Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 52: The origin of the Holy Grail War


Shinji took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and began to tell the whole story that only a few people knew.

"Then let's start with the origin of the Holy Grail, the Einzbern family. Please listen to me from beginning to end, don't interrupt me, and ask any questions after I finish speaking."

"The predecessor of the Einzbern family was a workshop established by the disciples of the Third Magician, which has been in existence since the first year of the Western calendar. They tried to reproduce the miracle of their master but were unable to do so by themselves. As an alternative, they created an individual identical to their master and had that individual reproduce the magic."

"At the end of nearly nine hundred years of fruitless efforts, a humanoid called the Winter Saint was created. She is Justisa."

"She was created completely by chance. Although she has the same properties as her master, the magicians are not happy. Because the birth of Yustisa was just a coincidence, a sudden mutation that had nothing to do with their skills and efforts, even if this individual reproduced the third magic."

"This was a conclusion that was even more unbearable to them than the setbacks that had lasted for nine hundred years, so the magicians began to try their best to use their own technical systems to create artificial humans that surpassed Justissa."

"The end finally came. Even if human hands could create something beyond humanity, they could not create something to redeem humanity. They accepted this. Perhaps, without the miracle of Justissa, they would not have suffered setbacks. The magicians succumbed to the limitations of their own talents. Some left the castle, and some ended their lives."

"Although the remaining androids of Einzbern were abandoned by their creators, their purity continued to operate the factory built by the magicians for the salvation of mankind and the reappearance of miracles. From then on, all androids manufactured by Einzbern were based on Justissa, and the workshop officially became the android family Einzbern."

"Five hundred years after the magician of Einzbern left, the prototype plan of the wide-area operation device of the third magic used by Justissa was created."

"Unlike the third magician, Justisa has an irreparable flaw. Her magic is like a fine weave. It takes years to save one person, but it is impossible to save all of humanity."

"Also, although Justisa herself will not age, she will die due to her frail body, so she cannot leave the city. Because of her intellectual and spiritual immortality, she will not grow at all. Objectively speaking, it is something like 'repeating the same day forever'. Although she will be freed from 'the same day' after leaving the city, what happens outside the city means a slow death for Justisa."

"Einzbern concluded that it was impossible to recreate Justissa, and in order to preserve the precious prototype that only had a one-time chance, they changed the plan to mass-produce the miracle she used."

"Justisa is the only one who has been unable to use the complete third magic for decades. Because even if a machine like Justisa uses a larger magic formula, it cannot save most of humanity at once. The idea of disassembling her magic circuits and replacing her magic formula with a human universe is the Greater Holy Grail."

"But the Einzberns alone cannot initiate such a project. They are just puppets and do not have the technology to survive outside, nor can they withstand the complexity of human society."

"The Greater Holy Grail - the reappearance of the third magic requires the understanding and cooperation of humans."

"Then in the year 1800, a visitor appeared in the Winter City, which had been producing androids for a long time. Machiri Zorgen, also known as Matou Zouken, was a magus who dedicated his life to eradicating all the evil in the world and the evil of mankind."

"Don't be surprised, uncle. Everyone has ideals, and Zang Yan is no exception. It's just that a long period of time has eroded his soul and eventually turned him into a monster. Killing him is a kind of relief."

"I don't know how, but Machiri moved the Einzbern family. Justissa, who was in a state of 'stillness', walked out of the Einzbern Castle for the first time, breaking her own eternity."

"They arrived at the land where the Magic Association's influence was the weakest, and came into contact with the Tousaka family, a native Japanese magic family. Through people like Machiri who understood, and Tousaka who collaborated, the Einzbern began to build the Greater Holy Grail. However, when the creation of the Greater Holy Grail began, new problems arose."

"The Greater Holy Grail can be built, and the Core can indeed be made, but it requires an extremely large amount of magic power to activate the Greater Holy Grail. Machiri and Toosaka have developed a plan to collect magic power for this purpose."

"In the land controlled by the Tohsaka family, there is a vein that connects to a source of magic power so huge that it can be called endless. It is the 'Fuyuki City' under our feet. Machiri and Tohsaka constructed a large-scale ritual to draw spiritual power from the vein and store it until there is enough to activate the Greater Holy Grail. This storage period is 60 years."

"In order to use this magic power, in addition to this huge spell on the surface of the earth, two necessary conditions are required: a key to open the spell, and a channel to control and guide the magic power."

"The key is the soul of the Servant. The Holy Grail War in which the seven Servants fought each other was actually to create the 'key' that would open the ritual;."

"The channel that controls and guides magic power is the 'Little Holy Grail' that Einzbern created based on Justissa. Although Einzbern cannot reproduce Justissa, it can still create a Little Holy Grail with similar performance to hers. You have also seen the Little Holy Grail uncle of this Holy Grail War. It is Irisviel von Einzbern, the guard of Saber."

"Whenever a Servant dies, his soul will be absorbed by the Holy Grail. When a certain number of Servant have died, the key will be completed, and the Homunculus that serves as the Holy Grail will also become a magical channel - a magical container made in the shape of a golden cup."

"To put it simply, Justissa is the electrical appliance, the Fuyuki Spiritual Vein is the power source, Irisviel is the wiring board, and the Servant's soul is the switch. However, this truth is only known to the three companies involved in the creation of the Holy Grail system. The other participants are kept in the dark. What they are fighting for is only the 'Lesser Holy Grail', which is the switch."

"It took a total of ten years from the beginning of the architecture to the completion of the system. The first Holy Grail summoning ceremony was carried out in the form of "cooperative summoning". However, after the Holy Grail opened the connection with the source of magic power, the situation evolved into a struggle between the Tousaka and the Einzbern and Makiri families for exclusive power, which ended in immediate failure."

"From then on, the three major families formed the Holy Grail Covenant and established rules that are still in use today. They called other magicians and let them kill each other for the Holy Grail. Except for themselves, all magicians who can summon heroic spirits are obstacles and they just need to die in the battle. The method is cruel, but very effective. From the perspective of the three major families, it is not a bad thing to be able to legally get rid of magicians other than themselves. This is the origin of the Holy Grail War."

"In 1815, the First Holy Grail War began. Since no formal rules were set beforehand, the Masters' awareness as "participants" was weak. On the other hand, since there were no Command Seals like the ones we have now, there were cases where Servants did not obey orders. As a result, the Holy Grail Summoning failed before it even took shape."

"In 1875, the Second Holy Grail War began. In view of the failure of the first war, the three families set detailed rules this time. Machiri, renamed Matou Zouken, settled in Japan and created the 'Command Spell System' that could forcibly command Servants. However, due to many reasons, this Holy Grail War still failed."

"In 1935, the Third Holy Grail War began. This time the Holy Grail War was the largest in scale. The Church of the Holy Cross sent supervisors, and the Japanese military and the German Nazis also participated in the battle around the Lesser Holy Grail. The battle was unprecedentedly fierce. The Einzberns were eliminated in the first round. Unwilling to accept defeat, they violated the rules and summoned the eighth Servant, the Avenger, but were still defeated. The Avenger's soul was absorbed by the Greater Holy Grail through the Lesser Holy Grail."

"The name of the Avenger is Angra Mainyu, a collection of all the evil in this world, and a collective wish in itself. Therefore, once he entered the Holy Grail, it was equivalent to making a wish, and then the Holy Grail, which truly had the power to fulfill wishes, accepted it as a wish and activated its power. The Greater Holy Grail itself was also contaminated by Angra Mainyu, and the original colorless power became a vortex of evil power, which could only fulfill wishes through destruction."

"For example, if I wish to become the king of Fuyuki, the Holy Grail will grant my wish by killing all the citizens of Fuyuki except me."

"The remnant of Justisa's consciousness or ghost preserved inside the Holy Grail wanted to purify the contaminated Holy Grail. By chance, she made a contract with me and relied on my magic power to leave the contaminated 'Holy Grail'; and appeared in the world in a similar way to a Servant."

"I became a Master and was able to summon Servants in advance because Justisa did something when the contract was made. My knowledge and experience were also gained when the contract was made."

Shinji lied in the second half of the sentence. He considered this place his home and didn't want Kariya and Tsuruya to have any grudge against him as an outsider soul.