Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1224: A new story is about to begin


The year was 2015.

At the beginning of this year, during the coldest winter, a magician was found dead. Although this is a common occurrence.

He was the director of a small research building, and his body was found in the director's office of the building. The cause of death was said to be shock caused by the amputation of limbs.

Although the scene indicated that this was a homicide, no one had visited the crime scene since a week before the incident. So his death was treated as a suicide because there was no suspect.

Although it is puzzling, since he is a magician, such an ending is not surprising.

Whether it is homicide that looks like suicide or suicide that looks like homicide, it is commonplace in their world.

So the people who participated in the mourning had no questions about the incident itself, but when it came to the burial, everyone was puzzled.

Because on the tombstone that the deceased had prepared himself before his death, there were actually three people's spirit tablets engraved.

The sky is gray as if it is about to snow.

A simple funeral was held in the small cemetery surrounded by iron fences.

The cemetery was built on high ground in order to avoid being noticed in people's living circles.

Twenty mourners left the cemetery, talking about the past of their deceased loved ones.

Endless wilderness.

Nameplates (will) of the deceased are evenly distributed.

There is no wind today either.

Only the noon bell from the town is the record that connects the town and the old friends.

"I actually came here to give you flowers. And I ran into someone I definitely didn't want to run into."

"I'm the one who's in trouble. I accepted your request hoping to just laugh it off, but I can't even smile when you're around."

After the participants who lived in the town left, two Japanese women appeared from the darkness together as if they had agreed in advance.

This is a pair of sisters with the same surname, and they are extremely similar. If they are broken down into tiny parts and reassembled, they can even create an identical body.

However, their personalities and lifestyles are completely opposite, and their compatibility is unexpectedly bad, so they often quarrel for various reasons.

The quarrel just now was the mildest kind, which was considered to be a courtesy to the dead lying in the grave. Because of this person, they were one of the few old acquaintances in the clock tower who were not annoying. To put it more deeply, they could be considered a rare friend.

That’s right, these two sisters are none other than the Aozaki sisters who are famous in the mysterious world.

My younger sister is Aozaki Aoko.

A simple shirt and worn jeans. Long black hair casually draped behind her. No makeup to highlight her femininity, nor any decorations. Even so, she still exudes a strong feminine charm, probably because of the cool feeling she exudes and her perfect figure.

My elder sister is Aozaki Touko.

A full black long-sleeved T-shirt paired with leather pants, unique style glasses and minimal makeup outline a unique lightness and magnificence.

"I did my best to keep an eye on the mansion to prevent this from happening, but I didn't expect that he would commit suicide inside. Did you know that this would happen?"

"I guess so. You also received a letter from Mr. Floros, right? 'I have ended my life. I will probably be killed, and I hope you can deal with the aftermath.' I don't know what kind of magic he used, but it's amazing that he was able to send it to me. I admired him so much that I came here, but I was really shocked to see that he was still alive."

"Ah, that's how it is. Mr. Floros only remembered my sister and my last name. So we both received it. But why did he do that? To be honest, who are these Leif Holler and Lionel Gusin? I've never seen such people before."

"Yes. You were there when I first met Mr. Flauros."

"Yeah, the lobsters there are delicious."

"From that time on, you and I were both compatriots and people he had no interest in. We were also remembered as hateful enemies. Although he didn't say it, that's probably why he designated us in the end. As enemies, but also as his greatest confidants."

"Hmm... So, could it be that he has a split personality?"

"Yes. And he has multiple personalities who see one thing and process it in different ways at the same time. It seems that even their own names are different in his mind. The Leif and Renoir engraved here should have spoken to us. When we ourselves did not realize that it was the case."


While the two sisters were talking, a third voice suddenly sounded from where they had been hiding.

This is a man with both Eastern and Western racial characteristics. He looks older than the two women. He is right at the junction of youth and middle age, the golden period for men.

The two sisters turned around at the same time, showing surprise on their faces. Only at this moment could the difference in their styles be forgotten.


"Why are you here? Did you also receive a letter from Mr. Floros?"

"No, how could he possibly send me a letter?" Matou Shinji, who was already 28 years old at the time, shook his head, "I'm probably the person he hates the most in his life."

"What's going on?" Orange pushed his glasses, "I never heard that you two knew each other."

"I think we knew each other, but we didn't meet in person."

Qingzi asked: "Then why does he hate you?"

"Because this guy has intentions towards you, and I am the closest male to you."

Qingzi complained: "I was implicated by you two dogs and couple."

Shinji was not angry at all: "I like this saying, dog, man, woman, it's just right for us."

Qingzi was stunned for a moment, then her eyebrows stood up when she realized what was going on: "Who are you calling a dog?"

"It's not me anyway, whoever speaks up is the one."

"... Hoho, do you want to fight me here?"

"That's enough, you two. We are here to deal with Mr. Floros's aftermath, not to cause trouble."

Chengzi acted as a peacemaker. Qingzi glared at her sister and the man who was considered her brother-in-law fiercely and said no more.

Orange continued to ask: "Tell me, why did you come here? Do I make you so worried?"

"No, I always trust Sister Chengzi's work, but I don't trust him."

Shinji pointed at the tombstone, he was naturally referring to the magician Flauros under the tombstone.

"I have allocated some resources in Mooncell to monitor him."

"So exaggerated? Just because he has intentions towards us?" Qingzi spoke again. She is just like that, her temper comes and goes quickly.

"What? No? Don't you know I'm a male chauvinist? I can't stand my woman being touched by others accidentally!" Shinji deliberately put on an arrogant attitude and said in a domineering tone.


Aoko laughed strangely twice, while Orange slapped Shinji in annoyance.

"Don't be ridiculous. You're not that kind of person. Let's get down to business."

"The atmosphere is too depressing, let's liven it up a bit. To tell you the truth, I'm just waiting for him to commit suicide. If he doesn't die, I'll kill him - completely destroy him from body to soul."

"... "

"... "

The Aozaki sisters were silent.

The special emphasis at the end shows that Shinji's determination to kill is extremely firm. The last time he was seen so determined was 11 years ago when he destroyed Roa and Kotomine Kirei.

The two sisters closed their eyes and thought for a while, then put forward their own hypothesis.

Orange: "Is it related to his research?"

Aoko: "Is it related to his dual personality?"

Shinji nodded: "All of them, but not completely. This is a huge plot. If it succeeds, it can be regarded as the largest and most ingenious murder case in human history. As for the cause of the incident, I will give you a hint. It is on the tombstone. Huale, Guxin, and Flauros, do you have any idea?"

"Sounds familiar."

In response to Aoko's answer, Orange sighed helplessly.

"You really should read more books on this subject. Even if you are a magician, your identity as a magician has not changed. These are the seventy-two magic gods created by the Magic King Solomon, who is considered the ancestor of magic. The names of three of them are - wait, I remember that these three pillars have the ability to know the past and the present and predict the future in the legend... So, his different personalities, and the things he studies..."

Aozaki Touko is indeed one of the world's top researchers, with extraordinary reaction speed and associative ability.

"I only know him as the one who interprets the past—Aoko, what about you?"

"I only know him as someone who serves the future." Qingzi quickly realized, "The past, the future."

"Bingo, congratulations on finally finding the key to the solution." Shinji snapped his fingers and pointed at the names and explained one by one, "Lev Holler, the personality in charge of the past, considers Sister Orange a confidant. Lionel Gusin, the personality in charge of the future, considers Sister Aoko a partner. Of course, that's just their wishful thinking. What do you think?"

"Talking to myself—"


Orange and Aoko spoke at the same time, showing an unusual tacit understanding.

"—Let the world and theorems that once existed in the past be reproduced in the modern times—"

"—Measure the future, and let magic flourish even at the expense of the past and present—"

"—This kind of thing is meaningless."

The last sentence was said by both of them in unison.

After a moment of slightly surprised eye contact, the two sisters reached an agreement.

"So that's why. Leif Holler's research is too dangerous."

"More importantly, Leif Holler's pursuits are fundamentally in conflict with Lionel Gusin's. Both parties are irrationally paranoid, and the result is that one will kill the other."

"But if that were the case, they would have been destroyed decades ago due to conflict. After all, they share the same body, and if one of them disappears, I will have more time."

"So, there is another existence that mediates and eases the conflict between the two. The third personality, the sixty-fourth pillar of the seventy-two demons, Flauros, is an existence that will not be an enemy of other demons!"

"Yes, that would explain it. It is because of his mediation that the past and the future have been able to coexist peacefully until now. If he disappeared... the conflict between the past and the future would no longer be suppressed."

"This disappearance should be the time when the letter was sent to us. As for whether the trap was set first in the past or the future, it depends on luck. No matter what, the result is already determined."

"Why did Flauros disappear? Was it because he was tired?"

Synchronization was lost at this moment, and Orange's eyes turned into contempt.

"That's not a good motive. I'm telling you, you really haven't laid a solid foundation. After all, we, as magicians, can't just commit suicide."

"Yeah. As long as you have the magic seal, it will be difficult for you to commit suicide due to mental illness."

"Yes. The seal is a favor, but it is also a chain that binds fate. Let alone death caused by external factors, I cannot break the rules of the family with my own hands. In other words, it is not allowed to give up halfway because of frustration. This is especially true for ancient families. I think you must not know this, so I will teach you clearly-

The order of origin held by a family lineage that has continued from before the Western calendar to the present day.

The most noble blood commandment in the world of magic.

They are determined to sacrifice themselves for that mission until their entire clan is extinct, a pride that they strictly adhere to like a curse.

That is what is called the Grand Order.

Simply put, it is a duty bestowed by God upon the magician's family when he was born. Mr. Floros is undoubtedly the eldest son of such a noble family. Therefore, it is impossible for him to kill himself out of despair.

"Pride. Absolutely guarded pride... huh? Hmm. If that's the case, well, maybe that explains it. If that's the reason, then it's definitely not nonsense."

"What? You actually understand?"

"... Well, I don't quite agree with it, but it's probably true. If it's extended from that order, it can be explained, right? Then there is only one answer. Mr. Floros didn't commit suicide. He was forced to kill himself in order to stop Mr. Floros from the past and the future. Because if the two of them continued their research, it would bring disaster to the world, and both of them were the kind of people who could give up everything except their own time. So the answer is obvious, Mr. Floros wanted to protect the 'present'; the only thing between the past and the future is the present, and the only thing that can mediate the past and the future is the present."

"Do you think this is Mr. Floros's order?"

"Yes, if Leif Vall's obsession with the past and Lenore Gusin's pursuit of the future are all due to the Order, then Flauros's adherence to the present is the most reasonable answer. For this reason, he had to stop Leif Vall and Lenore Gusin, who were only interested in the direction he was heading. However, he couldn't kill Flauros, so by closing the present (himself), he summoned the indirect self-destruction that would come sooner or later. Although it was an act driven by the Order, he also protected the present "time" in his own way; - Is that right, Matou Shinji."

Shinji, who was letting the two sisters talk and perfecting his reasoning, couldn't help but applaud:

"That's exactly right. If the past is killed, only the future will be happy. If the future is sealed, only the past will become strong. They are all just satisfying the intentions of someone who has given destiny. So in order to protect the present, the present must disappear - this is the conclusion that Flauros has come to now. Although it is not known to the outside world, Flauros really saved the world and prevented the burning of humanity. He is undoubtedly a hero, so I came to see him off and thank him for his sacrifice."

"That's really ironic." Orange snorted twice with an ambiguous tone, "What do you mean by burning people's minds? Why does it sound so in line with Aoko's style?"

"Hey, Orange—"

Aoko immediately protested, but was interrupted by Shinji raising his hand.

"—Don't get excited, Sister Qingzi. Sister Chengzi didn't slander you this time, because you can really do such a thing if you want to."

"Is this true?" Qingzi didn't believe it.

"You can even accelerate the destruction of the universe, what can a mere human being do?"

"That's true, but how can we do this?"

"Aoko, you don't really want to—" Orange looked suspicious.

"Don't worry, sister, I won't do that." Qingzi quickly clarified, "I'm just curious. Aren't you curious?"

"A little bit, indeed."

"So, don't keep me in suspense."

Shinji smiled and said, "Now that I've said it, I won't keep you in suspense. I also plan to use Aoko-sama's magic to find the mastermind behind the Grand Order."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to beat someone up."

"Take me one."

"I want to beat up not only the culprit in one world line, but all the culprits in all parallel worlds."

"Wouldn't that be more fun?"

"Ha~" Orange put his hands on his cheeks, "These two guys are hopeless. It's up to you to decide how to deal with the culprit. Explain the whole story to me first."

"This has to start from 3,000 years ago when King Solomon was still alive. It's hard to explain in a short time."

Qingzi suggested: "Let's have a meal together. I'm hungry. I know a good restaurant. Sister, you can treat me."

Orange smiled without saying anything, turned his head to look at Shinji, and Shinji shrugged.

"She doesn't have the habit of carrying money, so I'll do it."

"Sure, as long as I don't have to pay for it."

With a happy smile on her face, Aoko placed the flowers in her hand in front of the grave, while Chengzi walked down the mountain leisurely with his hands behind his back.

Shinji raised his head and looked up at the sky silently.

Fate Grand Order—

This world line has indeed ended, but it is hard to say about other world lines.

Although I can't travel between world lines freely, I won't do nothing.

As for how far we can achieve, it depends on our efforts in the next year.

And these efforts will help in the journey to the stars and the sea.

A new story begins.

(End of this book)

PS: There will be a final remarks later, I hope everyone will finish reading it. The end of this book is only the end of the first stage, it is far from the real end, so stay tuned.