
Chapter 4: dance



Shen Xu lowered his eyes, I sank my heart, I don't know how to express this strange feeling, the momentary trance just now seems to have deceived myself, because of the tone of his speech? Because of an inadvertent little action? Or is it because he is so obsessed with my preferences, with this pretty face that's almost unreal

"Is that so? But the show will start soon." Shen Xu smiled at me, "There's no room left."

When he bent his eyes, the eyelashes at the end of his eyes almost touched the skin below, adding a thin layer of temptation to his innocent face. The paint he used to apply his eyes should be ground from plants, fine and dense. The ground was spread out and exposed to the air, and quickly oxidized to a dark green.

The stage layout is rather rudimentary, filled with a mixture of wooden frames and sand, and there is a sense of decay in the unreasonable. I found that Shen Xu lied to me just now, there are seats here, a few European and American tourists were sitting in the front row, and they were taking pictures with exaggerated movements. After we sat two rows, there was no one left or right.

The wooden chair swayed like it had osteoporosis. The ground under my feet was soft and damp, which made people uncomfortable. I sat on it carefully, and I always felt that I was going to fall directly into the ground in a second. But for ninety rupees per game, even if I fell, I had to crawl out of the mud to watch the dance.

Shen Xu glanced at my stiff back and said with relief, "It's alright, it won't collapse."

"Really?" I still didn't sit hard.

"If I say it's true, will you sit down at ease?" Shen Xu asked me rhetorically.

I was stunned, and said humbly.

"It really won't collapse." Shen Xu helped me hold a handle, "Don't worry."

His voice is low, not like that irresponsible promise, so I can't help but think that everything he says is reliable.

Several low-wattage lamps accidentally created a hazy stage light. The dancers, both male and female, were bare-chested, and only wore two or three pieces of spider web-like jewelry on their chests, which outlined the charming muscles and made their breasts bright red. Want to drip.

I can't understand the plot, but I just couldn't bear to look away, took out the white book from my pocket and put it on my lap, making records with my first consciousness.

There is power in this land, the dancers freeze at the end of each act, the raised sternum is poking out of the skin, they don't even blink, it's like being cast there, and then the black curtain will sparse Putting it down, those curved limbs and weird eyes exuded a unique beauty, gradually condensing into a fragrant fragrance, I took a deep breath, "Did you smell it?"

"Smell what?"


"Where is the aroma?"

"Everywhere." I lean back slightly and the chair creaks.

Shen Xu turned her head to the side, and the half of her face that was far away from the light was dazed, "Is it perfume?"

"It's more like a plant fragrance, wood and some spices... mint branches wet by rain." I carefully distinguished the smell, raised my hand, and sniffed it close, "Fingers are also very fragrant."

"I smell." Shen Xu caught my wrist, the tip of his nose stopped a few millimeters away from touching the skin, and the pulp of his fingers lightly pressed against the pulse, making every beat feel a lot of movement.

He moved his fingers and pressed against my palm, where is the sensitive zone, and another part of the body tightened together with the palm, erotically hot.

"Do you smell it?" I twisted my wrist and struggled, Shen Xu seemed to be reluctant, and the tip of the nose moved smoothly from the pulp of the fingers to the joint connected to the palm, "Well."

I withdrew my hand and lowered my head to stare at the painting. Shen Xu also began to stare. His warm breath seemed to be still on the back of my hand. In order to ease the strange atmosphere, I pretended to say casually: "It's too dark, I can't draw it right."

Using a small section of charcoal, the older dancer knelt in front of the two old chairs used as horses and made a gesture of answering the prince. His arms were stretched straight, but his neck and back were bent at an incredible angle. , Because I didn't look at the paper painting, the lines I used to describe him were crossed and confused, blurring his suffering, Shen Xu looked at it for a while, "It's very beautiful." He said, "It feels awkward."

The Indians on the stage started pacing in circles. The golden armband slipped and collided with the bracelet. I turned over a page and moved the notebook between my legs, but I wanted to draw the same mood again, but I couldn't. Can't do it.

There was no fan in the palm house. Except for the audience sitting, everyone was in constant motion. The air was hot and dull, like a fire burning in a kiln. My hand holding the pen quickly sweated. At the end of the game, it was so slippery that it was completely unstoppable.

When I stood up, I felt dizzy, the back of my head felt like I had slept for a long time, and the back of my head throbbed suddenly. The chair seemed to have hit something soft. I turned my head to look, and my stomach suddenly twisted.

—It was a decomposed rodent.

The aroma dissipated suddenly, replaced by a sour stench that made people sick to the stomach. Shen Xu froze after seeing the dead object, grabbed my arm tightly and asked me if I was okay, I frowned, unable to say a single word. Character. Shen Xu quickly took me out of the room. The path was shorter than when we came in. When we got out, the air was much fresher. I gasped heavily. , "I'm sorry I'm not good... Do you want to vomit? If you want to vomit—"

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and shook my head, "No."


"Well, I'm not afraid of mice." I pressed my stomach, "I think I might have eaten badly."

Shen Xu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but it didn't relieve much, "Xiaojin, don't walk around here, I'll call a tricycle, the stomach medicine and antiemetic and diarrhea medicines are in the hotel room. ."

"Mr. Shen." I bowed down weakly, "Why are you always so unpredictable?"

"For a trip, common medicines need to be prepared." After Shen Xu left for just three minutes, a motorcycle was summoned. The driver honked his horn, and all the children in Old Derry Street gathered around, begging for money with their thin arms, "Five rupees! Five rupees!"

Shen Xu put me on his shoulder in a comfortable position. The voice of the child outside the car became louder and louder, and he took the initiative to reduce the price to one rupee. , Shen Xu stopped me, tilted his body, took out his change, shook his head and said, "I'm like this, how can I take care of others?"

"They are pitiful." My stomach cramped, and I screamed again, "Is it bad for breakfast or bad milk tea? Maybe it's milk tea... But that kind of milk tea is delicious, I Do you want to take medicine first before taking anything else next time?"

"Stop talking." Shen Xu's chin was against my hair, "Close your eyes and rest for a while."

His body temperature is deceptive, making people feel dependent for no reason. I closed my mouth, not thinking about anything else, and closed my eyes with peace of mind.