced to death, he had no choice but to become the enemy of the king - and just like that, he lost everything.

The Betrayal Knight

Because his disloyalty and injustice disrupted the harmony of the round table, which led to the start of war and the fall of the country, people used to call him this with a mocking tone.

An infamy that is branded in the history of the past and can never be cleared up.

So her tears were still wet, because she blamed herself for letting a man who was once a "flawless knight" go astray.

In the end, what exactly did he do? He just made the woman he loved sad and cry forever.

At least, if he wasn't a knight, would this relationship be possible

If he was a shameless and lowly person, he might have humiliated the Holy Lord without hesitation and taken the princess away.

But he was a knight, and an overly perfect knight.

The king was his rival in love and the culprit who made the woman he loved embark on a thorny journey. But he could never bear any resentment towards the king.

Indeed, how could he condemn such a wise monarch? He was always braver and more fearless than anyone else, more noble and upright than anyone else, and a king of great reputation who created a new world in a time of hardship.

A moderate king who is honest and fair, values friendship but not sentimentality, and has never made a mistake.

The king never blamed him. Even after he was expelled from the round table, the decision to fight him was made out of fairness, not the king's intention. Although his betrayal was unforgivable, the king always treated him with noble friendship until the end.

How could he hate and resent such a "perfect" Holy Lord

But - in this case, where does his regret and the woman's sadness go

This regret was brought into the afterlife by him and was picked out at the end of the river of time. It continued to torment him in a place without a beginning or an end... Finally, a voice of prayer came from afar.

The voice said: Come here, you crazy beast; come here, you persistent ghost.

The voice called him from the end of time.

The voice awakened his past wishes.

If I wasn't a knight at all.

If he was just a lowly and savage beast, an evil ghost that had fallen into the animal realm, would he be able to fulfill the wish that would make him regret forever

Yes, madness is the cradle of salvation.

If I were a wild animal, I wouldn't feel lost. If I didn't feel lost, I wouldn't feel pain. If I could just become a wild animal that didn't expect or tell people to do anything, and could move freely according to its own desires -

This wish became a bridge, combined with the prayer at the end of time and space, and at this moment he was on an unknown battlefield.

He has forgotten his name and his vow to be vigilant, and has only used his perfect killing skills to the fullest. He has no self-esteem, so he will not feel ashamed of this, and no heart, so he will not regret this. This is him who is now called "Berserker".

There was nothing to regret. This fall, this deliverance, was exactly what he had longed for.




Deep in her heart, there still remains a deep desire—the hope of being punished by the king.

Deep inside this wish is a hope that can never be fulfilled—to be able to fight under the king once again, to fight to protect the king.




He is not a "perfect knight" or a "knight of the lake", but just a man who likes her and his king.

Unconsciously, tears already welled up in the corners of his eyes, Kariya’s tears, tears of self-mockery.

"Lancelot, we are really alike, longing for something but never getting it, a love that can never be conveyed. That's why I summoned you."




Even so, we have things we must accomplish, right, Lancelot

We must protect the most important people in our lives.

So bear with me, Berserker, and I will grant you your wish.

I just don't know who will fulfill my wish

PS: Lancelot himself admitted that he liked Aho-ge, please refer to the sixth episode of Einzbern's Chat Room for details.

PS2: Listening to "The Love That Cannot Be Conveyed" while reading this chapter was so fucking exciting. So here comes the question - who is the mistress and who is the bitch

PS3: Uruk Album (Shanshan, Xiaoen, Ishtar) - The latest volume of "Fatestrangefake" is really going to stage the Uruk Album, with all three of them gathered together, and Xiaoen is not a fake; Macedonia Album (The Great, Weber, Hephaestion); Britain Album (Lancelot, Guinevere, Dai Mao), who do you support respectively

PS4: It will be on the shelves this Friday. Let’s warm up first and ask for first order, monthly ticket and reward.