Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1197: Qingzi took action


Magic Immortal Fist·The third wave.

The name was something Shinji had come up with, but the power of this attack was real.

Shinji mobilized the entire earth's desire for life and materialized it into magic power through magic.

There are so many living creatures on earth. Perhaps the power contributed by each life is only a little, but when accumulated, it is enough to be overwhelming.

Compared with such a huge force, Kotomine Kirei's personal strength is still too small, and the mystery he relies on is also useless in the face of the greater mystery of magic.

The result was no surprise.

The light of magic penetrates the sky and the earth.

The indescribable flow of magical power completely destroyed everything in the sky, even the scattered clouds were swept away, leaving only a distant moon and even more distant stars.

In the north of the sky, there is an exceptionally dazzling star field. The bright and dim stars are arranged according to a specific pattern, outlining the image of a hero holding a sword in one hand and a head in the other.

That is the constellation that Shinji Matou becomes stronger. It is the Perseus, the transformation of the great Greek hero Perseus, who has a close relationship with him. It is also the origin of the Perseus in the "Magic Perseus Fist".

As a member of Fuyuki, Shinji naturally contributed his own strength, the power of the heroes from the north sky.

After clearing this area of the sky, the starlight of Perseus gradually returned to normal, and the young man who summoned the power of the stars also put down his fist.

"There is only one reason why you failed, Kotomine Kirei. There is only one, very simple answer. It is that you angered me and this city."

Shinji thought it was a very appropriate and powerful ending, but Aoko laughed out loud.

"Okay, stop pretending. Do you think you are Jotaro Kujo?"

"Eh?" Shinji's mouth twitched, "You watch JOJO too?"

"Why, no?"

Aoko crossed her fingers and flexed her wrists. Then she took a step forward and instantly came in front of Shinji, punching him with both fists in a series of powerful blows.

He punched and shouted at the same time.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola~~~~"

Shinji followed suit by punching, either defending or counterattacking, and his mouth was equally busy.


It may seem like a bit of Cosplay, but the actual amount of magic that was unleashed has already exceeded the limits of playfulness.

Moreover, as time went on, the speed of punching from both sides became faster and faster, and the output of magical power became more and more huge. It seemed that this confrontation would not end until one side could not bear it anymore and fell down.

The result happened much earlier than anyone had imagined, because the ground beneath the feet could not bear the weight of the magician's body, and the two people who lost their balance retreated at the same time, and the confrontation between Ola Ola and Muda Muda also stopped.

Shinji stretched out his fingers, shook his numb wrist, and raised his eyebrows unconsciously: "Sister Aoko, are you serious?"

"I never said it wasn't true. Don't forget, we agreed that we'll have a fight once you finish your business." Qingzi crossed his arms across his chest, looking provocative.

"Hey, Aoko, stop messing around."

Chengzi couldn't bear to watch it and wanted to stop it, but was stopped by Qingzi's words.

"This is a matter between magicians. If you are not a magician, don't talk!"

"You—" Orange said angrily.

Shinji quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, sister. It's hard to say what will happen in Misaki City, but there's no chance of me losing in Fuyuki."

"Oh? You are very confident." Aoko's expression gradually became dangerous, "You have only just become a magician."

"Since when can magicians be judged by common sense?" Shinji's expression remained unchanged. "Besides, unlike someone who just started learning magic late, I have been exposed to magic for a long time."

Aoko's temper was already hot, and she couldn't hold back when Shinji mocked her: "As expected, you're just as annoying as Orange."

"Thanks for the compliment."



The moment they looked at each other and smiled, the temperature around them dropped drastically, but where their eyes met, it became hotter and hotter.

Now everyone knew what these two (relatively) young magicians were going to do. More than one person secretly complained - more fighting? Didn't tonight have enough goings on

However, the will of a magician cannot be changed by outsiders. Lorelaia had no choice but to ask for help from another magician present, who was also the oldest magician in existence.

"Sir, could you please stop them? The fight between magicians, to be honest..."

"I understand how you feel, and this is your responsibility, Barthelmero. But unfortunately, that's impossible. If I come forward, they will drag me into it as well."

As if to confirm this, Aoko turned the gun around as soon as Kishua finished speaking.

"Old man, this is a rare opportunity. You have nothing to do anyway, why don't you come together?"

"That's a good suggestion." Shinji's eyes lit up, "Master said that you are one of the few people she can't see through. With you as my opponent, I think I can measure my current level."

Kishua turned his palm over, and the meaning was clear—I’ll tell you.

Loreleija suddenly felt a headache and stomachache.

A war between magicians, if it goes wrong, it might be more troublesome than all the previous things combined. Can you consider the impact? After all, this is in front of me, the lord of the law and politics department.

At this moment, she finally understood Weber's pain - the pain of being surrounded by a group of willful guys and troublemakers.

She could only say:

"Please also consider the mysterious concealment and aftermath."

"I know. I will use the second magic to control the scope of the battle as much as possible. As for the impact on the environment, Elquet, you will repair it."

As Kishua spoke, he interfered with space, creating a small world that was both embedded in the world and relatively independent. As expected of an elder, he was reliable.

However, if he wants to be reliable, it also depends on whether other magicians cooperate with him.

As soon as the small world here was completed, Qingzi launched an attack.

It wasn't aimed at Shinji who was closest to him, but at Kishua who had no intention of leaving.

"—Loop, connect!"

Aoko raised her left hand to eye level.

The magic released at that moment was so different that one could see it with one's eyes... no, one could hear it with one's ears.

Aoko's magic circuits were mediocre, and mediocrity could be found everywhere in the magic world. They were low-level magic circuits with only a single function. Except for Weber, every magician present had a better magic circuit than Aoko's. They generated much more magic power and stored more magic.

But that speed was too abnormal.

That obviously exceeded the speed of blood flow, and most importantly—

Let alone the vibrations (sounds) produced by magic, the mere activation of a magic circuit would produce waves (sounds), something that was never heard of even in the Magic Association, which oversees the magic world!