Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1227: The third exercise begins


With Ryanfort's latest express delivery service, Rean successfully got back to Rivers before class.

He first sent Xiao Huan and Xiao Di to Sunday school and handed them over to Rossino to take care of them. Then Li En walked into the school leisurely.

There was still some time before the morning meeting officially started, and Rean wanted to take this opportunity to chat with the students and ask about their weekend chores. Unexpectedly, after he had just said a few words, Alleria walked in and said that Schmidt wanted to see him about the new equipment for the Knight God.

Considering that the exercise is imminent, let Rean put down what he is doing and deal with it in advance. Anyway, today is the mecha soldier training class, which is Aurelia's absolute strong point.

Li En certainly had no objection, but it was hard for the students.

There was a wailing in an instant.

According to the course schedule, there is the usual mecha soldier training course every Monday. Class VII and Class VIII jointly teach the course. It is a high-intensity course. Rean and Randy never show mercy at such times, but compared with Aurelia, they are still dwarfed.

Although Aurelia would join in the fun from time to time in the past, teaching the entire course as an instructor and participating in the course are two different things.

Alleria has only one way to teach practical lessons - recklessness.

Aurelia drove her own special plane and took over Class VII and Class VIII. Even Randy couldn't escape.

From giving instructions in single combat to fighting in a group, Aurelia stayed on the machine for three hours in total. After coming down, she still looked as normal as ever, but the students were already exhausted. The physical impact was secondary. The most important thing was that they were mentally exhausted.

This is not the end, because the students of Class IX will not be able to escape in the afternoon.

After fighting for such a long time, the loads of the mecha soldiers have reached their limits, and some are even running beyond their limits. Especially Aurelia's own special machine, which obviously cannot do actions according to the settings, but Aurelia somehow made them. When asked, she said some idealistic statements such as human-machine integration, human-machine coexistence, and sharing the same breath, which are not scientific at all.

But no matter what, the wear and tear of the machine cannot be faked, and the workload of Class IX has increased dramatically.

This was the result of the new employees joining the Second Branch School. Just like Mint who joined the workshop, after the second exercise, nurse Linda and businesswoman Becky, who were also from Thorz and were in the same class as Rean, also came to the branch school to apply for help. One was responsible for the logistics support of daily necessities, and the other was the school doctor, so that this position, which was crucial to the military academy, finally had a job.

In the past, they were all part-time jobs. Rean, Randy, Tova, and even Michael and Aurelia, whoever was free would help out. Although they had all received emergency response training, they were far inferior to the professionals at the medical university.

In other words, Aurelia single-handedly overwhelmed the entire branch school and even affected the main school.

That’s right, the main school.

Cedric brought people again.

It is not a provocation, but simply a joint exercise.

Perhaps there was a change in his mentality, Cedric would bring outstanding students from his school to the branch school every once in a while.

Since we are not here to cause trouble, everyone is used to it and there is no need to elaborate.

Overall, both sides won and lost.

In terms of cultural courses, the main school with stronger student force has the upper hand, while the militant faction is dominated by the branch school that does not follow the beaten path.

Cedric was also used to using the branch school as a whetstone.

As a result, the whetstone suddenly jumped up and cut the knife.

At that moment, Cedric once again recalled the fear of powerlessness and the humiliation of being outnumbered seven by himself.

Oh, the opponent is the branch principal, that’s okay.

However, there is one last thing I must say - Instructor Rean, next time you want to leave, don't choose Monday. Only if you and Instructor Randy join forces can you possibly contain this female monster.

Venting out your anger, the reasons you give for not being able to calm down are so lame!

They also said that she was trained "gently". Is your Wenwen like this? No wonder she can't get married! I really don't know who can stand this lioness.

Because I was too exhausted physically and mentally, I didn’t even feel like officially announcing the internship location.

"This time the internship location is Haidu Ordis."


"And Rakewell."

"It doesn't matter. Minors can't go to the casino."

"There will be a Midsummer celebration."

“I hope I’ll still have the energy to watch it then.”

"You guys—"

Seeing the students looking listless, Michael instinctively wanted to scold them, but when he thought of the previous training, he sighed.

"Anyway, get ready and recharge your batteries for the weekend. This internship will be more rigorous than the previous ones."

The vaccination failed to provide any preventive effect and became the last straw that broke the camel's back.



"Please let us go..."

Michael's veins popped out when he heard this. It was still Aurelia who showed his support at the critical moment.

"You look so listless. It seems you haven't practiced enough."

“Ah~~~~~~~~~” The students shuddered instantly.

"If your grade is lower than A this time, you can come back for extra practice - don't worry, you will still get six hours of sleep every day."

Aurelia smiled brightly, and her tone was unusually gentle.

But the more she did this, the more afraid the students became.

"Yes, I will try my best."

"I will try my best, please don't practice more."

"By the way, the main school will also be conducting its first special exercise at the same time. Led by His Highness Cedric, they will board the world-famous 'Red Wing' Carejas to the state of Northumbria, which is far away from our country."

It may sound insignificant at first, but it actually reveals a lot of information.

Firstly, the exercises are no longer exclusive to branch schools; the main school has also started them, and there is a need for comparison between the two sides.

Secondly, the main school is the main school, and the treatment is better than that of the branch school.

The third and most hidden one is that Carejas was initiated and built by Olibate, and he made great contributions in the civil war and has always been regarded as the wings and symbol of Olibate.

Now that it has been handed over to Cedric and the headmaster, it can be seen that Olibate is in a difficult situation.

Osborn has always been ruthless in this regard, even though he was the ancestor of the Anor royal family before his reincarnation.

Of course, this has nothing to do with students.

"I think you don't want to lose, even if it's the main school."

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Very good, dismissed."

As expected of Aurelia, she boosted the morale of the students with just a few words.

Although the students complained about this, Li En said he was happy to see it happen.

Sweat more in peacetime, bleed less in war.

It is not a bad thing to have opponents to sharpen each other. I have come to where I am today through repeated battles and competitions with many masters.

This time is no exception, and several peak showdowns are inevitable.

The difference is that I will no longer hold back and will use my sword with all my strength.

Standing against the wall, Rean narrowed his eyes, his mind involuntarily drifting away.

The next moment, he was pulled back by the students.

"Instructor, something seems a little different." Kurt asked tentatively, "Did something happen?"

"Hate it, don't ask such unromantic questions. The one who can make a man more attractive must be a woman, woooo, it's not me." No one except Miao Jie could say such a thing.

"Indeed. Miss Alyssa is here in Ryan Fultry, and she has a deep connection with the instructor." Yuna also entered the gossip state.

Altina agreed: "Please explain in detail, instructor."

"No." Rean didn't mind other people's teasing, but he didn't want to lead Altina astray. "I just went back home and relaxed for the first time in a long time."

After a trip to Lulei and a trip to Yumir, Rean's mood changed again.

It's not just the sword master's nothingness, nor is it just the paranoid Shura, but he can switch between the two freely and perfectly.

As for the impact of this change on martial arts, let's verify it through actual combat.

PS: After a long wait, the much-anticipated third exercise has finally begun. Although it is also a long process, it should be very exciting in the later stages. Anyway, just watch it slowly. At this update speed, I don’t know how long it will last. It’s the sadness of a niche industry.