Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1194: Hand over the head


Of course I will be dissatisfied.

First, he kissed Yustisa passionately for several minutes in public, and then said that he was already the winner who was ahead of everyone else.

Then, the terrifying and powerful enemy Aozaki Touko declares to join the war.

Now, he kissed Elquet again.

In an instant, all the crowns, beasts, outsiders, and magicians were thrown aside, and the girls were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred. They only wanted to say one thing - let go of that boy, let me come!

This strong resentment that almost materialized made Shinji's hair stand on end and his skin covered with goose bumps.

You know, he is now the third-level magician and is most sensitive to mental fluctuations.

After the initial sweet period, Shinji suddenly came to his senses and pushed Elquet away with force.


He stopped breathing and then started again, swallowing hard, the boy's heart was still beating loudly.

It must be said that the kiss with Elquet was the most passionate one in his two lifetimes. That clear and intense passion almost ignited Shinji's soul.

The kissing heroine licked her tongue with satisfaction, hugged Shinji's arm and laughed: "This is kissing, it's so fun, Shinji, find a chance to try it again."

"Ahaha. Ahahaha."

Shinji was sweating and laughing dryly.

My princess, you are trying to trick me to death. Although I do want to, please don't say it in public.

No, we can't go on like this, otherwise we'll be in trouble.

"Ahem, your dad... No, your mom, that's not right... Zhu Yue, is that the guy who stole your body?"

"I don't know." Arquette shook his head.

"Don't know?" Are you kidding.

"I really don't know. It disappeared after I regained control of my body. I checked myself, but couldn't find it."

"...You stand still."

The third magic was activated and the soul scan began. The results of the scan surprised Shinji a little.

"It actually disappeared? It seems that it is not just reincarnation, but directly becomes a part of the soul. This method is much more advanced than Roa's 'Infinite Reincarnation'. Could it be that Roa's stealing of your power is related to this part?"

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it."

"I didn't expect you to think about it."

With your stubborn mind, how could you possibly consider such details

"Fortunately, I've become the third magician, so I'm not helpless. The worst that can happen is that I can cut off the soul and then put it back together. It's just a bit troublesome, but it's better than leaving hidden dangers. I'll go and prepare for the soul surgery later."

"I'm glad you care about me, but it's okay." Elquet said, "She's actually quite pitiful, not as bad as you think, that's all."

"Really?" Shinji didn't believe it.


"What do you think, old man?"

Kishua thought for a moment and said, "Zhu Yue has been active on the planet for a long time and is much less harmful than the Titan... If you and Elquet can keep it under control like this, we can wait and see for a while. Your manifestation of Gaia and Alaya has inspired me. Outsiders are not necessarily all enemies. They may bring us new possibilities."

"You have much more experience in this area than I do. I will listen to you."

Shinji was not hesitant. It was not an easy task to completely destroy a UO. If you can be gentle with them, don't confront them head-on.

"I'll find a chance to talk to Zhu Yue. If she promises not to cause trouble, it's not impossible to let her out. We may need her help with the things on the moon."

"That's a good idea. You have thought more carefully about this aspect than the Fourth Magician." Kishya nodded slightly to show his approval.

Another person who was named threw up his hands and said, "I didn't think it through carefully enough and I'm sorry."

"... "

"... "

The old and the young looked at each other in bewilderment.

Now that Aozaki Aoko has said so, what else can I do

You can't just beat her up, wouldn't that be playing into her hands

More importantly, there is still one culprit that has not been dealt with—

Wait, what's going on

"Uh, Sister Aoko, where is the person you are looking after?"

"Isn't he here?" Qingzi turned around and was stunned for a moment, "Hey, where is that guy? He was here just now?"

"... "

Noticing the increasingly hostile looks from the old man and the young man, Qingzi raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay, I admit that I didn't keep an eye on him and let him get away. But you can't blame me for all that. You did things one after another, and I got so caught up in it. You all know that I'm a fool who can do nothing but destroy things."

"Sister, you're addicted to making fun of yourself." Shinji complained.

"I'll get used to being bullied by Orange after a while." Qingzi said calmly, "Besides, if he runs away, it's no big deal. With the old man's ability, he can catch up in a minute at most."

It was indeed as Aoko said, the second magician was a magician who manipulated time and space. No matter where the person he targeted ran to, he could catch up in an instant.

"Old man, please."

Kishua waved his cane decisively, his eyes closed and opened, and the surrounding scenery changed rapidly.

The moment the transfer was completed, a melodious bell sounded in my ears, mixed with angry roars.


Move forward in time just a little bit.

When Shinji used the connection between himself and Elquet to suppress Shuyue, Kotomine Kirei tried to escape again.

There is no other way, I have to escape. The total number of invincible monsters is reduced, but the most troublesome one is back. Am I going to die if I don’t run

While running, Kirei was very nervous for a while.

After all, I have failed once, so I won’t fail again this time.

Fortunately, this time everyone's attention was attracted by Shinji, and Kirei successfully escaped to the opposite side - the hilltop where Ryudo Temple was located. There was an extremely powerful barrier there that restricted the passage of spirits, and it was considered the safest place in the dangerous situation.

Halfway up the mountain, Kirei secretly glanced at the opposite side and found that there was still no response from the other side. He couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

It should be safe now.

However, as soon as Kirei turned his head, he was startled by something that suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was a skull mask, pale white, with two bluish-white ghost lights in the holes that represented the eyes. It looked extremely creepy.

Kirei was sure that this skull mask did not exist before he turned around. Where did it come from

The moment he reacted, he retreated with all his strength and shouted:


"The destiny has come, hand over the head!"

Such a voice came from the mask, and then a cold light flashed across Kirei's neck.

The next second, the head flew up into the sky under the influence of blood pressure.