Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1207: Lords' meeting


Lords' meeting.

As the name suggests, it is a recollection meeting held by the twelve lords gathered together, and it is also the highest-level meeting in the conventional sense of the Clock Tower.

It won't be held unless there is something important, and once it is held, it will definitely cause a great shock to the clock tower.

On the first day of the last month of 2004, the Lords' Meeting was held.

Right at the Clock Tower headquarters, on the top floor of the building with the longest history, there is a round table conference room.

The initiator of this Lords' Meeting is the head of one of the three major factions, the Democracy. He is also the lord of the "General Basic Course" department that every magician who enters the Clock Tower must enter. He is the lord of the Trumberio family, one of the three major noble families, Lord Trumberio.

The purpose of the meeting was known to everyone long before it was held - to attack the Clock Tower's old enemy, Lord Barthelmero Lorelaya, who had just returned to the Clock Tower headquarters, the leader of the three great nobles, the head of aristocraticism, and the head of the Law and Politics Department of the Clock Tower's administrative agency.

"I believe many people already know that not long ago, in a small city called Fuyuki in the Far East, a magician opened a passage to the 'root'."

"Chasing the 'root' is the ultimate goal of every orthodox magician. Barthelmero, as the administrator of the magician order and a noble trusted by all magicians, not only did nothing when the passage to the 'root' was opened, but also did not bring back any valuable information."

"On this point, I can only think of two possibilities: one, Bartmero deliberately hides his knowledge; two, Bartmero is not capable enough. If it is the former, I will question the philosophy that the Law and Politics Department has always upheld; if it is the latter, it can only mean that the current Bartmero is limited in ability and is not qualified to serve as the lord."

"I have dealt with Barthomello for many years, and I prefer to believe the latter. After all, the previous Barthomello did not have such a problem. In addition, there is another piece of evidence, the dispute between magicians. Although everyone knows that magicians are difficult to control and are beyond the standard, Barthomello, as the highest executor of the mysterious hidden law, was clearly on the scene, but did nothing. It is hard not to doubt her ability in this regard."

His words were both offensive and defensive, avoiding the main point and focusing on the trivial. Without deviating from the facts, he only picked out things that were unfavorable to Lorelaia. It was extremely vicious.

Loreleija's side was not unprepared. Considering Loreleija's image as a queen, it was obviously inappropriate for her to personally refute the argument, so Kenneth, as a staunch ally, stood up.

"Tramberio's statement is simply specious. As a participant in the Holy Grail War, I am well aware of its dangers. Being able to escape unscathed is a reflection of Barthelmero's ability. If it were anyone else here, they might never come back!"

Once this was said, not only the hostile aristocracy and nationalism, but even the neutralism that seemed to have nothing to do with the matter could no longer sit still.

"What makes you say that?"

"Because of my 'disappearance'. The reason I was missing for three years was because I was seriously injured in the Holy Grail War, and it took me more than two years to recover."

Some were skeptical, some were shocked.


"Is there such a thing?"

"Why have I never heard you say that?"

In response, Kenneth simply asked back calmly: "If you were in this embarrassing situation, would you say something?"

The answer is obvious: No. Those present are all lords, the most prominent figures in the Clock Tower. How could they say that if they have the dignity to do so

"Now you understand why I said that."

"I see. It's really not easy." Baruyereta, the second-in-command of nationalism, nodded and then smiled strangely. "But, if I remember correctly, the one from the modern magic department was also a participant, and he participated twice and came out unscathed both times—"

That person naturally refers to Weber, who is not a lord and is therefore not qualified to attend the lords' meeting.

"—Does this mean that Professor Velvet is more capable than the two noble lords?"

"Hmm! A person's ability cannot be judged by just one thing." Kenneth frowned.

"It can't be evaluated by a single incident, but it is also an important reference, right? Especially the major events related to 'Root' and 'Magician'."

At this point, the two sides were engaged in an endless argument. One side supported Lorelaia by citing her past achievements, while the other side focused on the "Origin" channel and the battle with the "Magician".

Because the attraction of "root" and "magic" to magicians is too strong, the neutral lords also lean towards Tranberio, which is very unfavorable to aristocracy. Although it will not really shake Lorelei's position as lord, it will undoubtedly damage the queen's authority and make Barthelmero pay some substantial price.

Boring dispute, expected outcome.

Loreleija, sitting in the main seat, sighed secretly. She had foreseen such a scene on the plane returning to the clock tower.

Just as Lorelaia was about to throw out the conditions she had prepared to end the dispute, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the meeting room. Then, the door made of rare metal and cast with hundreds of spells burst open, and a young man in white clothes and short blue hair walked in.

"Sorry to bother you. The people outside insisted on stopping me, so I had to resort to violence. Please forgive me."

The lord closest to the gate looked sideways and found that more than half of the lords' followers who were waiting outside the meeting room had fallen to the ground, and those who were not fallen had lost their combat effectiveness.

However, none of the lords present panicked. The fallen followers were indeed the elite among magicians, but those sitting here were the real strong ones. Each of them carried the ancient mark of origin and was one of the best magicians of the contemporary era.

"Who are you? Do you know the consequences of breaking into the lords' meeting?" Tramberio asked coldly.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. What do the rules you make have to do with me?"

The young man stood there leisurely, glancing at every lord present. His arrogant attitude reminded Baruyeleta of someone, a young man he had met a few months ago, who was equally unruly.

"Did I see you in the Twin Towers? Although you have changed a lot since then."

The boy said in surprise, "You can see that. I think my disguise is pretty good."

The generous old lady smiled and replied, "Because I'm a painter, I'm very good at distinguishing the differences in details. I think your name is Levi Ackerman, and you're a student in the Modern Magic Department's El Melloi classroom."