Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1203: A distant dream that will eventually become a reality!


Time and space are the highest mysteries and the most unpredictable forces.

By the time you feel the fluctuations in time and space, it's already too late.

In the blink of an eye, half of the Aoko Group and the "Personality Mask" army disappeared.

There was no fierce struggle, no splendid scene, there was only a snap of fingers, a snap of Kishhua's fingers.

Shinji Matou and Aozaki Aoko, who were about to launch an attack, almost popped their eyes out.

"My @#R#$#, the Infinity Gauntlet!"

"You can do something like this?"

"Why not?" The old man flexed his five fingers in dark gold gloves and explained with a smile, "Shinji, you just said that human beliefs, cognition, and fantasy are mysterious and powerful. Although I can't draw power directly like you, it doesn't prevent me from getting inspiration from it and making more efficient ceremonial clothes - human imagination is really amazing."

An ordinary magician might think that the old man was talking nonsense, but not Shinji and Aoko. They are magicians who cannot be judged by common sense.

Shinji nodded and said, "That's true, but your 'Infinity Gauntlet' is not restored enough. It looks similar, but the effect of the purple potato monster's snapping his fingers is to turn it into ashes, not to exile it in time and space like yours."

"Because I only have the second magic. If I can collect all five magics and the 'sixth magic' that Zepia is pursuing, I might be able to achieve the effect you mentioned."

Kishua said as he twisted his wrist and pointed the back of his hand at Shinji and Aoko.

The two magicians could tell at a glance that only one of the six gems contained real magic, and the other five were replaced by magic of the highest standard.

The old man's thoughts were obvious.

"You actually want to collect the six magics. You are really ambitious."

Shinji sighed sincerely. The gap between people is really huge. Even a veteran Moon-loving traverser like him had never thought of collecting all six magics, but the old man with the gemstone had already made preparations.

"Isn't this interesting? I'm really curious about what it would be like if the six magics appeared at the same time."

Qingzi's eyes lit up and she looked very excited.

The calmest person was actually Kishua himself.

"It's only in the planning stage. The successor of the first magic and the practitioner of the fourth magic have not appeared yet, and the existence of the sixth magic has not been confirmed. And you may not be willing to cooperate with me, so the possibility of realizing the idea is very small. But it's better to be prepared than not to be prepared."

"That makes sense." Qingzi held her chin and thought in a low voice: "Should I also follow this idea and make my own magic costume?"

"You'd better forget it. Sister Chengzi said your handicraft is terrible."

So far, the only work of Aoko that Shinji has seen is Shiki's glasses, which were modified from the "Mystic Eyes" made by Orange - looking at the style that is so old-fashioned that it can't be more old-fashioned, you can tell that Aoko's craftsmanship is really terrible.

Aoko was embarrassed and angry after her past was exposed by Shinji.

"So what about you? Can you make your own magic costume? Maybe you're not as good as me."

"It doesn't matter if I'm not as good as you. I have a ready-made magic gift set to use. Have you forgotten that this is Fuyuki? Come on, the highest masterpiece under the third magic, the Holy Grail!"

Shinji raised his hand high. As he called out, the ground rumbled and the mountain shook.

After vibrating for about ten seconds, a sphere emitting dazzling light slowly rose from the hole in the ground that Qingzi had blasted earlier.

The diameter is about the height of three people, and it is pure gold from the inside to the outside. That is the color of Justisa's magic circuit, the final form achieved after continuous self-added value and self-replication.

Because the ritual called the Holy Grail War has come to an end, the light on the Holy Grail is not strong, and the fluctuations of magic power in it are also very weak.

However, when the sphere approached Shinji, the magic power and radiance filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. There was no need to wait another sixty years, the universal wishing machine had revived again.

Because of the true owner of the Holy Grail, the new third magician was born.

"It's almost time to end it."

Shinji stretched out a hand and gently touched the core of the body, the golden face of Justisa in the center.

"Well, it's time to end this ceremony."

At the same time, Justisa, who was outside the battlefield, broke away from the body that Orange had made for her, turned into a stream of light, and returned to the Holy Grail, which was also her original body.

The next second, this sphere that had existed for nearly two hundred years and had remained the same no matter what disasters it had experienced began to melt, melting into a golden liquid that enveloped Shinji's body.

The liquid transformed from the Greater Holy Grail kept flowing and changing, merging with the clothes formed by spirit particles and magic power on Shinji's body, and finally formed a dress that was more gorgeous than the Heaven's Clothes, more majestic than the ceremonial costumes of the Thousand Worlds Tree Clan, and more exquisite than the special costumes of the Einzbern.

That's right, the huge Holy Grail only made such a dress. It is conceivable how much amazing energy is contained in this dress.

Behind Shinji, the spirits of Justisa appeared, not one, but six!

They were all wearing heavenly clothes, but the colors of the clothes were different, namely red, yellow, blue, green, white and black.

Each color corresponds to a power.

Red corresponds to fire, yellow to earth, blue to water, green to wind, black to curse, and white to healing.

It happens to be the four elements flowing in the spiritual veins, as well as the evil and good thoughts that were accidentally differentiated by the Holy Grail - that is the essence of Yustisa who has always been with Shinji!

Because of Shinji's magic, he reappeared in the world.

They are the miraculous power of the Greater Holy Grail and the symbol of the entire Fuyuki spiritual vein.

She is Shinji's strongest support.

"I told you, there's no chance of me losing in Fuyuki."

It is precisely because of them that Shinji is so confident. The scale of a magician's ability is directly related to magic power. With the support of the world's leading spiritual veins, Shinji can perform miracles that are even greater than the Holy Grail.

Kishua's expression remained unchanged, his left hand wearing the "Infinity Glove" slightly raised, and the gem symbolizing the second magic shone with unprecedented brilliance.

"Then I will also go all out." Qingzi also raised her hand. She didn't have a ceremonial dress, but that didn't mean her fighting power would be weakened.

She is the embodiment of destruction, and has an unparalleled talent in this regard. Destruction and creation are opposites, so instead of destroying through her costume, she would rather destroy through her own body.

The blue magic was unfolded to its maximum, and the quantum fixed belt that recorded events was held in Qingzi's hand.

Afterwards, Kishua completely opened up the connection with countless parallel worlds and drew magic power from them.

Shinji also completely released his soul and replaced his body with an omnipotent wish-granting machine.

"Retrograde Canal, Genesis Light Year!"

"Multiple Ensembles!"

"A distant dream that will eventually become a reality!"

Three major magics.

Three magicians.

At the same time, he used his magic to the fullest.

This is the end of the Holy Grail War and the beginning of a new era.

When the anomalies caused by magic subsided, this small city in the Far East finally returned to its proper peace.

Nuclear weapons are gone, and peace is back.

(End of this volume)