Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 35: Gold and black (Part 2)


At Archer's command, the group of Noble Phantasms floating in the void rushed towards Berserker.

The roar shook the air, and the flashes of light from the continuous explosions seemed to sweep the entire night sky.

These treasures produced such tremendous destructive power, just like the carpet bombing in modern warfare, that it was hard to believe that they were just throwing weapons such as swords.

The Noble Phantasm fell like thunder, and its momentum seemed to blow Berserker's position and even the entire city block into ashes.

However, Berserker, the target of the Noble Phantasm, showed no signs of falling.

The crowd watching was stunned with astonishment. Everyone realized that they were in a tense situation of confrontation with a large number of enemies and had a sense of crisis that could break out at any time, but the scene at this time was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

The sense of surprise brought by the previous attack not only did not disappear, but became more intense.

Berserker first stretched out his left hand to catch the first spear that flew towards him, and then with the sword in his right hand, he swung the spear and sword with both hands to his heart's content, blocking the successive flying Noble Phantasms one by one.

His tactics are sophisticated and gorgeous. Although it is a Noble Phantasm taken from Archer, Berserker uses it without any discomfort. The Noble Phantasm is like an extension of his hands. The way he uses it freely looks like he is controlling a treasure that he has used for many years and cannot let go of.

This is of course also Lancelot's skill and treasure.

The ability to take away a Noble Phantasm is called "The Knight Does Not Die Barehanded". It is the embodiment of the legend that during the duel with Ferrot, Lancelot defeated Ferrot with a branch because he did not have a sword. The Noble Phantasm can completely control the objects that fall into its hands.

To be able to skillfully control a treasure that does not belong to him, he relies on the skill "Infinite Martial Arts", which refines Lancelot's martial arts, which were known to be unparalleled during his lifetime, so that his mind, skills and body are completely unified, and he can exert powerful combat power without being affected by any mental factors.

It is precisely because of this skill that Lancelot can display his original skills even when he is in a frenzy.

Both the attacking and defending sides went beyond the norm. If Gilgamesh was a big spender on items, Lancelot was undoubtedly a hardcore technical player.

"Although there are many props for krypton gold bosses, high-level players can seize ownership of the props and use them."

While others were staring intently, Shinji continued his sarcastic commentary in a light-hearted tone.

"The krypton gold boss threw props without restraint, resulting in more and more props intercepted by the high-level players, and they became more and more powerful. If the krypton gold boss did not use the upper limit of the high-level player's skills at once, or changed the combat method, the high-level players would undoubtedly have the upper hand in this confrontation."

As Shinji said, Berserker did not give in to Archer's attack. Not only that, every time a more powerful Noble Phantasm came flying, Berserker would throw away the Noble Phantasm in his hand and grab the new one. The Noble Phantasms kept changing in his hands.

Accompanied by an extremely miserable roar, the last of the sixteen treasures was knocked to the ground.

In the vacuum-like silence, in the dust, only Berserker stood firm. Apart from him, the warehouses, streets, and all the surrounding buildings collapsed.

The Black Knight held a battle axe in his right hand and a single-edged scimitar in his left hand. The remaining Noble Phantasms were either scattered at Berserker's feet or stuck in the surrounding rubble. None of them pierced the black armor.

Berserker casually raised the two remaining Noble Phantasms in his hand and threw them at Archer.

Perhaps there was no clear target, or perhaps there was no intention to hit when throwing, the axe and machete hit the pillar of the street lamp where Archer was standing, and the reinforced steel pillar was instantly split into three sections like tofu.

Before the iron pillar was shattered into pieces, the Golden Heroic Spirit leaped forward and landed on the ground as if nothing had happened.

"You lunatic, are you asking me, who should be looking down from the sky, to stand on the ground like you?"

No, the Golden Heroic Spirit's nonchalance seemed to be just an outsider's perception.

At this point in the battle, Archer's anger had reached its limit, deeply engraved between his brows, and the rising wrinkles turned his beautiful face into a ferocious one.

"This disrespect is beyond apology, I will tear you into pieces, you bastard standing there."

After witnessing this scene, Kotomine Kirei immediately conveyed the message to Tōsaka Tokiomi through his familiar.

"Gilgamesh is serious, and he intends to further liberate the 'Treasure of the King';."

Tōsaka Tokiomi involuntarily clenched his right hand: "It is too reckless to continue using the ultimate weapon in front of everyone."

"My master, please make a quick decision." Kirei's firm urging voice reached Tokiomi's ears through the shared hearing with the familiar.

Tōsaka Tokiomi clenched his teeth and stared at the Command Seal on the back of his right hand.

"I obey the power of the Command Spell, Hero King. Please calm your anger and retreat."

The moment the red light of the Command Seal illuminated the magic workshop, Archer's eyes, which were fixed with anger on Berserker, suddenly shifted direction.

His sight turned to the southeast, over there was the hilly area and high-end residential area of Miyama Town, where the Tousaka family's mansion was located.

"You want me to retreat just because of the advice of a nobody like you? You are really brave, Tokiomi."

Archer raised his lips in disgust and uttered these words in a low voice. The countless Noble Phantasms that were deployed around him hid their brilliance, and the Noble Phantasms that were shot down and discarded by Berserker disappeared without a trace.

"You've got a life, mad dog."

Although Archer's face was still filled with indignation, the murderous intent in his red eyes had receded. His proud expression remained unchanged, and even though he was no longer at a high position, his arrogant attitude had never changed.

"You bastards, before we meet again, the mob will disappear. I only want to see real heroes."

Archer uttered his last arrogant words, and his entity disappeared. The golden armor lost its texture, leaving only some residual light, which was eventually swallowed up by the night.

"It seems that the Master's personality is not as strong as Archer's."

Rider's muttering became the end of the duel between the Golden King and the Dark Knight. No one guessed the ending except Shinji.

Shinji knew very well that Tōsaka Tokiomi had spent countless manpower and resources to obtain the fossil of the world's first snake shed skin as a holy relic, just to summon the strongest servant Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh is indeed worthy of the title of the strongest, but because his strength is based on infinite Noble Phantasms, the Holy Grail assigns him the Archer class, which is known for its powerful Noble Phantasms.

In addition to its powerful Noble Phantasm, the Archer class also has another feature - it has a class skill called "Act Alone" that can greatly reduce the Servant's dependence on the Master.

Generally speaking, after the death of the Master, the Servant will disappear from this world after a few hours unless they replenish the magic power needed for the present world somewhere. The time until disappearance varies from one Heroic Spirit to another. However, after possessing the "Solo Action" skill, the Servant can stay in the present world for days even without a Master. The higher the skill level, the longer the time.

Gilgamesh's self-centered personality and A-rank "solo action" lead him to not take his master seriously at all. Even though Tōsaka Tokiomi served Gilgamesh as a subordinate and achieved a certain degree of cooperation, Gilgamesh still went his own way.

This time, there was a serious conflict in their values.

Gilgamesh claims to be invincible and does not take other servants seriously. In his opinion, punishing those who are disrespectful to the king is the most important thing. Even if some information is exposed, it is not worth mentioning - those bastards are not worthy of the king's full strength.

Tōsaka Tokiomi is different. Adhering to the traditional magus's rationality and caution, he believes that one should not reveal one's cards too early, especially when dealing with an enemy like Berserker whose details are unknown.

In order to restrain Gilgamesh, Tōsaka Tokiomi chose to use the Command Seals, which are the only three times he can use to give his servants absolute command.

However, what Tokiomi saw as advice was disrespectful in Gilgamesh's eyes, which caused a rift between the two who had been getting along fairly well.

If this crack is not repaired and continues to spread, it will eventually cost Tohsaka Tokiomi's life and trigger a series of sufferings for the Tohsaka family.

"Should I save Tokiomi for Sakura's sake? Or should I just stand by and watch for my uncle's sake?"

Shinji secretly glanced in the direction of Kariya and asked himself.

PS: I forgot to bring my USB drive when I went out this morning. The chapter I posted in the afternoon was a backup stored in the unit’s computer. I posted it without reviewing or proofreading it, so there were some problems. I will pay attention to it in the future. Please forgive me.

PS2: Also, regarding the recent issue of the original novel’s content. First, there are several classic plots that Jian Shao wants to reproduce no matter what. Second, Jian Shao chose Er Ye as the protagonist because he didn’t want to change too much. In Jian Shao’s opinion, it is better to completely make it up than to change too much. He chose Er Ye as the protagonist to make up for his many regrets and didn’t want to make it unrecognizable.

PS3: You will have a chance to see a different Holy Grail Brawl in the next or the next book. Regarding this book, I will try my best to write something new within the existing framework. I hope you will support me and click on the recommendation and collection. Hahahahahaha.