Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 65: The battle between the magician and the magician killer (Part 1)


Now that Lancer has appeared, it is not difficult to predict that Kayneth will attack the castle.

Both Shinji, who is familiar with the plot, and Emiya Kiritsugu, who has hunted many magicians, know that these guys are more rational than emotional, to put it nicely, and selfish, to put it bluntly.

For Kayneth, who had already used up a Command Seal, he wanted to get the reward for defeating Caster proposed by the Supervisor no matter what. However, even if he defeated Caster, it would be equivalent to becoming a joint front with Saber. The Master of Einzbern would probably be given an additional Command Seal, which was not what he wanted to see.

Therefore, Kenneth decided to leave Caster to Lancer, and sneak into the castle alone. He wanted to eliminate Saber's Master and monopolize the Command Seals.

Although this is the base that the Einzbern family has operated for many years, Kenneth is very confident because he is the head of the Archipelago family, the most famous genius in the Clock Tower, and a magician who has reached the "color position" at a young age. How can a mere self-enclosed family of androids that are not good at fighting stop him

Does it sound arrogant? But this is what Kayneth really thinks. Even through the surveillance cameras installed in various places in the castle and the magical vision granted by the barrier, Emiya Kiritsugu and Justisa can feel the pride that permeates Kayneth's bones.

Justisa, who remained in spirit form, frowned unconsciously. Laer reminded her of several examples that Scathach had mentioned where people were defeated by their opponents because of their pride and carelessness.

And seeing Emiya Kiritsugu's expressionless face as he quietly cleaned up the table and prepared his weapon, she became more certain of her judgment.

Suddenly, she stretched out her hand and gently touched her eyebrows - when did she learn to frown

When did you start to learn to analyze people's psychology and feel happy or dissatisfied about it

It must be Shinji's influence, but it's not a bad thing.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous that an artificial human who doesn't understand humans wants to save humans?" - This is what Shinji said when he first met Justisa. She couldn't understand it at that time, but now she understands it to some extent.

At this time, Kenneth had already arrived at the main gate of the castle. Even a famous family head like him had a high opinion of the Einzbern family's castle. Compared with the luxurious hotel built purely with money, this quaint Nordic castle was obviously more to his liking.

"After we defeat Einzbern, it would be nice to occupy this city as a new base."

As for the abandoned factory where he had been hiding before, haha, Kenneth would never admit that it was his base. His beloved fiancée Sora had ridiculed him many times for this matter.

Thinking of this, Kenneth's possessiveness became stronger.

"It has been decided that the damage to the building will be kept to a minimum."

Kenneth smiled arrogantly, picked up a test tube with his white-gloved right hand, and slowly poured the silver liquid into the ground.

"Fervuis. (My blood boils)"

He whispered the spell to start the magic, and the solution, which seemed to be only 100 ml, began to expand wildly once it left the test tube, and finally expanded into a silver sphere with a diameter of nearly one meter.

This is Kenneth's trump card, the result he is proud of, and one of the magic costumes that Shinji most wants to obtain.

The name of the costume is "Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid". It is a unique combat costume created by Kenneth by combining his dual attributes of Feng Shui and his best fluid manipulation magic.

The essence of that silver sphere is specially treated mercury, and Kenneth can manipulate this mercury at will. Mercury has no fixed shape and can be molded into any shape.

"Automatoportumdefensio (Autonomy of defense)."

"AutonlatoporIunlquaerere (Automatically search for the enemy)."

"Dilecursio (Auto Attack)."

As Kenneth chanted in a low voice, the block of mercury rustled and vibrated on its surface as if in response, and then followed him under his feet as he approached the castle gate.


At Kenneth's command, part of the mercury ball suddenly turned into a thin and long ribbon and extended upwards. Then, the mercury ribbon hit the gate like a whip.

Just when it was about to hit, the mercury whip suddenly compressed into a thin plate with a thickness of only a few microns, becoming a mercury blade as sharp as a razor. As a result, under the mercury blade, the heavy door bolt was cut in half like tofu, and the door fell inward with a heavy sound.

Mercury is a very heavy liquid substance at room temperature, but when it moves at high speed under high pressure, it has a powerful momentum. Moreover, mercury can be transformed into various shapes such as whips, guns, and knives at will, and its sharpness can even surpass that of lasers.

In front of the Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid, no matter how strong the material is, it makes no difference. Be it titanium alloy or diamond, none of them can withstand the Mercury Blade unless they also have special mysteries attached to them.

After clearing the obstacles in front of him, Kenneth walked leisurely towards the hall in the city.

The crystal chandeliers in the hall were emitting brilliant light, and the marble floor was polished to a very smooth surface without a single flaw. The air was also unusually quiet, with only Kenneth's presence, and no one came out to greet him.

This was only natural. As soon as she noticed Kayneth's presence, Irisviel left the castle under the protection of Hisau Maiya, leaving Emiya Kiritsugu alone to fight the enemy. With Emiya Kiritsugu's unscrupulous style of doing things, how could he be so foolish as to confront Kayneth head-on

And Kenneth still doesn't know who his opponent will be. No, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

"The ninth head of the Archibald family, Kenneth El-Melloi, is here."

Kenneth announced loudly in the empty hall.

"Magician of Einzbern, I have come to fight you, risking my life and honor for the Holy Grail."

No one responded, as if they were not looking forward to the duel with Kenneth.

If Shinji saw this, he would sneer and shake his head and say, "Director Ken, you chose the wrong place."

If he had not come to cause trouble for Einzbern, but had entered the Tōsaka Mansion in this way, Tōsaka Tokiomi, who was also a traditional magician and admired the elegance and pride of magicians, would have definitely shown up and fought Kenneth openly.

If it's the Matou family... ... Dear, not counting Diarmuid, you win if you can break the door.

PS: There is a difference between the animation and the original novel. In the novel, Kenneth's Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid is directly stored in a ceramic jar, totaling ten liters. Dear friends, ten liters! Director Ken holding such a thing instantly makes him look very low-class. In the animation, it was changed to a test tube, which is worthy of Director Ken's status.

PS2: Scalp, the transliteration is Scalp - there is a book friend whose name is this, is it from here