Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1213: attack


The next second, highly concentrated solar power radiated from Karna’s eyes, mercilessly bombarding the ancient gate that separated life and death.

"O Brahma, cover the earth (Brahmastra)!"

It is not the highest level Noble Phantasm, nor the one with the greatest destructive power, but it is a suitable Noble Phantasm.

How big can a city gate be? It's just the width of a few people. Instead of using those large-scale treasures that can attack hundreds or thousands at once, it's more efficient to concentrate the power on one point.

This line of thinking is undoubtedly correct. The ancient city gate that had been closed for nearly two thousand years was constantly melting, dissolving, and penetrating because of Karna's Brahma rays.

Of course, this is not a big problem for the city gate that once blocked countless powerful beings.

The gate of the Shadow Kingdom was extremely hard, and even with the power of Brahma and Surya, it was not easy to destroy it. Moreover, the gate could also devour the souls imprisoned nearby to recover itself.

It is because of this that this gate has been able to stand until now, keeping countless powerful beings out.

Brahma Rays are a one-time burst that is difficult to sustain and consumes a lot of energy. Under normal circumstances, Karna will use up all his magic power before the gate is destroyed, and the Master's vitality will also be consumed.

However, this is not a normal situation. Under normal circumstances, no one would stand alive in front of the gate of the Shadow Kingdom.

Shinji is not an ordinary Master either, he is a miracle agent, the third magician. With his support, Karna gets a much greater bonus than previous Masters, not to mention the continuous firing of rays, even the continuous firing of higher-level Noble Phantasms is no problem.

If one shot is not enough, try another.

If one eye is not enough, add the other eye.

With almost unlimited support, Karna had no more scruples and released his power wantonly, determined not to stop until he burned through the city gate.

Once, twice, three times.

Five times, ten times, fifteen times.

When his eyes fired more than twenty times in a row, the ancient gate, which had no support or maintenance, was finally burned through by Karna, melting a gap for people to enter.

"I'll take the lead."

Achilles rushed over impatiently, but was grabbed by Hercules.

"Let me go first. The land ahead is the realm of death, and I have more experience."

One of the world-famous "Twelve Trials" was to go to the underworld. After some preparation, Hercules successfully completed the trial and shot Hades, the god of the underworld, which dispelled Eurystheus's idea of getting rid of him.

Achilles, as the younger generation, was clearly aware of this experience. He no longer insisted and made way for his senior brother.

Hercules nodded to Shinji, then ducked and crawled into the gap. The gap created by Karna was spacious for other people, but it was still a bit narrow for a giant like Hercules who was 253cm tall.

The moment he passed through the city gate, Shinji felt a slight pain in his wrist, which was a signal that Hercules had suffered a fatal attack.

Soon, Hercules' voice was heard.

"Going through this door seems like death last time, I have the 'Twelve Trials'; so it's okay, you—"

"Who do you think you are talking to, Meat Mountain Tumbler! Clear the way for me! You are not the only one who has been to Hades."

Gilgamesh sneered, took out an amulet from the treasury and hung it on his body, then walked into the city gate in a dignified manner.

"That's fine with me."

Karna is only one step slower than Gilgamesh. The ability of the Golden Armor to reduce all adverse effects by nine-tenths is really too shameless.

The fact is indeed as the two golden heroic spirits said, they successfully passed through the gate of life and death and were not affected by death.

At this moment, the only ones outside the door are Achilles and Siegfried, a pair of heroes who have powerful immortal bodies but are not truly immune to the concept of death, and their common master Matou Shinji.

"Master, you should have a solution, right?" Siegfried asked. He always said what he meant and was not as polite as Achilles.

"Uh, yeah, I didn't expect them to move so quickly."

Shinji scratched his cheek while manipulating the spiritual bases of the two people, to put it bluntly, he added the concept of instant death and invalidity.

He had read Scathach's memories and knew all the arrangements of the Shadow Kingdom. Since he dared to come here today, he had naturally made corresponding preparations, including one for the concept of death.

When the last three people passed through the city gate, the first level of the dungeon called "Shadow Kingdom" was officially passed.

Next, what awaits them is the second level, an army composed of the dead and the undead.

The Kingdom of Shadows is one of the kingdoms of death in Celtic mythology. Before the end of the Age of Gods, countless dead people came here, and those living people who intended to invade here were killed by the mistress of this place and turned into undead spirits.

Normally, the dead and the undead are all in endless sleep, waiting for the end of the world.

Once a living being invades, they will wake up from their slumber and madly attack the invader until they die.

Therefore, when the group passed through the city gate and officially set foot on the land of Shadow Kingdom, the dead woke up and rushed to attack, just like the legendary undead plague.

Faced with such an attack, the heroes were not afraid. Each of them was a top-level servant, and each of them was one of the best heroes in their respective cultural circles. No matter what kind of enemy they faced, they would not be afraid.

Siegfried drew out the Fantasy Greatsword, and with the amplification of the True Aether, swung out rays of dusk light.

Karna took out the Bow of Immortality and released the flame of the sun, causing a small sun to rise in the dim shadow kingdom.

Achilles summoned the armor made by the god of fire and moved back and forth in the army of the dead with unparalleled speed. Wherever he went, no one (the dead) could stop him.

Gilgamesh opened his treasure house and continuously released various treasures targeting the undead. No matter what kind of undead it was, it could not withstand a round of his salvo of treasures.

The most eye-catching one is Hercules.

He held a longbow and shot a bronze arrow that could transform into a strange bird.

He was wearing the "fur coat of a divine beast" and allowed himself to be attacked by the undead without getting hurt.

He wore a "** Military Belt" across his waist, wrapping dense spiritual energy around his entire body, raising his various abilities to a terrifying level.

In addition, he also summoned several mythical beasts and demonic beasts to fight alongside him.

Among them is the legendary three-headed hellhound Cerberus, the watchdog of Hades, guarding the gates of hell and preventing any dead from leaving. He is considered the natural enemy of the dead.

Although its power was weakened due to the different mythology system and the lack of Hades's protection, its ability to restrain the undead remained. Countless undead were sucked into the three big mouths wherever it passed.

With the help of equipment and summoned beasts, Hercules can unleash the combat power of several armies by himself and gain the most among all the top heroes.