Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1182: An out of control situation


The old man who had swung the sword with such stunning force left.

But this is not the end, but the beginning of something more exciting and grand.

After seeing such a magical scene, Shirou and Mizue Ayako would inevitably be surrounded by those monks who had never seen the world and asked them all sorts of questions, such as what the hell is going on with this sword? What are those flying and hiding things on the opposite mountain doing

If things go wrong, you might have to call the police or even ask the Self-Defense Forces to handle it.

However, before the monks of Liudong Temple could come to their senses, a strange roar resounded through the world.

The reason why it was strange was not because of anything else, but because the roaring sound was very pleasant. If the sound had not indeed created a huge wave of sound, it could not even be described as a roar.

After roaring, the giant stood up straight.

With a height of over 15 meters, it is very conspicuous from any angle.

Judging from her physical features, she was a female giant. Her pale blue skin was different from anyone else's, and the headdress on her head looked like both horns and rabbit ears.

An inadvertent glance back easily took away the monks' consciousness. The aura of destruction and the beauty that surpassed humans were difficult for even the gods and Buddhas they believed in to resist.

This can no longer be considered a giant, but a titan, a huge god.

"The Giant God of Destruction, Cefalu... I should have thought of it, I should have thought of it earlier."

Seeing the appearance of the giant, Altluchi, who was immersed in the pleasure of revenge on her sister, lost her smile for the first time. A trace of fear emerged on her delicate face. Then, as if she had thought of something, she spoke to the people below.

"Arquette, King Solomon, let's call a truce for now. The conflict between us is an internal conflict within the planet. She is the common enemy of humans and the planet. If we leave it alone, the world will be doomed."

"... "

Elquet said nothing, neither refused nor fought to the death with Altira like he did when he first met him.


Solomon and the primate killer looked at each other and both retreated to their respective camps.

"What's going on?"

The person being questioned was Loreleija. This magic king who could see the past and the future obviously knew the relationship between the King of the Huns and the Giant God of Destruction.

"I, I don't know either." Lorelaia was the most confused one.

Just now in the "Sea of Life", because there was no anti-world Noble Phantasm, the group's situation was precarious. They tried all kinds of means, including Noble Phantasms, magic, and supernatural powers, but they could not break Kotomine Kirei's inherent barrier.

Originally, he wanted to delay the battle as long as possible, until Kirei ran out of magic power and the barrier automatically dissipated. He had not expected that after transforming into a Beast, Kirei's magic power would be comparable to that of the highest-level Phantasma, and it was unfathomable.

For the first time, the first time in her life, she, the ruler of the Clock Tower, the Lord of Barthelmero, felt despair.

At this moment, her Servant Altira suddenly said: "Master, I'm sorry, I want to sever my contract with you."

Then, the contract between the two was inexplicably broken, and Lorelaia had no idea what was going on.

With her level of magic, she couldn't figure out how the contract was broken

By the way, can a contract of this level be cut off by the Servant? It's not like they have a special treasure like Medea, or the distance is so far that the connection between the Master and the Servant is weak, and the one who takes the initiative to cut it off is a swordsman who knows nothing about magic.

It's totally illogical, no, it's totally unreasonable!

Even more unreasonable things are yet to come.

As soon as the contract was severed, Kirei's inherent barrier was immediately shattered, making everyone think that this was an additional effect of the severance of the contract.

Fortunately, the traces left by the Ten Grasp Muramasa are still there, and the holy sword in Shirou's hand has not disappeared - it was made bit by bit with real materials, and even if it is not the original authentic one, it will not fly away like a treasure.

When he withdrew his gaze from Ryudo Temple, Altira beside him had turned into a huge spirit particle cocoon, and broke out of the cocoon in just a few seconds, transforming into a giant god of destruction.

"Altira, you—" Lorelea raised her head and forced her voice out.

"I'm... sorry, Master."

The giant heard it and answered. Perhaps because the giant's vocal organs are different from those of humans, the voice seems a little jerky.

"Because... if I don't do this... there is no way... to destroy... him. He... took Shinji... my most important friend... so... I must... destroy him! I am a weapon, a weapon of destruction..."

The moment the huge eye stared at Kotomine Kirei, the latter trembled all over, as if he was being stared at by the most terrifying enemy. The beast characteristic, the immortality brought by the "Sea of Life", was useless under this gaze.

The so-called Beast and the so-called "Sea of Life" are concepts within the planet. They are limited to the interior of the planet and are naturally not applicable to existence outside the planet.

The destroyed giant god Cephalu is a vanguard created by the "Planet Hunter" to destroy civilization and exterminate life. She once cleansed the surface of the earth indiscriminately, defeated all gods, fantasy species, and strong men, and forced the planet and humans into a desperate situation. Whether it is power or immortality, they will all be equally destroyed in front of her.

It's like a computer. Even if you lock a file with the highest authority, it still cannot resist virus invasion, paralyzing the entire operating system and destroying the file.

This completely unruly way of playing by the rules frightened Kirei so much that he ran away.

How could the giant let him go? The giant arm swung down vigorously, but was blocked by a seductive figure in black. It was Altluchi!

"Don't... stop me!!!" The giant roared again, and the huge sound wave instantly blew away the highest-ranking Dead Apostle Princess.

But when she left, the primate killer came out again.

After finally blasting the primate killer away with a purer and more powerful force, Solomon continued to block the way.

"Why? Why? Why? I just wanted to... destroy him... just one person."

"I want to believe you, but you are growing too fast." Solomon explained while using various means to set obstacles for the giant god, "We must destroy you as soon as possible, otherwise the tragedy of 14,000 years ago will happen again."

Similar to Avisbronn's "Original Titan", the Titan Cephalus is a growing Titan. At the beginning, it was only ten times the height of a human, and the top servants might not have no chance of destroying it even if they tried their best.

But if she continues to grow, her height and strength will increase exponentially, and by then no one will be able to defeat her. She will follow her instincts and destroy everything, and just as Altuluqi said, the world will end.

As if in response to Solomon's words, light appeared before Cefalu.

Born in the inner sea of stars, it symbolizes the light of victory.

PS: There are nine stages in the setting of Sefalu. The first stage is a leap, the seventh stage is sweeping the ground and invincible. As for the ninth stage, I don’t know - because the environment of the earth only allows her to grow to the seventh stage.