Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 123: Death fight


This was a civil war between Celtic heroes.

This is a duel between masters of gunmanship.

On one side is the knight Diarmuid, who is known as "unparalleled in the world".

On the other side is Scathach, the Queen of the Demon Realm, who entered the realm of gods as a human and killed many gods.

The magical power of the bulge shakes the atmosphere.

The alternating gunpoints heated up the cold winter night.

Every step forward breaks through the ground.

With every gust of wind pressure, the walls collapsed.

The figures of the two people at the center of the collision were difficult for both Shinji and Kenneth to capture.

Lancer is rated as the fastest among the seven classes, and the Servant whose real name is Diarmuid does not disappoint this class. His agility attribute is the highest in this Holy Grail War - A+.

However, this highest one is not the only one, there is another person who possesses the same speed as Lancer, she is Diarmuid's current opponent, Scathach, who appears in the world as an Assassin.

It is not difficult to understand why such a scene would occur in a life-and-death battle between two powerful men who have both reached the speed limit of servants.

The north wind is howling.

The atrocities that violated the physical laws of this world made the atmosphere scream hysterically.

The abandoned factory was shrouded in the violent wind pressure, was ruthlessly ravaged, and was gradually destroyed.

Five minutes, just five minutes later, the reinforced concrete factory building chosen by Kenneth as his base collapsed.

The two humanoid monsters who caused all this stood on the ruins confronting each other without blushing or breathing hard.

Scathach casually made a gun flower with a hint of aggressive smile on her lips.

"You are worthy of your reputation as the foremost knight of the Fianna Knights. If it weren't for that tragedy, you would have mastered the 'Divine Strike' sooner or later;."

Diarmuid responded with a similar smile. It was hard to imagine that such a gentle and polite man would show such a wild and even ferocious smile.

"You are too kind, Queen of the Demon Realm. Compared to you, I am still far behind. Your spear skills, which have been trained to the extreme and are enough to kill gods, are indeed an eye-opener for me. If you were a spearman like me, I would have been injured or died by your spear."

"Don't be modest, Diarmuid." Scathach shook her head slightly. "You and I both know that the strength of a warrior cannot be judged by skills alone. His or her own qualities are also an important part. Strong is strong. There are no excuses, and there are no ifs."

To evaluate the strength of a fighter, one needs to make a comprehensive judgment based on the three aspects of mind, skills, and body.

"Heart", both of them are veterans, both are determined to kill, with no distractions, and no one is better.

As for "physique", Diarmuid undoubtedly has a considerable advantage in the Lancer class.

But the "skills" that Scathach has honed since BC have made up for her attribute disadvantages very well. Overall, the two are evenly matched.

Diarmuid nodded happily. Of course he understood this principle. He just felt it was a pity that the true body of this great senior was still in the Kingdom of Shadows. Otherwise, he would be able to see the real "God-killing Spear", which was the highest realm that every warrior who practiced spearmanship dreamed of.

How could Scathach not feel sorry? The legendary Diarmuid had two swords, two guns, and one knife. The two guns alone could not show Diarmuid's true strength.

However, as soon as this thought arose in their minds, they were simultaneously put aside by both of them, because it was completely meaningless. Instead of thinking about this, they might as well think about how to win.

"Come again!"


Then, the two men, who were also using their guns to fight the enemy, took a step forward at the same time, exuding an aura that was almost tangible. Even though they were dozens of meters apart, Shinji and Kenneth could still feel the pain of being scratched by a sharp object on their faces.

The ensuing confrontation was more direct and fierce, more concise and tragic.

After five minutes of testing, the two masters of spearmanship already had a deep understanding of each other's spearmanship.

There is no need to test each other, nor to hold back. You just need to give it your all and kill your opponent.

Stronger, faster, more powerful.

The two men continued to wave their weapons, launching one move after another, engaging in a fierce offensive and defensive battle back and forth.

Diarmuid's long spear is powerful and heavy, while his short spear is strange and changeable, and the long and short work together in perfect harmony.

Although Scathach only has one gun, in her hands, the gun seems to be full of spirituality. No matter the tip of the gun, the gun body or the handle, every part has derived infinite possibilities, and she can switch between offense and defense smoothly.

The three intertwined and inseparable magic spears collided and produced thousands of sparks, blooming into dazzling flowers.

Legendary treasures that wield superhuman strength and speed collide with each other, with speeds even breaking the speed of sound.

I don’t know if it was ten rounds or a hundred rounds.

Scathach had a wound on her waist.

Blood flowers bloomed from Diarmuid's chest.

The physical injuries not only did not slow down the two men's offensive, but made the battle even more dangerous. It was like two injured beasts, completely arousing their ferocity.

At this moment, even if the Master ordered the two to cease fighting with the Command Seals, it would be difficult to suppress the two heroes who were so eager to fight.

Aim the gun at the center of the eyebrows, throat, heart, wherever is fatal.

The gun kept stabbing out, leaving no room for any gap.

The high-speed thrust did not even leave an afterimage.

The two of them ran quickly in a very small area, releasing dozens or even hundreds of attacks in one breath.

As long as either side fails to keep up with the pace, death will come.

Blood kept dripping from the two servants' bodies, perhaps from their arms, thighs, backs, or even cheeks.

In such a fast-paced battle, Scathach has no time to release the True Name of her Noble Phantasm, and the special effects of Diarmuid's Red and Yellow Roses cannot be used.

In a hand-to-hand combat without the use of magic, there is no magic power for the Red Rose to cut off, and the premise that only one person can survive also makes the Yellow Rose's "wounds cannot heal" curse ineffective - there is no time for treatment during the battle, both sides are equal, and when the battle is over, if Scathach dies, there is no need for treatment; if Diarmuid dies, the curse will naturally be lifted.

This was both a strategy they had deliberately chosen and a tacit understanding between them - not using any Noble Phantasms, but only relying on spearmanship to decide the outcome.

More and more blood flowed from the two men, and the eye-catching red dyed the green leather armor and black tights the same color.

Suddenly, with a clang, a spear as beautiful as a rose fell to the ground - Diarmuid lost his red rose.

This was a technique originally created by Scathach, which changed from a straight-line thrust to a sweep across Diarmuid's wrist.

This was a blow that Diarmuid could not dodge. The Red Rose was a long spear, and its changes were far less swift than those of a short spear. Although Scathach changed her moves temporarily and the force from the spear was not great, the blow landed very accurately. Diarmuid's nerves were injured, causing him to lose strength in his right hand and unable to hold the Red Rose, just like when he stabbed Saber a few days ago.

Unlike a few days ago, Diarmuid did not show any anxiety or pain because of the loss of one hand. Instead, he showed a smile that showed he was confident of victory.

PS: It will be officially on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow, with three updates, because I promised to make up for it when the first leader of this book is put on the shelves.

The rules for adding more are as follows:

1. Additional chapters will be added when the average subscription reaches 500. For every additional 100 subscriptions, one additional chapter will be added. There is no upper limit.

Second, rewards will add more chapters. If the total amount of rewards from all book friends reaches one alliance leader, one more chapter will be added.

Third, if the saved manuscripts are used up, just keep them in debt. If you have the guts, make the young master use up all the saved manuscripts.

4. The update rules are valid for a long time.

5. Starting from Saturday, the update will resume as normal, with two updates a day, and a minimum of 2000 per update. If there is an irresistible reason, I will ask for leave in advance, but the total number of days I take leave in a year is only in the single digit, and the only time I will definitely take leave is during the Chinese New Year.