Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 1229: The frost is melting and the ice is melting


"How did you—"

Claire, who had seen countless important figures and many big scenes, was speechless for a moment.

What what

How did we meet

I already said it was accidental.

Why bring it up

Because of the common surname.

What she really wanted to know was how her cousin, whom she hadn't seen for almost ten years, viewed her.

Apart from her younger brother Emile, this cousin is the one she has been closest to since childhood.

But at the same time, she was a little nervous, afraid of hearing something she didn't want to hear.

I wanted to drink more, but found that the cup was empty.

Li En knew what she was thinking and smiled, "I have never had a formal conversation with her. I just happened to sit near her and overheard her conversation with her friends. The topic at the time happened to be brothers and sisters."

"She, what did she say?" Claire became even more uneasy.

"Uh..." Li En paused deliberately.

"Tell me the truth, it doesn't matter to me." Claire had already made up her mind.

"Well, I told you. Stubborn, one-track-minded, stubborn, unwilling to listen to advice, always making decisions on his own, taking on too much responsibility, always having a stern face, not liking to smile..."

“Hmm…” Although Claire said she could bear it, the gloom in her eyes almost overflowed.

At this time, Li En changed the subject: "But, she is a good sister."

"Eh?" Claire was stunned. She looked at Rean in a daze for a long time before she uttered two words, "Really?"

"Of course. There are indeed people who are completely blinded by hatred and don't care about anything else, but looking at Major Michael, you can see that neither he nor the family he grew up in is like that.

What I said at that time was just angry words, and you can't take it seriously. After all, the real guilty ones are your uncle, your dead parents and brother. You, Major Michael, the major's mother and sister are all innocent, and should not and will not be trapped by the shackles of hatred.

If you still don’t believe it, you can only ask it yourself.”

"I... don't dare..."

I knew you wouldn't dare.

Rean was extremely confident. In fact, he had never seen Isara before, and it was not a flashback from "Trails of Cold Steel" - he didn't have this, so he crossed it out.

But not having seen it doesn’t mean there is no information.

Rean wants to help Claire untie her knot, and do better than before she started over, so the Levitt family connection must be untied.

Levitt's hometown is in Saint-Treak, Patrick's territory. Is it difficult for Rean to find out something

Not to mention that the case of the Levitt Society was a sensation back then and everyone knew about it. It was easy for Patrick to find out where the Irving family was and find out their attitude - of course, he did it indirectly.

What Rean told Claire were basically Isara's original words.

Rean couldn't make up such a story with such a sharp contrast. He could only make it up based on the way his siblings get along with each other, and Claire would definitely see through it. It would be better to let Alyssa do it, because their personalities are inexplicably similar, and their hair color is also similar, both are blonde.

As for whether or not to ask in person, it’s actually not important.

It is the fact, so it would be better to ask for clarification.

Thinking of this, Li En added fuel to the fire: "If you don't dare, I will go with you."

"What...what..." Claire couldn't believe her ears.

"I said I'd go with you. Actually, Recter and Miriam should be able to go too. However, it might not be appropriate for them to come to your house as members of the Intelligence Agency."

Seeing that Li Enzhen began to consider the feasibility of the problem, Claire quickly said:

"How could you... think so..."

"When you encounter something you don't dare to face alone, it's normal to find someone to share the responsibility. Even if you can't shoulder it together, it's good to help give you courage. Without the support of my companions, I wouldn't be able to get to where I am today, and your support is also part of it. Now it's my turn to repay you."

It was well-reasoned and Li En felt that his explanation deserved full marks.

Claire did not hesitate and simply asked, "I appreciate your kindness, but... in what capacity? 'Gray Knight'? Brother's colleague?"

In fact, what I want most is an answer that I can’t express.

Li En didn't expect Claire to agree, so he quickly thought, "Brother, it's not a fake identity... Your deceased brother should be about the same age as me, right?"

Claire hummed. Although she didn't hear the answer she wanted to hear the most, she couldn't avoid the issue of her brother.

"What's his name."

"Emile, the same age as you, if he were alive."

"Actually, I don't mind. As Miss Claire's younger brother, I've always thought it's great to have a sister like you."

"But I do mind."

Claire's sudden tough attitude made Li En a little stunned.

"I must be honest. I once looked for the shadow of my younger brother in you. Thank you for always tolerating me and even cooperating with me... But my brother is right. Emile has gone to be with the goddess, and I will not look for his shadow in others. You are Rean, not Emile. I will not overlap you two anymore because it would be disrespectful to both of you."

"It's best if you think so." A foster brother is not a substitute for someone. Rean hopes Claire can look forward.

"I will consider going to the Irving family as you said. Although I don't know when, I will definitely go. Please come with me then. I will introduce you to my aunt in a different capacity. Besides that, I have another wish. I hope you can also go home for a meal, not to the Shu Huaze family, but to another family."

Claire did not disappoint Rean, she even exceeded his expectations.

The determination and expectation in that look were something Rean had never seen before.

"You... don't want to? Or do you still hate you, just like my aunt and her family did ten years ago."

Am I shooting myself in the foot

Li En was in a weird mood, but fortunately the answer to the question was already clear, and he had passed the period of confusion.

"At the end of the civil war, I was probably the same as them. I couldn't accept the fact that Clo died in front of my eyes. Now I can understand some of his actions."

"Then..." Claire's eyes were filled with anticipation. She really didn't expect Li En to say it so straightforwardly. Joy instantly overwhelmed all other emotions.

"But your family and I are a little different. Understanding does not mean agreement. I will follow my own will in some matters. Of course, if it's just for dinner, then it's fine. It's not convenient for him and I to move, so you can arrange it?"

"You agreed?" Claire was surprised and happy.

After seeing Li En nod, he quickly said:

"Okay, no problem, I'll arrange it as soon as possible, and Your Excellency will be happy, and-"

As she spoke, Claire suddenly came close to Rean, lightly touched his cheek with her lips, and then quickly moved away.

"Thank you, Rean, for listening to me and my wishes. This is a kiss of gratitude. May you have a good dream."

After saying that, he ran away like the wind, leaving Li En alone in a daze.

No way, I’ve said so much and thought it was all over, but now it’s coming again

Could it be that the moonlight is so beautiful and gentle that I am hallucinating

PS: Hallucination was what Rean himself said in the original work. He is very good at deceiving himself.