Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 49: Church convocation


Kotomine Kirei acted quickly, and before dawn, he successfully found Caster's secret workshop according to the direction provided by Shinji.

The scene inside was indeed like hell, just as Shinji had described.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have vomited it out. Even a cleric with a strong will like Risei would feel disgusted.

But Kirei was different. Not only did he not feel disgusted, but he felt that the scene before him exuded an inexplicable temptation, which aroused his appetite.

Yes, it was like his favorite Chinese dish "Mapo Tofu" was placed in front of him. That was Kirei's favorite, the stimulating numbness, spiciness, fragrance, and hotness were an irresistible temptation, and it was also one of the few foods that could make him feel his own existence.

No, it was even more tempting than Mapo Tofu, making Kirei feel unable to extricate himself.

This is a feeling I have never had since I can remember.



I'm actually interested in corpses and blood


As soon as the thought arose, Kirei himself denied it.

As an agent, he had killed quite a few people with his own hands and had seen countless corpses and blood, but had never had such a feeling.

So, why

Kirei looked at the cold corpse again, but was shocked to find that the uncontrollable desire had disappeared, as if what had just happened was an illusion.


Kirei, doubtful, chose to pray to the Lord, just as he had done countless times. Of course, he received no response, but Kirei was not surprised by this and was even accustomed to it.

If prayer had worked, he wouldn't still be living like a zombie.

Prayer was just a means to restore his numbness, and after doing all this, he reported everything he saw to his father and teacher.

Kotomine Li was furious.

Tōsaka Tokiomi was furious.

Including the victims in the workshop, more than 20 people have died. If the Assassin team had not arrived in time, the death toll would have exceeded 30.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved by warnings and punishments. Caster and his Master must be eliminated as soon as possible!

To deal with Servants, one can only rely on Servants, so—

The church's special magic pulse spread throughout Fuyuki City, and every Master "heard" the signal.

This is a call from the church supervisor to all masters.

One hour later.

There was a gloomy atmosphere among the church's believers.

The priest, Yanfeng Li, who is the owner of this place, was looking at the strong evil aura in front of him and smiled bitterly helplessly.

No Master appeared in Fuyuki Church, instead six familiars gathered here.

Yes, six.

Except for Caster's Master Ryunosuke who cannot see the magic signal, all other Masters have sent "representatives". No one cares about the superficial attitude towards the church. It also means that Kenneth, who should have died in the Fuyuki Hyatt explosion, is still alive.

"I had prepared some small talk, but since no one seems to be here, I'll just say it straight away."

After a brief opening speech, the old priest faced the empty seats of believers—at least there were no "humans" as his audience—and continued speaking.

"The Holy Grail War, which could fulfill everyone's wishes, is now facing a serious crisis. Originally, the Holy Grail would only grant power to those who pursued it and the Heroic Spirits, but now a traitor has appeared among them. He and his Heroic Spirits have disregarded the righteousness of the Holy Grail and used the power bestowed upon them to satisfy their own shallow desires."

"It has been confirmed that Caster's Master is the culprit behind the recent serial murders and kidnappings in Fuyuki City. He used his own Servants to commit the crimes, but then left the crime scenes alone without concealing them. I think you all understand the consequences of such a serious violation of the rules of secrecy."

Although the familiars did not react at all, Kotomine Risei could confirm that the masters on the other side of the familiars must have been shaken. Just like Tokiomi in the morning, this was a normal reaction for a magus.

"He and his Servants are no longer your personal enemies, but public enemies that threaten the Holy Grail Summoning. During this extraordinary period, I will use my authority as the Supervisor to temporarily change the rules of the Holy Grail War."

"All Masters immediately stop fighting and do their best to destroy Caster. Those who destroy Caster and his Master will be given a special Command Spell."

While making the announcement in a serious voice, Risei rolled up his right sleeve to expose his arm.

Although his muscles have aged, it can still be seen that he had strong arms when he was young. From his elbow to his wrist, it is covered with tattoo-like patterns -

No, that shouldn't be called a tattoo. For the Master of the Holy Grail War, it would be easy to tell what it is at a glance.

"These are the Command Seals that were not used up by the Masters who were eliminated in the past Holy Grail War. These patterns have incomparable value to you. I can transfer these reserve Command Seals to anyone at my own discretion."

After seeing this evidence, no one doubted Father Risei's authority as the supervisor anymore.

The Command Seals that the past Masters had not had time to use were now kept by him as a manager. A rough count revealed that there were more than ten of them.

It is worth mentioning that although this mark on the Master's body has very powerful energy, it is only a kind of consumable physical enchantment after all, so it can be transplanted or transferred through the means of spells.

"If it is completed by a single person, it will only be given to that person. If it is completed by multiple people, it will be given to each participant. Once Caster is confirmed to be eliminated, the Holy Grail War will immediately restart."

Father Risei said as he lowered his sleeves to cover up the lines that drove every Master crazy.

"So if anyone has any questions, please ask them immediately - of course, only those who can speak."

The six familiars that came here did not seem to be high-level familiars that could speak human language, and Father Risei’s meaning was very clear—expel them.

However, he didn't expect that the familiar would actually speak.

"Ahem, Moses, Moses, sound check, sound check—"