Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1217: God Killer


Although this was only the first time the five servants joined forces, they still delivered a blow that exceeded their limits.

Beyond the heroic spirits, beyond the gods, beyond the monsters, beyond Scathach.

The heroes surrounding the throne in a pentagon could clearly feel the shattering of the Divine Iron Shield, the disintegration of Runes, and the melting of various weapons.

In the end, even Scathach's own body was broken and twisted in the attack, until nothing was left of her and she turned into ashes.

"Is this... the end?"

Achilles stared blankly at the aftermath of the Noble Phantasm that had not yet dissipated. Although this battle was not long, it was the highest level of battle he had ever experienced before and after his death.

"That should be... right." Siegfried said this, but he did not put down the sword in his hand.

"It's the end." Gilgamesh held his right wrist with his left hand to prevent his trembling right arm from falling. "It's the end of us."

As he spoke, shadows surged.

It filled the broken sky and earth, filled the torn space, and finally gathered in front of everyone's eyes, appearing, no, reshaping Scathach's body.

From bones to muscles, from blood vessels to epidermis, along with the burned clothes.

"That was a great blow. It really made me realize the pain of destruction. It would have been great if you had come two thousand years earlier."

Scathach, who had recovered, whispered and sighed.

"Now I have merged with this land of the dead. As long as the Land of Shadows survives, I will never truly end. Unfortunately, even you cannot destroy this land and truly kill me. Therefore, I can only kill you, with all my strength."

In an instant, the five heroes felt an inexplicable palpitation at the same time.

The woman in front of him seemed like a completely different person. She was no longer the warrior who had been fighting with them just now, but a higher-level and more terrifying existence.

Not a god, not an elf, not a demon, not a fantasy creature.

Because whether it is God, demon, elf, or fantasy species, none of them have so much resentment and curses from their "fellow race".

The demons in legends are not as dangerous as her, and the demon kings in myths are not as scary as her.

If possible, Achilles really wanted to ask: "How many lives have you killed?"

But he couldn't ask. The pressure from Scathach in this state was too great, so great that he had to use all his strength and spirit to resist in order not to lose his composure.

Not only him, Gilgamesh and Hercules were also in a similar state. It was a sense of oppression from their blood and fear from their instincts.

Scathach is a godslayer who has killed gods more than once. Unconsciously, she has a natural restraint on gods. Unfortunately, most of the heroes who confront her are sons of gods and have high-level divinity.

Among the five servants, only Siegfried does not have divinity, so he is not affected much. Karna is weakened by the golden armor, so the suppression he receives is not that severe, but they still dare not relax at all.

Compared to before the war, Her Majesty the Queen has undergone a qualitative change by completely releasing the curse on her body.

Whether it is the size of existence or the status, if it was still at the human level before, then now it is undoubtedly at the level of the Lord God or the Demon King. Converted into the terminology of the servant, it is equivalent to the spiritual base and spiritual status from ordinary servants to the supreme crown.

Such a difference has surpassed the limitations of skills, experience, and abilities, and level suppression alone can crush 99.99% of ordinary servants.

Although Gilgamesh and others were among the remaining one in ten thousand, they could only barely hold on a little longer.

The moment Scathach's body moved, the little bit of time was gone.

The first one to suffer was Achilles, because he was the most arrogant and rude, and he was also standing closest to you, so who else could I hit if not you

With one step, he shortened the ground and stabbed out with a spear, leaving a big hole in the chest of the son of the sea god.

The "Vulcan Armor" and "Immortal Flower of the Brave" cannot withstand the might of the God Slayer, and the "Comet Running Method" cannot avoid the gunfire that interferes with the law of causality - every move of Scathach that enters this state is subject to the effect of causal interference.

The result was already determined before the spear was thrust out: Achilles' soul core was shattered, and he was doomed to die.

The second unlucky one was Siegfried, who had a similar legend to Achilles. He still shrunk the earth and drew his gun.

With one shot, he deflected the fantasy greatsword, then shattered the "Dragon Blood Armor" and accurately destroyed Siegfried's dragon heart.

At this point, the remaining three people finally had time to react.

Hercules draws his bow, and "School·Shooting a Hundred Heads" is the greatest liberation.

Karna draws his gun, and his "Unrivaled Martial Arts" is combined with the God-killing Gun to achieve maximum output.

But it didn't help.

The difference in size and level is just too great. The attribute base of an ordinary servant is 1, while Scathach is 2, 3, or even 4 or 5.

How to fight this

"Style: Shooting a Hundred Heads" is originally a super-fast nine-hit combo, but to Scathach who has entered the God Slayer state, it is just an ordinary combo.

The effect of "Golden Armor" is even more meaningless. It is true that weakening 90% is very serious, but that is based on the standard of ordinary spiritual servants. What if the basic attack is increased by five or ten times

The result is obvious.

Karna had just swung the first shot with his spear and Hercules had just shot the second arrow, but Scathach's spear had already pierced the bodies of both of them.

One shot was pure violence, directly delivering a force that was weakened by nine-tenths but was still lethal.

The other shot was extremely fast, with twelve consecutive thrusts, cutting off all of Hercules' trials at once.

Finally, Gilgamesh.

The sacrifice of his four companions bought Gilgamesh enough time.

Burning the spiritual foundation, burning the divine blood, the sword of Guaili, which he had never let go of, let out its final roar.

"Enuma - Elish!"

Facing the final blow from the King of Heroes, Scathach no longer passively endured it as before, she chose to take the initiative.

"An extermination stab!"

The fifth Holy Grail War's bow and spear battle was repeated. However, this time, the power of the Noble Phantasm Sword of Separation was not able to offset the stab delivered by the God Slayer.

League of Legends, the five servants united against the last one, and the hero king Gilgamesh was defeated.

The shattered space fissures spread outward, sweeping away the heroes' gradually dissipating bodies.

At the highest point of the Shadow Kingdom, there were only two people left on the huge battlefield.

The godslayer who transcends life and death, the eternal queen Scathach who looks down upon all living things.

And the common master of the League of Legends, the third magician Matou Shinji.

The former was full of vigor and vitality, while the latter had a calm expression, as if he didn't care at all about the death of his servants.

"You are almost ready."

"Yes, now we are finally equal."

PS: Back then, Big Dog led 20 people to besiege Master, but they were all blown away by Master's second stage. After all, Shan Shan, Hai Shu and others are servants, and their strength is not as good as before. In addition to Master's God-killing Special Attack, it is reasonable that Big Dog led more than 20 brothers before his death, not to mention that Master has become stronger.

PS2: The concept of the Grand Master repeatedly emphasizes the Grand Master spiritual foundation, and the second part also repeatedly emphasizes the divine level. Take Captain Golden Hair's subordinate Kaignes, for example. Russia and Northern Europe are all pretending to be awesome? In fact, is he really better than Uncle Hai and the heel? The answer is no. He is so strong entirely because of the difference in spiritual foundation or scale. To put it simply, it is a high level! You are 90, he is 190!

PS3: I will continue to update once a day. Well, if nothing unexpected happens, I should update once a day until the book is finished.