Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 39: The Second Battle Ends (Part 2)


After the destructive storm had blown the battlefield into disarray, silence came.

The sound of waves hitting the rocks and the noise from the distant streets began to secretly dot the night sky. It seemed that with Laer's departure, the isolation barrier was lifted.

Saber looked at Rider with extremely complicated eyes, the first intruder who interrupted her decisive battle with Lancer.

"Why on earth have you come here, King of Conquerors?"

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it too much."

In response to Saber's question, the burly Servant shrugged indifferently, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Let future historians figure out the reasons, plans, and other troublesome things. All we heroes need to do is follow our hearts, embrace our passion, and run on the battlefield."

"That's not what a king should say."

Saber's disappointed answer was firm in her attitude. The King of Knights believed in the way of chivalry, which was far different from the King of Conquerors' recklessness.

Rider sniffed and ignored Saber's provocative gaze.

"Every king's way of kingship is unique. I, as a king, and you, as a king, and the queen of the Kingdom of Shadows are all different. Or do you insist on distinguishing right from wrong?"

"This is exactly what I expected. I want to be here—" Saber swung the invisible sword with stubbornness and obstinacy.

"Don't be so stubborn, little girl."

Scathach stretched out her right hand seemingly casually, but she accurately grasped Saber's invisible blade. With a sudden force of her wrist, Saber's sword deflected to the side.

"A qualified warrior is not afraid of a strong enemy, but he should not provoke a strong enemy when he is not in good condition."

While Scathach was lecturing her junior, she took the opportunity to grab Saber's left wrist.

If it was in battle, even if Saber was injured, Scathach would not be able to catch her wrist, because Saber had a very buggy skill - "Intuition", Level A.

Intuition is the ability to instantly determine the "best action for oneself" in battle. A-level intuition has entered the realm of "predicting the future", and can predict the trajectory of bullets through wind sound and intuition, avoid attacks from firearms, and at the same time, can invalidate visual and auditory obstacles to a certain extent.

Thanks to this skill, Saber was able to gain the upper hand in the hand-to-hand combat with Lancer. Even Lancer's carefully calculated fatal blow did not work completely.

However, they were not in battle now, and Scathach's actions were not hostile, so Saber was a little slow and Scathach grabbed her left hand.

"Assassin!" Saber frowned, her heroic face cold as ice.

"Don't talk or move."

Scathach pulled Saber's left hand away, and a pair of eyes filled with the brilliance of the magic world looked directly at the wound on her forearm through the magic armor.

"The curse of the sea god... Power level... If I were to manifest as Caster, there would still be a way to resolve it. Now I can only help you alleviate it."

As Saber stared in confusion, Scathach's left hand moved quickly over Saber's magic armor, carving out one original rune after another.

The special effect of Diarmuid's magic spear that can destroy the yellow rose comes from the runes added by the sea god Mananno ma'lil. Scathach's use of the original runes is the right remedy for the situation. However, due to the limitation of her job, Scathach cannot use the original runes of the power level and cannot break the curse of the yellow rose.

The original rune took effect quickly, and the pain that had been bothering Saber gradually subsided. Although the thumb of her left hand was still out of control, it was much better than the previous state where her left hand was almost completely disabled.

Saber flexed her left hand and solemnly performed a knight's salute to Scathach:

"Thank you very much, Assassin."

"Nothing. This is a reward for your excellent battle with Lancer. Didn't I say that? I like excellent warriors." A truly strong person will only act at his own pace. Archer, Rider, and Scathach are no exception. She gave Rider an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, King of Conquerors, for interrupting your conversation. You may continue now. I will not interfere with your conversation, whether it's fighting or chatting."

"It doesn't matter. I have no intention of fighting tonight. As the King of Conquerors, I will never imitate others and take advantage of others."

Rider smiled softly and raised his fist.

"Saber, you have to settle this with Lancer first. No matter who wins between you and Lancer, I am willing to be his opponent. Then, King of Knights and Assassin, we say goodbye for now. The next time we meet, I hope you can still make my blood boil. Boy, don't you have anything suitable to say?"

The last sentence was spoken to his Master Waver.

"I... that... I..."

Weber lifted his head from the tank, his mouth trembling for a long time, and he didn't utter a complete sentence.

"Ha~" Rider sighed helplessly, "You are my Master after all, can't you be a little more manly? You can even say a few cool lines like the protagonists in war movies, but you are obviously not like that when you are with me."


Shinji jumped up from his hiding place and landed accurately next to Scathach, and said to Rider half-jokingly.

"—I'll say a few words and let Mr. Velvet choose one."

Rider clenched his chin, and together with Waver, whose body was stiff, he looked at Shinji.

"Ahem, let me start with something a little more arrogant - Wahahaha, the Holy Grail will definitely belong to us, you'd better give up on this idea as soon as possible."

"Or - next time we meet I will tell you that the Holy Grail is only for the strong."

This kind of cool and wild speech is most in line with Rider's personality. He shook his cape and waved his hand, as if looking for a feeling: "This is good, I like it. Boy, what do you think?"

"Oppose, objection." Weber said weakly, "Are there any other options?"

"Then let's change to something gentler - well, the mountains and rivers remain unchanged, and I look forward to having a wonderful showdown with you next time." There are slight differences in the way the Japanese and Chinese are said, but Shinji still expressed the meaning. He has always felt that such words combined with the etiquette of bowing are very graceful (pretentious).

However, Weber was still not satisfied: "Is there anything more gentle?"

Shinji was also dissatisfied, his face darkened, and he said, "Young man, the Holy Grail War is also a war. How can you fight without some momentum? The man next to you has built a huge empire spanning Asia, Europe and Africa. Don't weaken his momentum."

"Okay, fine, let's pick this one."

Perhaps it was the King of Conquerors that gave Waver the courage, or perhaps it was the young version of Shinji's jokes that eased his tension, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

"The mountains remain unchanged, the rivers flow forever. I look forward to having a wonderful showdown with you guys next time. Uh, it feels a bit weird. Is it the grammar or something else?"

"Don't worry about these details." Shinji waved his hand casually and gave Waver a thumbs up. "Next time, Servant will fight Servant, and Master will fight Master. I look forward to fighting you, Waver Velvet."

"... ... "


Waver's screams echoed in the night, clearly audible.

Rider laughed and pushed the Master back to his seat, then tightened the reins of the two sacred bulls. The bulls, which symbolized Zeus' thunderbolts, roared, emitted thunder and lightning, and shot lightning from their hooves as they galloped into the sky.


Accompanied by the roar of thunder and lightning, Rider's chariot drove towards the southern sky.

Scathach nodded to the two ladies, her body blending into the shadow of the container.

"Master, let's leave as well."

"Well, it's about time. Saber, and Miss Irisviel, we will meet again soon."

Shinji pulled his cloak, and his figure became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared out of thin air, leaving only one sentence.

"The two of you above, please stop pointing your guns at me, okay? I really have no ill intentions."