Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 55: The cunning Caster group


Shinji revealed Caster's information to all the Masters out of helplessness.

After a night of pursuit, he regretfully discovered that it was not enough to rely on Scathach alone to kill Caster.

This combination of a former French marshal and a criminal genius may not be very powerful, but they are cunning enough.

After losing the workshop, Caster and Ryunosuke Uesugi changed their previous reckless and arrogant style and became more cautious in their actions. Caster reduced the scale and frequency of his magic, and Ryunosuke used his methods that had never been suspected by the police. He cleared all traces and created confusion. In the end, they actually got rid of Scathach's pursuit.

Scathach only knew that the two did not leave Fuyuki City, but she could not determine their exact location.

Although Scathach's abilities as a servant are far inferior to those of the original servant, she still has more than two thousand years of experience. The fact that he was able to escape her tracking is enough to show how tricky this extremely evil combination is.

Shinji couldn't sit still any longer. He didn't want to say something like "Every day we delay, there will be more victims." He just didn't want to see the scene he saw last night again.

In order to kill Caster's group as quickly as possible, he needs more Masters to participate.

At this time, the church sent out a signal, and Kotomine Risei's judgment did not disappoint Shinji, but this was not enough.

Most Masters who were born as magicians are cautious, put their own safety first, and will not act rashly without sufficient confidence.

Normally, after the Supervisor changes the rules, the first thing he does is to collect Caster's information. Once he has mastered Caster's data and fighting style, he will consider the timing of his move.

But Caster has only fought Scathach so far, and other Masters have no information about Caster. If they want to get information, they can only send out Servants to test him. And this "test" not only exposes Caster's strength, but also the strength of the Servants who serve as the vanguard. Which Master is willing to suffer this loss

The worst case scenario is that no one wants to be the first to take action, and it just keeps dragging on, watching Caster and Uryu Ryunosuke continue to commit crimes - in the eyes of most magicians, ordinary people's lives are worthless, so it doesn't matter if a few of them die.

This is not what Shinji wants to see. The sooner Caster and Ryunosuke Uryu die, the better.

Therefore, he had to add more fuel to the fire - put the information directly on the table. Firstly, it would reduce the time the masters spent on collecting information, secondly, it would avoid unnecessary suspicion, and thirdly, it would give other masters the impression of being "stupid" and make them look down on him.

With enough intelligence, Kenneth, who has already used up one of his Command Seals, will certainly take action. Waver, who still has the passion and sense of justice of a young man, will not lag behind. Tōsaka Tokiomi will not miss this rare opportunity either - not only from the perspective of a local manager, but also with a deeper calculation.

Archer, who has the A-rank "Act Alone" skill, is the Servant who least obeys the Master's orders. He will attack when he is happy and not attack when he is unhappy. If Tōsaka Tokiomi wants him to do something, he can only use the Command Seal to advise him as a subject.

Last night, in order to force Archer to retreat, Tōsaka Tokiomi had already used one Command Seal, and only had two left. Compared with six enemies, it was too few. He needed more Command Seals to counterbalance Gilgamesh.

The only way to obtain Command Seals is to snatch them from other Masters or be given by an Overseer.

However, this extra gift cannot be blatant and cause public outrage, so both of them need a suitable excuse.

Caster's violation just gave Archer an excuse. As long as Archer could kill Caster, Kotomine Risei could give all the extra Command Spells in his hand to Tōsaka Tokiomi.

With so many Command Seals in hand, Tōsaka Tokiomi can turn the tables and become the master without having to endure Gilgamesh's willfulness all the time.

Of course, there are always variables for things that haven't happened. If Caster dies at the hands of other servants, Kotomine Risei will also give him an extra Command Seal - only one stroke, he never said he would give him a few extra Command Seals.

Shinji was well aware of the plans of Kotomine Risei and Tōsaka Tokiomi, and he would certainly not sit idly by and watch Tōsaka Tokiomi gain such a huge advantage.

The force of the Command Spell on the Servant varies with the specificity of the command. The more specific the command, the stronger the force. For example, if Kayneth gives Lancer the command "Help Berserker and kill Saber," Lancer cannot disobey and can only obey.

On the contrary, the more vague the order, the weaker the enforcement. For example, if the servant resists a little, he can be exempted from the order of "absolutely obey the master".

In addition, the force of the command seal increases with the number of strokes consumed at one time. The force of two strokes of the command seal is stronger than one stroke, and three strokes are stronger than two strokes. By analogy, if Tōsaka Tokiomi has more than ten strokes of the command seal, then even a random command like "absolutely obey the master" can be achieved, and even the original Heroic Spirit Gilgamesh cannot resist it.

How terrifying would a Gilgamesh who obeyed orders, followed commands, and was always serious be? Shinji's scalp tingled just thinking about it.

When that time really comes, the only thing they can do is let Scathach, who is dragged down by the Assassin class, Lancelot, who restrains the "King's Treasure", and King Arthur, who has retrieved the scabbard, unite, and perhaps there will be some chance of winning.

Gilgamesh must not be allowed to become like that. I believe Gilgamesh himself does not want to become like that.

Therefore, it was Kariya's turn to take action. His and Berserker's mission was to keep a close eye on Archer and prevent him from getting the final blow.

Finally, Saber.

As a senior lunar chef and a senior royal chef, Shinji thought he knew Saber quite well, but the initiative was not in Saber's hands, but in the hands of his master, Emiya Kiritsugu - the person Shinji could not understand the most.

Shinji admires his pursuit and fears his methods.

Fortunately, Shinji has a helper, Yustisa, the ancestor of the Einzbern family, who has found the base of the Einzbern family. With her, Shinji does not have to worry about being stabbed in the back by Kiritsugu Emiya when dealing with Caster.