Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 42: Kick through the Deathly Flying Spear


After a brief fight a few days ago, Scathach already knew that Caster was good at summoning magic, and he had made certain preparations for the possible tide of monsters.

Generally speaking, the best way to deal with such magic is to kill the summoner before he is ready.

However, Scathach would not use this method.

She enjoys every battle, so she won't attack secretly like other assassins. She will give her opponent enough time to perform her special skills. Even if this special skill will cause her to be injured or even defeated, she will not regret it.

Scathach had intended to kill her way to Caster and pierce his heart with her superb spear skills, just like she had done countless times in the mythical era. However, the number of monsters summoned by Caster was too large, and she could not get rid of the entanglement of these monsters by relying solely on the body of a servant granted by the Holy Grail, let alone kill Caster.

"Die, die, die!"

"Use your flesh and blood as a sacrifice to awaken Jeanne d'Arc."

Looking at the graceful figure "struggling desperately" in the sea of monsters, Caster raised his hands high, his eyes bulging so much that they might fall out at any time.


As if responding to the caller's voice, the group of monsters roared together. They made strange noises that were not sure whether they were joyful or disgusted, and rushed towards the center of the encirclement.

Scathach frowned, a rare occurrence, and sighed softly while continuing to destroy the monsters with domineering spear skills that were inconsistent with her size.

"I don't hate obsession that goes beyond family, friendship, and love, but when these emotions are mixed with jealousy, madness, and hatred, they become a bit ugly."

The monsters fell like wheat. No matter they were small sea monsters, medium-sized tentacles, or large monsters, none of them could stop Scathach's spear.

At this moment, there was a brief vacuum in the monsters' attack. Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, Scathach swung her gun and hit the ground hard. The national highway, which was flat and solid and could be crushed even by heavy trucks, collapsed and dented under this shot.

The instigator of this shot, Scathach herself, took advantage of the recoil of the earth and jumped high up, more than ten meters above the ground.

This height is far beyond the attack range of the monster army.

"Death struggle! Wouldn't it be better to just die?"

Caster raised his head, snorted contemptuously, and quickly flipped the human skin book with his hands.

The sea of blood rolled, the devil's fog surged, and monsters covered with barbs and looking somewhat like bats swarmed out, making shrill cries and attacking Scathach in mid-air.

"Damn you, Caster!"

The queen of the demon world is flying in the sky, her figure is like a heavenly soldier descending.

He still maintained a relaxed attitude, as if he didn't take the army of monsters summoned by Caster seriously at all.

She casually threw the red spear in her hand upwards, then turned her head to the ground and her feet to the sky, performing a standard "overhead kick" in football.

"Gáe Bolg Alternative (Kick through the deadly spear)!"

Words were woven in her mouth, calling out the true name of the Noble Phantasm.

The space around them creaked like a wail.

Legend has it that the mistress of the Shadow Kingdom once gave her best disciple Cu Chulainn a magic spear. When thrown, the spear would turn into countless arrows to track the enemy. It was a cursed treasure called "GáeBolg" (Spear of Piercing Death).

Of course, what Scathach used at this time was not the "Gáe Bolg" given to the disciple, but an old version of the same model. Although it was an old version, its power was not inferior to the new version.

This was a devastating blow.

It cannot be avoided, and will continue to pursue the target no matter how many times you try to hide.

It is irresistible. Scathach has defeated countless powerful enemies with this spear and has never been defeated.

This is truly a sure kill!

Scathach hooked the tail of the magic spear with her toes and kicked her beloved spear towards Caster who was diagonally below.

Under the infusion of magic power, the magic spear split into two, two into four, four into eight, and in the blink of an eye, dozens or even hundreds of magic spears were generated.

The army of anti-aircraft demon bats was the first to be hit. They were pierced by the gun shadows in the sky and were blown into pieces before they could even scream.

The Air Force was destroyed, and the Army was next.

Caster sensed the danger, and his light-bulb-like eyes suddenly retracted. He ordered his summoned creatures to shrink and defend as quickly as possible, and he himself crawled under the largest monster, preparing to use this method to block Scathach's fatal blow.

The Death Shooting Spear that released its real name instantly reached its peak!

The shadow of the gun pierced through the army of monsters that Caster was so proud of, stirring up a violent storm and unimaginable high temperatures - it was more like a magic bullet than a gun!

Every gun shadow is like a howitzer, and the liberation of one's true name is no less than the simultaneous firing of hundreds of cannons!

Except for a few special Noble Phantasms, most of the Noble Phantasms of Heroic Spirits can be classified into the following three categories: anti-personnel, anti-military, and anti-city. The strength of a Noble Phantasm has nothing to do with the category, but only focuses on different directions. Anti-personnel targets one person, anti-military emphasizes range, and anti-city emphasizes destructive power.

Scathach's "Spear of Death-piercing Kick" is a perfect anti-military weapon, and is perfect for dealing with Caster's sea of monsters tactics.

You summon the army, I destroy it with one shot - this is Scathach's tactics!

The storm and high temperature continuously pierced, rolled up, evaporated, and blew away the monsters. The monster army that covered the entire road was wiped out in an instant, leaving only the largest monster, which Caster used as a physical shield, struggling to support. The twisted huge body was more than half destroyed by the dense rain of gunfire. The monster, which was always known for its tenacious vitality, could not withstand the attack of the military treasure and was on the verge of death.

The core of the rain of guns, the main body of the magic gun was like a comet that streaked across the sky, completely ending the life of the monster and marking the final blow of this baptism of magic bullets.


Even with the monster's corpse blocking the way, Caster's screams were still clearly audible, and judging from the powerful voice, the shot did not end his life.

Scathach secretly said "what a pity", and her body, which was in a free-fall state, inexplicably changed direction and rushed towards where Caster was, with a speed comparable to the magic bullet attack just now.

This is the "magic release" exerted by the skill "Wisdom of the Magic Realm", which converts the magic power released instantly into physical force and changes the direction of falling.

—If the "Kick-through Death Spear" doesn't kill you, I'll hit you with another one.

Scathach will not show mercy to her own disciples, let alone her enemies!

The purple sword transformed into a physical entity and cut the monster's body mercilessly.

Under the monster's huge body was an irregular depression with a diameter of one meter. Caster, who was supposed to be hiding here, had disappeared.

"Using the tentacle monster to dig a hole and leave from underground, it's a good tactic."

Scathach chopped up the monster's corpse with one hand, recovered the magic spear with the other, looked at the cave on the ground, and also opened the communication magic between herself and Shinji. She was doing four things at once and everything was in order.

"Shinji, what do you think we should do?"