Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 27: Gun and Sword (II)


The battle in the warehouse area was extremely fierce.

This is a brutal duel that has become extinct in modern times and only took place in that distant era when myths had not completely disappeared.

Knights in armor and warriors holding double guns were fighting each other fiercely amidst the sharp edges and flying sparks.

Although it was an intersection of cold weapons, the magic of the collision and the powerful airflow that followed that seemed to destroy everything were not inferior to modern hot weapons.

It was as if the two servants were holding not guns and swords, but TNT.

The feet that stepped on the ground crushed the earth.

The air pressure brought by the weapon was cut off.

Even the dynamic vision enhanced by magic could hardly keep up with the movements of the two men, and one could only judge the intensity of the battle from the occasional aftermath.

The iron sheets on the warehouse's outer wall could not withstand the ravages of such visible and invisible guns, and they peeled off and twisted like tinfoil blown away by the air waves.

The wind hummed.

Faced with a space that was completely contrary to the physical laws of the world, the air around it emitted a neurotic whimper.

A violent storm raged through the deserted shopping streets, destroying and trampling everything.

A hand-to-hand fight between just two people would destroy the entire street.

This is the Holy Grail War, the feat of recreating the world of myth and legend.

Thunder tore the sky apart, waves shattered the earth, and the fantasy world miraculously became reality.

This is the battle between Servants.

Irisviel was stunned, Matou Shinji was fascinated, Scathach's warrior blood was getting stronger, and even Justisia, who had witnessed three Holy Grail Wars, was still amazed.

"Shinji, close your eyes. Your eyes have reached their limit." Scathach suddenly spoke.

"Yes, Master."

Shinji closed his eyes without hesitation. He could barely see the movements of the two servants because of the enhancement of magic. Such a technique put a great burden on the eyeballs, and using it for too long would damage the eyesight.

"It's just that - I feel a little bit unwilling to miss such a battle."

Hearing her disciple say this, Scathach's eyes showed obvious relief. She stretched out her left index finger and outlined a rune between Shinji's eyebrows.

"Any qualified fighter would not want to miss such a battle. Your mentality proves that you are one step closer to becoming a qualified fighter. So, this time, just treat it as a reward."

Soon, the movements of Saber and Lancer appeared clearly in Shinji's mind. Unlike before when he could only see a vague general idea, this time every detail was clear, whether it was the swift footsteps or the smooth movements.

—This is the world in Scathach’s eyes.

Servants can be said to be a special kind of familiars. In theory, magic that can be applied to familiars can also be effective for servants, such as sharing senses. However, servants have independent consciousness and personality, and most servants will resist such magic. Shinji also tactfully did not ask Scathach to do so. He did not expect that she would take the initiative to do so today, which made Shinji flattered.

As soon as the excitement and novelty came to mind, they were interrupted by Scathach's thoughts.


Currently, the two are in a state of high empathy, and Scathach can feel what Shinji is thinking.

The same is true in reverse. Scathach took this opportunity to provide live commentary for her disciples.

"Observe carefully and don't be blinded by the fierce battle. The battle is still in the exploratory stage."

"Saber's attack seemed fierce, but in fact she was cautious. She was on guard with both guns at the same time because she didn't know which one was Lancer's trump card."

"Lancer is the Heroic Spirit of the Spear, so his Noble Phantasm must be a spear. Lancer himself is well aware of this, and he has wrapped his twin spears with charms to hide the true identity of his Noble Phantasm and prevent it from being seen through."

"A gun is a long weapon, and few people can use it with one hand. Saber believes that one of Lancer's two guns is a disguise. She wants to judge which gun is Lancer's real gun through Lancer's fighting style. There will be a difference between the real and fake moves between your usual weapon and the weapon used to confuse the opponent. As long as Saber can see through this, her chances of winning will increase greatly."

"However, she has not come to a conclusion yet, because Lancer has profound attainments in both long spear and short spear, and the two work together perfectly."

Lancer rushed forward, swinging the gun in his right hand. The swinging gun blade drew a very wide attack range, and its strength and speed were in no way inferior to holding the gun with both hands.

No, precisely because it was using one hand, there were many more moves that were not available in two-handed pistol techniques, and the gun stabbed at Saber from an unexpected angle.

However, the spear has its limitations after all. Because it is too long, it is inevitable that there will be flaws between two attacks.

Saber saw the opportunity, stomped her left foot hard on the ground, and flew forward, hoping to use this gap to hurt Lancer.

Unfortunately, before Saber's attack could even begin, it was disrupted by Lancer—with the pistol in her left hand.

The gap left by the long spear was filled by the short spear in the left hand, making the defense watertight.

"What's wrong, Saber? Your offensive attack is not good enough."

Just as Lancer had provoked, Saber had not launched a single effective attack since the start of the battle.

"He used two guns at the same time, but not a single move was fake. The coordination between the two was flawless. This man is indeed as you said just now—he is a master in every sense of the word."

"I am also best at dual guns, so I can see that, but I don't know if Saber can see it."

Scathach's interest grew.

On the contrary, Shinji became calmer and calmer: "Despite this, Lancer is still at a disadvantage."

"You're right. The fact that you can see this proves that my teachings were not in vain." Scathach's voice was filled with a hint of joy. "It seems that Lancer attacks more than he defends. In fact, Lancer has a hard time dealing with every attack from Saber."

"This is only natural. After all, Saber's sword is an 'invisible sword'."

"A large amount of air is gathered around the sword by magic, and the air surrounding the sword refracts the light, making it completely invisible."

"Although this does not have much auxiliary effect on the Noble Phantasm, its effect is very obvious in close combat. Even if you can judge Saber's attack trajectory through her movements, if you can't see the length, width and style of the weapon, you can't make an accurate response. You can only watch many opportunities slip away from you - because you don't know whether it is an opportunity or a trap."

"Even though Lancer's martial arts skills were no less than Saber's, he was still suppressed by Saber because of this 'invisible sword';."

"Wind King Barrier." This term popped up in Shinji's mind subconsciously, and at the same time, a question popped up, "If it was you, the master, facing Saber, what would happen?"

Scathach answered without hesitation: "At the beginning, I will also be passive because of the 'invisible sword', but after a few rounds, I can determine the style of the sword. However, due to the difference in physical attributes, I may not have the upper hand. Most of Saber's attributes are above A, and most of my attributes are only D - in the face of absolute power, the role of skills will be weakened."

Shinji was silent. If he could be stronger, Scathach, who was the ceiling of the Servant, would not be dragged down by her low attributes.