Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 28: Gun and Sword (Part 3)


The duel between Saber and Lancer is still going on.

If they were originally holding back in order to test each other's strength, now it can be said that the fight between the two has reached a fever pitch.

Of course, the so-called reservation was just a statement among the servants. The road surface destroyed by the aftermath of the tentative attack was covered with horrifying marks. Two roadside warehouses collapsed, and the asphalt on the road was turned upside down like a farmland. Looking at such a battlefield, one could not help but feel that a major earthquake had just occurred here.

In this ruined place, Saber and Lancer faced each other unscathed, calculating each other's next move. Neither of them showed any sign of fatigue.

Just as Shinji was completely immersed in this duel, fascinated, Scathach, who was providing visual support, suddenly looked away.


"There are other guests."

Before he finished speaking, scattered gazes quickly focused and fixed on a figure lurking in the shadows.

Although his features were not clearly visible due to the lighting, Shinji was able to determine his identity based on his general features.

Thin, tall, wearing a black coat and carrying a sniper rifle with an infrared scope.

The magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu is the only one in this Holy Grail War who can use modern technology so well. He is Saber's true master, and Irisviel is just a cover he pushed to the front to attract attention from all parties.

Kiritsugu's strategy was so effective that even Tohsaka Tokiomi overturned his previous judgment that Emiya Kiritsugu was the Master of Einzbern. If Shinji didn't know the plot, he would have naturally thought that Irisviel was Saber's Master. Saber and Irisviel were so compatible. Irisviel trusted Saber, and Saber's protection of Irisviel was not false. No one would believe that they were not master and servant. This is how Shinji's "Knight Princess CP" in his previous life was born.

Once everyone's attention was focused on Irisviel, he could fully unleash his skills as a magician killer and use a variety of means to assassinate the other six masters.

Since he is here, then—

As soon as the thought came to her mind, Scathach had already shifted her gaze to the woman who was standing across from Emiya Kiritsugu on the other side of the warehouse street.

With her regular facial features and harmonious figure, she is definitely a beauty. However, the coldness in her slender eyes makes people feel that she is a thousand miles away. The temperament she exudes is somewhat similar to that of Justisa.

The woman was holding an assault rifle in her hand, and her half-squatting posture contained explosive power that ordinary people could hardly achieve.

If Emiya Kiritsugu is a venomous snake, then she is a cheetah.

Hisau Maiya is Kiritsugu Emiya's female assistant and partner. Her name is not her real name, but the one Kiritsugu gave her when he applied for a fake passport.

The woman who was rescued by Kiritsugu on the battlefield when he was young, she has a very heavy past. She considers herself as a part of Kiritsugu, and is also a woman who makes Kiritsugu feel completely at ease. From a secular perspective, she can be regarded as Kiritsugu's mistress. In fact, Maiya, Kiritsugu, and even Kiritsugu's wife Irisviel don't mind, so it's not up to others to say anything.

"Eh? You have good insight. You actually noticed my gaze."

In Scathach's sight, Hisahi Maiya suddenly rolled on the ground, using the stairs at the top of the warehouse as a cover, leaving only the muzzle of her gun exposed.

Seeing this, Shinji scratched his cheek and said, "Master, does your hidden technique include one that can block the heat emitted by the human body?"


"Then our presence has been discovered. Infrared night vision scopes use the heat emitted by the human body to form images. Either change your position or prepare to take the bullet."

Before Scathach could answer, Justisa reminded him, "There are people hiding on the crane's boom in the warehouse at the bottom left corner."

As Scathach and Shinji watched, she prepared a large-scale detection magic.

"The one in the warehouse is Kariya. He has the rune stone I made."

The rune stone that Kariya used as his trump card contained Scathach's magic mark and aura, and Scathach would be able to sense it when approaching within a certain distance.

Scathach's sight quickly moved away from Kariya's position. To the lower left, the path between the containers, a bitter face, a black monk's robe, and a long breath.

"—Kotomine Kirei."

It seems that without Assassin, he still obeys Tōsaka Tokiomi, participates in this Holy Grail War, and personally fights in it from the beginning.

The cantilever of a tower crane, a blue magician’s costume, short lemon-colored hair standing up neatly, a confident smile on the corners of his mouth, and a ball of silver liquid at his feet, like a ball of mercury.

"—Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald."

Lancer's master, the strongest magician in this Holy Grail War, nicknamed Director Ken.

Including the Rider team that Shinji saw on the Fuyuki Bridge when he flew over the Miyuan River, six of the seven Masters of this Holy Grail War have already arrived at the scene either in person or by proxy.

If he used all means and played all his cards, he should be able to force at least two masters to retreat - however, considering that the two most troublesome groups could not be cleared and his own safety could not be guaranteed, Shinji finally gave up this tempting idea and continued to stay where he was to watch the battle.

Lancer brandished her spear full of killing intent, but she said to Saber in a relaxed tone: "There is no honor in a duel without a name. Anyway, I want to express my respect to you. You haven't shed a drop of sweat yet. You are really a heroine."

"Don't be modest, Lancer." Saber waved the sword in her hand with a smile on her face. "Although I don't know your name, it is an honor for me to be praised for such a high level of spearmanship. I will accept it with gratitude."

Both of them are confident in their abilities, so when they meet a real opponent they will pay their respects.

The two are not only lofty warriors, but also heroic spirits who sympathize with each other.

This is the charm of the Holy Grail War.

But—not everyone knows how to appreciate this charm.

"Game over, Lancer—"

A strange voice echoed in the empty warehouse street. From the commanding tone to Lancer, it was not difficult to judge that the person who said this was Lancer's owner, Kenneth.

Saber and Irisviel raised their heads, trying to find the owner of the voice, but because the sound came so suddenly, they could not determine the source.

"—Don't waste any more time. That Saber is a strong enemy. I allow you to use your Noble Phantasm to end the battle quickly."

Kenneth's words touched the nerves of every spectator. The Noble Phantasm is the servant's trump card and the servant's strongest means. This battle has finally come to the moment of decision.

"Understood, my Lord."

Lancer answered in a respectful tone and changed his stance.

He casually threw the pistol in his left hand at his feet, and naturally everyone thought that it was Lancer's treasure.

The spell on the spear in Lancer's right hand was slowly untied, and it was a crimson spear. A completely different kind of magic was wrapped around the blade, like an ominous mirage.

"That's right. This spear is going to see blood next."

Lancer held the gun in both hands and finally assumed the normal charge posture of a spearman.

"Saber, are you using magic to gather the wind to make the sword invisible?"

Saber did not answer, but simply lowered her body and predicted Lancer's movements more carefully.

"I see." Lancer did not expect Saber's answer and continued, "Do you have a reason to make the sword invisible? In other words, the sword will reveal your identity."

"I'm sorry, Lancer." Saber remained unmoved, concentrating on capturing Lancer's every move. "Your Excellency cannot know the true appearance of my sword, because the victory or defeat has been decided before that."

"Is that really the case?"

Lancer approached step by step with extremely heavy pressure.

"Saber, let me force your invisible sword to become visible!"