Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 51: Uncle and nephew talking


When someone confidently predicts the development of events and writes a script, a completely opposite or very different result occurs, making the person concerned feel like being slapped hard in the face. This situation is called "slap in the face".

Kotomine Rizheng thought that no familiar could speak human language, so he ordered them to leave. But immediately a familiar spoke human language, which was a typical "slap in the face".

The person who got slapped in the face was none other than Shinji Matou, who had already spoken to Father Risei twice on the phone.

"Ahem, sound check, sound check—I am Assassin's Master, a mysterious magician from outside. Can you hear me? Your Excellency the Overseer."

Father Risei was not angry after being slapped in the face. He just looked at the familiar in front of him with surprise.

Rather than calling it a familiar, it would be more appropriate to call it a small alchemical puppet. The puppet is about the same size and shape as a house cat, but it has no fur. Instead, it has a faint sheen. I don't know what material it is made of. It looks like a crystal shell.

Shinji's voice came from the crystal cat's belly.

"I can hear you, Master Assassin, do you have any questions?"

I don’t know if it’s because there’s a delay in the sound transmission, but there was silence for a while before there was any feedback.

"I don't have any questions, I just want to provide information about the Caster team."

Hearing Shinji say this, Father Risei exclaimed in surprise.

Although the current goal is to destroy Caster, the relationship between the masters is not a cooperative one but a competitive one. For them, Caster's hunting battle is just a small episode, and their real goal is to win in the subsequent melee.

Everyone was eager to obtain more Command Seals. But if the enemy also obtained the same thing as oneself, then oneself would have no advantage at all.

Therefore, for these Masters, rather than cooperating with others to obtain the Command Seals, it would be better for them to kill Caster alone to gain the exclusive advantage, even though the former is a simpler method.

In Risei's opinion, it was good enough that the Masters did not interfere with each other. Why would they provide information with good intentions

"Let me make this clear first. I have no objection to you providing information, but I will not add any Command Spells to you. Also, if the information you provide is wrong, I will punish you. Is that okay?"

Father Risei's conditions were not harsh, but Shinji responded without hesitation.

"No problem. I just don't want to see the Caster group doing this anymore and continue to insult the dignity of magicians. That's all. Besides, the information I have collected is not much. If you are interested in the information about the Caster group, you may stay for a few more minutes. If you are not interested, you can leave now."

No familiar chose to leave, all eyes were focused on the crystal cat. Shinji did not delay and told the information he had prepared long ago.

"Caster's real name is Gilles de Rais, the prototype of the fairy tale 'Bluebeard'. I don't need to explain his deeds in detail, you can easily find them. Caster uses black magic, and is best at summoning and commanding monsters. He can easily summon an army of monsters."

"Caster's Master is called Ryunosuke Uzumaki, a young man in his early twenties with orange hair and leopard print clothes. He is a homicidal maniac who has the talent of a magician but is not a magician. He must have accidentally activated the summoning ritual and became the Master."

"That's all the information I can provide. If Your Excellency the Overseer has no questions, please allow me to leave."


The information Shinji provided was consistent with what the church had, and was even more detailed, so Kotomine Rishen had nothing more to say.

There was a commotion in the darkness, the sounds of chairs being moved, people getting up, and people leaving, all mixed together, and then gradually faded away.

The supervisor's notice has been received, and the additional information attached has also been learned. There is no point in staying here any longer.

From this moment on, the competition has begun.

At the same time, in the basement workshop of the Matou family, Shinji put down the black box in his hand and said to his sister who was sitting in the center of the rune magic circle: "Thank you for your hard work, Sakura. Let's remove the empathy."

"Okay, brother." Ying nodded gently, and the rune floating between her eyebrows slowly disappeared. There was also a rune crystal on the cat's forehead, and the resonance between the two enabled the master and the familiar to share the feeling.

Yes, Crystal Cat is not Shinji's familiar, but Sakura's familiar. Shinji supplies magic power to Scathach and Justissa at the same time, and also needs to store some magic power for battle, so he has no extra magic power to create and control familiars.

Therefore, after the church sent out the signal, Shinji asked his sister to send a familiar to attend the meeting on his behalf. Every time Kotomine Risei said a sentence, Sakura repeated it. The sound made to the crystal cat later was through a high-tech communication device pre-installed in the crystal cat's body, and the black box in Shinji's hand was the sending end.

By the way, Sakura has more than one familiar. In addition to the crystal cat made using Professor Justissa's alchemical magic, there is also a water element mouse made using the water-attribute magic of the Matou family. This mouse and the crystal cat went to the church together - as Kariya's familiars.

Berserker consumes more magic power than Scathach and Justissa combined, so Shinji certainly won't add to Kariya's burden.

Kariya glanced at Sakura, who was concentrating on controlling her two familiars to return home via different routes, and quietly gestured to Shinji - you follow me.

Shinji knew what his uncle meant. From the moment he stepped into the house, he had been waiting for Kariya to find him.

The uncle and nephew walked into the adjacent rooms one after the other. Sakura was in the alchemy workshop, which was also an underground training ground.

Kariya lit the lamp and Shinji closed the door, just like they usually did during training.

Kariya asked expressionlessly: "The master is Assassin, real name Scathach?"

Shinji answered expressionlessly, "Yes."

"Are you the Master?"

"Yes." In order to convince Kariya, Shinji rolled up his sleeves and revealed his Command Seals.

"Is Teacher Justissa from the Einzbern family?"


"A year ago, Teacher Justissa showed up, killed Zouken, and summoned the Servant three months in advance. Was all this planned? Including my participation in the war?" The more he spoke, the paler Kariya's face became, and finally it turned almost ashen.

Shinji could understand his uncle's attitude. Anyone would be angry if they found out that they were being used and kept in the dark by their family.

"Killing Zōken is, but the rest is not. Neither I nor Justisa have the ability to predict the future. No one knows whether you and I can qualify as a Master within a year. All we can do is to qualify as much as possible and prepare for it. If we can't participate this time, we can wait for the next time."

Hearing Shinji say this, Kariya's expression improved slightly: "You want the Holy Grail?"


"To make wishes come true?"

"No." Shinji shook his head. "What we want is the Holy Grail itself. The Holy Grail is no longer a universal wish-granting machine."

Shinji's statement aroused Kariya's curiosity: "What do you mean?"

"That's a long story."

"It's okay, we have a day." Yanye said as he walked to the rest area in a corner of the training ground, took out two cups, and poured a glass of water for himself and his nephew respectively. It seemed that he was going to fight a protracted battle.